John from Europe
2006-10-25 08:02:56 UTC
Hello all (still) brothers and sisters, and also (almost) all
ex-members and christians and anti-moonies etc....
Lucifer....., please this hello is not for you, I will not communicate
with i.diots like you. I prefer serious talk.
Also please my English is quite poor, please dont use any idioms, slang
etc., I will not understand and not answer. OK? Or do you think that
English is the only language? Or that U.S. is the only democracy? (
must say - from 9/11 I have feeling that US has already nothing to do
with democracy and human rights :)) Anyway this is more sad than funny.
So my history: As a child I was raised as catholic. Later in 12 I
"left" christianity and "joined" New Age Movement. Was quite active in
this movement, did lot of meditations, some seminars. I joined UC in
1994, was 17 years old. I am bleesed second time. 1997 broken, 1999
successful (we love each other a lot). Have 2 children - son and
1994, 1995 - very enthusiastic, positive. Had a big hope to future for
church. Our national church was fastly growing. It was all about love,
loving community, spirituality
1996 - 1/3 of blessings broken, some members left, growth stopped
(until now).
1997 - I am still very positive, 1st blessing is not easy - my wife is
not humble, wants too much, her faith is not so strong. I am full time,
doing FR
1998 - my spouse found herself a boyfriend, broke blessing and left
church. I have first time critical time. But my faith is strong. All
the time I am doing preblessing. Majority from blessings 97, 98 in our
country are broken. My best friend is also leaving church.
1999 - next blessing is coming. My faith became weakened. Especially
about blessing. I am pushed by my leaders to Blessing 99. I dont want
somehow. I cannot promise that I will not break. My leader accept this.
Finally my blessing is very good. Others are not so successfull.
I start to do inter-religious mission. Meet many religious groups,
study about them, doing common meetings. I have very difficult
relationship with my CARP leader. Even sunday services are so boring.
2000 continuing my inter-religious mission. Many old members from 94-97
already left church. In my city I cannot find any good friend. Almost
all young members already left. Our city is not doing any activities.
No wittnesing. Little by little I am loosing faith.
2001 Chong Pyong seminar, finishing university, my spouse is also
finishing university, starting family life. Starting job. Doing mission
only on family level during free time.
2002 problems with city leader, loosing faith, some new members coming,
some leaving, my two new friends are moving to distant city. My wife is
also not inspired to do some mission. Her brother becomes leader of
another city. All the time he is accusing us, that he is spiritually
younger, but very active, and that to believe is not enough, that we
will go surely to hell. Our son has been born. He is our major mission.
Cannot accept war in Iraq.
2003-2004 some MEPI in Israel during my vacation. A new fresh spiritual
wind. Once again have little faith, hope, ..... Also our dauhter has
been born. We are very busy with reconstruction of old house we have
purchased, especially with children and with my new job. Have no time
for any mission.
2005 one more MEPI. Once again loosing faith....
2006 Find out that I have no reason to continue in UC. Maybe comeback
to New Age?
I find out that It was not so much about love, loving community,
spirituality........... Actually it was too much about money,
byrocracy, totality, lies...
No discussions allowed, no doubts.
Everybody was all the time lying. On one seminar we were teached about
indian idiom: "A man with two tongues will not enter indian heaven".
Actually this was UC way.
For example Hyo Jin - all the time leaders said that the rumors are not
true, that it is from satan. That he is saint, he is a formula man.
And what about next "True" children. One is enjoying her honeymoon with
her boyfriend (a trainer). Second did suicide. Third is punk style
using many ugly words. But dont be afraid. At least they are not poor,
their Papa gave their millions of $$$ for their drugs, .........
Or Kahr Arms? "Are you crazy. It is totally stupid. Our church has
nothing to do with arms. It is lie from anti-cultists. It is against
Or what about latino Kontras? Nice, beatiful.
And Iraq. Many years no clear standpoint. 1/2 strongly against war, 1/2
fanatically for Bush and his holy wars. But most leaders in Europe was
for war and those against were persecuted. Many had to leave our church
just becouse their opinion about Iraq. And what about reverendo?
"France and Germany has fail and not followed America", and many
And now? Peace tours.... and suddenly against wars. Reverendo,
Reverendo, you like to change your opinions.... Not like unchanging
God. Why? Becouse it is not so much popular in world? Or because it is
already clear how much did Adolf Bush killed innocent people (more than
500 000 Iraqi civilians)?
And what about Wash. Times? You like them so much! All the time we
heard about holy Times...
How can you americans even read them?
