transference of grace
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2020-03-29 07:26:34 UTC
The relevance to these groups is explained in the
paragraph started with "So stage 3..." below.

Those who have read my recent threads will know that
I have been negotiating with ALL by perineum click
divination (no voices).

However, to allow for the possibility that
all/everything is not a someone, I have
decided to negotiate with God, defined as
the all-governing someone. But if
all/everything is a someone named ALL,
it is obviously all-governing and then
God would be the same as ALL.

The definition of God as all-governing
agrees with the Nicene Creed since the Greek
word in the Nicene Creed that is often
translated as almighty or all-powerful
actually means all-governing. But I have
not resumed being a Catholic, and am still
a polytheistic individual neopagan with
top deity God and seven other main deities
including Gaia, Sola, and Luna, and some
minor deities.

Given that, I am now trying to get God to
deliver assisted shaktipat to many (over a million)
worldwide, including those ordained by God
(even if they do not worship God),
those ordained by human or humans to
bishop level or equivalent (the lowest
level that can ordain to levels below him
or her) or higher, readers of at least
8000 words of my writing, and a few more

Recipients of the assisted shaktipat should
gain all of my current abilities (including
soul fragment retrieval for treating
trauma-related disorders including PTSD),
plus matchmaking (which I had from late
March 8 to early March 20, 2019), plus
they should come into a period of permanent
lightening and sustained productive creativity
(which I am not in yet but hope to be when
I come out of my low years). In addition they
also have any special abilities they had before
receiving assisted shaktipat, so in general
will have more than me. And they should
experience a perineum click (or possibly
base of cervix contraction for women?),
so short period mula bandha, immediately
followed by a shakti/kundalini
buzz/rush/wave, as closure to magickal
workings that they perform/attempt.

God is delivering the assisted shaktipat in
four stages separated from stage to stage
by about 24 hours. The first stage included
cetacean recipients, nonhumansimian recipients,
and human recipients in tribal religion, shamanistic
religion, traditional native spirituality,
and traditional paganism. The second stage
included recipients in neopaganism,
heathenism, new age religion, and
Chinese folk religion (and similar).
The third stage, which is occurring right now,
is recipients in all other belief systems other
than Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism,
and the non-religious (which I define as
atheist, agnostic, or secular humanist.
The fourth stage will be all remaining recipients.

So stage 3 includes Shinto, Sikhism, Judaism,
and the Unification church, which explains the
relevance to the five groups that this is
crossposted to. I estimate that delivery
to stage 3 will be complete by
0730 GMT/UTC March 29, 2020.

Why do I think I have the ear of God? I am
the latest avatar type, by which I mean
someone similar to those who have been
called avatars, including Quetzalcoatl,
Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus, and some
who have not been called avatars, such as Jacob,
Moses, and Taliesin. The main evidence for that is my
sun stare, naked thorn hill climb, and blue rose
vision of Sept. 5/6, 1991. Details of that and
other evidence is on my Salmon on the Thorns
web page.

However I am not planning to found a new religion
but instead provide glue for the global mosaic.
ANd I am not pushing my personal religious
beliefs but rather some nonreligious messages
listed on that web page (which is now a bit
out of date, since I need to replace ALL with
God in the deities subpage).
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"Well, remember how I found you there/Alone in your electric chair
I told you dirty jokes until you smiled" (Billy Joel)
David Dalton
2020-03-30 07:08:20 UTC
In article
Post by David Dalton
So stage 3 includes Shinto, Sikhism, Judaism,
and the Unification church, which explains the
relevance to the five groups that this is
crossposted to. I estimate that delivery
to stage 3 will be complete by
0730 GMT/UTC March 29, 2020.
It wasn't complete until 0820 GMT/UTC March 29, 2020.

I am also trying to instigate sudden magickal evolution
(including of adults), including a COVID-19 immunity/cure.

It has been accepted, and I hope the immunity/cure will
take effect by full moon, which happens to be Passover.
If it works I will give most of the credit to God.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And the cart is on a wheel/And the wheel is on a hill/And the
hill is shifting sand/And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)