I have never seen so much racist, nationalistic, extreme and
pseudo-fascist papers.
This is your unification? tolerance? inter-religious and international
item? peace item?
And reverendo, he is so humble..... He likes to be admired, to be
devoted, to be always with VIPs, to be 1000x coronated.
Of course he is not humanist. He has maybe never said to some member:
"Thank you" or "Please".
Yes this is typically Korean "polite" (a higher race class) . Only
think he knows is to spread a critics and judge.
"You must this and this.."
"And I am superman. I did this and this, praying 1000 years, making 1
000 000 conditions simultaneously, earned all money for UC, matched
3x360 billion couples, made maps of myriads spiritual countries, spent
36 hours a day on fishing, ......"
And we members must do the same... give ten thousands of $$$ to church
all the time (in my country average sallary is about 300$), make 1000
of conditions (our continetal director already started maybe 54. 40-day
condition in his few years career. Maybe he wants to be popular enough,
that no member will forget his name when doing replacement surgery
after 1 000 000th full bow; whats the problem.... DMN and HMN already
did 1xe1000000000000000000000 bows), 24 hours of day do wittnessing, 24
hours of day do studying principle and read tens of speeches hundreds
of time, 24 hours do fundraising and raising thousands of dollars is
not enough, because Papa needs more for his purpose. (He needs more
And who is not capable to do this all is not worthy and is man of
failure. Typical satan child. Dont matter that he was blessed already
10 times and drink couples of gallons of wine/juice.
And those who does not agree: those are all communists!
Yes this is actually typical moonie style.
Those who are not one with reverendo or some leader are automatically
communists. So ex-monnies, christians, muslims, white people, japanese,
russians, non-believers, peace movements members, democrats these all
of course are communist. Becouse communists are worst people ever.
And those lovers and zombies of god Bush would say: those against
me=terrorists. And of course terrorists=communists. Lets destroy them.
Lets make our oil/weapons bussiness. Kook Jin will join us. Why to
destroy them? Becouse we are proud white Americans the only chosen true
christians, we are majority of world becouse those others are worst
than pigs and 1 white protestant republican American is surely more
than 100 pigs. Lets make pig hunting. Maybe Moons will join us... They
like hauntings. If not Pruden and col. will do it.
Ok. Wow. Thats it.
Any critism, opinions are welcomed.
ex-members and christians and anti-moonies etc....
Lucifer....., please this hello is not for you, I will not communicate
with i.diots like you. I prefer serious talk.
Also please my English is quite poor, please dont use any idioms, slang
etc., I will not understand and not answer. OK? Or do you think that
English is the only language? Or that U.S. is the only democracy? (
must say - from 9/11 I have feeling that US has already nothing to do
with democracy and human rights :)) Anyway this is more sad than funny.
So my history: As a child I was raised as catholic. Later in 12 I
"left" christianity and "joined" New Age Movement. Was quite active in
this movement, did lot of meditations, some seminars. I joined UC in
1994, was 17 years old. I am bleesed second time. 1997 broken, 1999
successful (we love each other a lot). Have 2 children - son and
1994, 1995 - very enthusiastic, positive. Had a big hope to future for
church. Our national church was fastly growing. It was all about love,
loving community, spirituality
1996 - 1/3 of blessings broken, some members left, growth stopped
(until now).
1997 - I am still very positive, 1st blessing is not easy - my wife is
not humble, wants too much, her faith is not so strong. I am full time,
doing FR
1998 - my spouse found herself a boyfriend, broke blessing and left
church. I have first time critical time. But my faith is strong. All
the time I am doing preblessing. Majority from blessings 97, 98 in our
country are broken. My best friend is also leaving church.
1999 - next blessing is coming. My faith became weakened. Especially
about blessing. I am pushed by my leaders to Blessing 99. I dont want
somehow. I cannot promise that I will not break. My leader accept this.
Finally my blessing is very good. Others are not so successfull.
I start to do inter-religious mission. Meet many religious groups,
study about them, doing common meetings. I have very difficult
relationship with my CARP leader. Even sunday services are so boring.
2000 continuing my inter-religious mission. Many old members from 94-97
already left church. In my city I cannot find any good friend. Almost
all young members already left. Our city is not doing any activities.
No wittnesing. Little by little I am loosing faith.
2001 Chong Pyong seminar, finishing university, my spouse is also
finishing university, starting family life. Starting job. Doing mission
only on family level during free time.
2002 problems with city leader, loosing faith, some new members coming,
some leaving, my two new friends are moving to distant city. My wife is
also not inspired to do some mission. Her brother becomes leader of
another city. All the time he is accusing us, that he is spiritually
younger, but very active, and that to believe is not enough, that we
will go surely to hell. Our son has been born. He is our major mission.
Cannot accept war in Iraq.
2003-2004 some MEPI in Israel during my vacation. A new fresh spiritual
wind. Once again have little faith, hope, ..... Also our dauhter has
been born. We are very busy with reconstruction of old house we have
purchased, especially with children and with my new job. Have no time
for any mission.
2005 one more MEPI. Once again loosing faith....
2006 Find out that I have no reason to continue in UC. Maybe comeback
to New Age?
I find out that It was not so much about love, loving community,
spirituality........... Actually it was too much about money,
byrocracy, totality, lies...
No discussions allowed, no doubts.
Everybody was all the time lying. On one seminar we were teached about
indian idiom: "A man with two tongues will not enter indian heaven".
Actually this was UC way.
For example Hyo Jin - all the time leaders said that the rumors are not
true, that it is from satan. That he is saint, he is a formula man.
And what about next "True" children. One is enjoying her honeymoon with
her boyfriend (a trainer). Second did suicide. Third is punk style
using many ugly words. But dont be afraid. At least they are not poor,
their Papa gave their millions of $$$ for their drugs, .........
Or Kahr Arms? "Are you crazy. It is totally stupid. Our church has
nothing to do with arms. It is lie from anti-cultists. It is against
Or what about latino Kontras? Nice, beatiful.
And Iraq. Many years no clear standpoint. 1/2 strongly against war, 1/2
fanatically for Bush and his holy wars. But most leaders in Europe was
for war and those against were persecuted. Many had to leave our church
just becouse their opinion about Iraq. And what about reverendo?
"France and Germany has fail and not followed America", and many
And now? Peace tours.... and suddenly against wars. Reverendo,
Reverendo, you like to change your opinions.... Not like unchanging
God. Why? Becouse it is not so much popular in world? Or because it is
already clear how much did Adolf Bush killed innocent people (more than
500 000 Iraqi civilians)?
And what about Wash. Times? You like them so much! All the time we
heard about holy Times...
How can you americans even read them?
I have never seen so much racist, nationalistic, extreme and
pseudo-fascist papers.
This is your unification? tolerance? inter-religious and international
item? peace item?
And reverendo, he is so humble..... He likes to be admired, to be
devoted, to be always with VIPs, to be 1000x coronated.
Of course he is not humanist. He has maybe never said to some member:
"Thank you" or "Please".
Yes this is typically Korean "polite" (a higher race class) . Only
think he knows is to spread a critics and judge.
"You must this and this.."
"And I am superman. I did this and this, praying 1000 years, making 1
000 000 conditions simultaneously, earned all money for UC, matched
3x360 billion couples, made maps of myriads spiritual countries, spent
36 hours a day on fishing, ......"
And we members must do the same... give ten thousands of $$$ to church
all the time (in my country average sallary is about 300$), make 1000
of conditions (our continetal director already started maybe 54. 40-day
condition in his few years career. Maybe he wants to be popular enough,
that no member will forget his name when doing replacement surgery
after 1 000 000th full bow; whats the problem.... DMN and HMN already
did 1xe1000000000000000000000 bows), 24 hours of day do wittnessing, 24
hours of day do studying principle and read tens of speeches hundreds
of time, 24 hours do fundraising and raising thousands of dollars is
not enough, because Papa needs more for his purpose. (He needs more
And who is not capable to do this all is not worthy and is man of
failure. Typical satan child. Dont matter that he was blessed already
10 times and drink couples of gallons of wine/juice.
And those who does not agree: those are all communists!
Yes this is actually typical moonie style.
Those who are not one with reverendo or some leader are automatically
communists. So ex-monnies, christians, muslims, white people, japanese,
russians, non-believers, peace movements members, democrats these all
of course are communist. Becouse communists are worst people ever.
And those lovers and zombies of god Bush would say: those against
me=terrorists. And of course terrorists=communists. Lets destroy them.
Lets make our oil/weapons bussiness. Kook Jin will join us. Why to
destroy them? Becouse we are proud white Americans the only chosen true
christians, we are majority of world becouse those others are worst
than pigs and 1 white protestant republican American is surely more
than 100 pigs. Lets make pig hunting. Maybe Moons will join us... They
like hauntings. If not Pruden and col. will do it.
Ok. Wow. Thats it.
Any critism, opinions are welcomed.