Post by bd4u.utahPost by a***@yahoo.comPost by  R. L. Measures.In article
Post by  R. L. Measures.In article
Post by bd4u.utahPost by  R. L. Measures.In article
Post by bd4u.utahPost by bd4u.utahBruce Daniel-<SLAP>
LOL, yer so full of it. I'm not preaching anything. I'm simply
telling the truth as I know of it.
I can see that your momma and dadda didn't raise you
right. You go around slapping people, just like you slap
your kids, and your momma
and dadda slapped each other around.
Yeah, that kinda thing runs in the family. You learn
it from your parents, and then pass it on to your kids.
It's very unfortunate that Just because people are
Mormon that their marriages are not all the same
in edifying others instead of tearing them down!
P.S. The ONLY reason I am "active" in the LDS
Church is because that is where the Holy Ghost
(Shekhinah, Tao) wants me to be at this time. Too
bad you can't see it that way. Or maybe you would
be "active" too!
There are a lot of good people in the Mormon religion,
and I can see clearly why you both left!
** =3DA0No one likes to admit they were sold a bill of goods.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,
Apparently NOT! Simply hitting to close to home
apparently. Most people, are more honest than NOT!
It's the Christian way!
** =A0the only type of prevarication proscribed by the Ten Commandmsnts i=
Post by  R. L. Measures.calumny. =A0General purpose lying isn't. =A0
Post by bd4u.utahDrilled into us, since we were
all youngsters. Even though other cultures, and other
beliefs claim otherwise.
Ya know I was thinking the other day. If you were in
Germany at the height of Hitlers Antisemitism, if you
were hiding a Jew in your basement, and the Gestapo
stopped you to ask if you knew where any Jews were.
What would you tell them? The truth, or a lie?
** =A0I don't know.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,
Salutations de la France ! I know what I would do, to tell the truth
would cause a person to loose their life, to lie would save their
life. The correct decision seems obvious to me.
** The troubling thing about Mormonism is:
"It does not matter that the criticism is true ."
-- LDS "Apostle" Dallin H. Oaks
"Some things that are true are not very useful."
- Boyd K. Packer, LDS "Apostle"
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734,
....and then you have Paul H. Dunn and his lies.
You still don't get it do you?
Post by bd4u.utahEverybody lies, some just don't
want to admit to it.
Everybody would include God, Jesus, you and Moon,...right?
Post by bd4u.utahEvery lie is based on the truth, and the
truth is relative.
Not true, the truth is definitive. It either is or is not.
Post by bd4u.utahWhat is true for some people is not true
for others.
If the truth is not true for others, it is not the truth !
Post by bd4u.utahYou yourself claim that the Kabbalah is a "legend",
a myth, do you also claim it to be a lie, simply because for
you it does not work?
Yes. Following is an example of the teaching of the Kabbalah, and as
one can see, it is jibberish.
In comparison with the Zohar, Lurianic teachings regarding the soul
were far more elaborate. In one teaching the formation of the soul
recapitulates the process of cosmic emanation and contributes towards
the cosmic redemption or tikkun. Explains Scholem:
"Just as the supernal lights of the partzufim of Atzilut develop
through conjunctions and "couplings" (zivvugim) of the parztufim, so
are the souls born through a corresponding process. Within the
Sefirah Malkut of each parztuf are...souls in a potential state that
ascend...and are actualised as a result of the "unions" of the
(higher) Sefirot. At the outset these souls exist only in the state
of "female waters" (mayyim nukbin); that is, they are passive
potencies that...lack harmony and form....Only through additional
"couplings" of...Ze'er Anpin with its female counterpart or Nukvah do
they receieve the actual structure of souls. With each new arousal of
the "female waters" in these parztufim, new opportunities arise for
the creation of souls. Such a process occurs in all four worlds....,
the possible variation in modes of souls being practically infinite.
Each of these souls recapitualtes...the structure of the worlds
through which it passed (when)...being created, so that when it
descends to enter a body in this world it will be able to work towards
the latter's tikkun...and, to some extent,...the uplifting of the
higher worlds as well."
[Kabbalah, pp.161-2]
Post by bd4u.utahThat does not mean it is not true
for others. Everyone has their own truth, whether it works
for them or not is the question.
If something is false, then it is false for everyone !
Post by bd4u.utahDo you know WHY the Mormon Church (or for that matter
any fraternal/maternal organization) holds certain meetings
in private? It is in order to keep the believers informed, not
the doubters and the skeptics.
Yes, I was friends with Apostle Hugh B. Brown's son. His father told
him what goes on in the private meetings, and it is not what the
members think goes on!
Post by bd4u.utahI have been to the Stake meetings, and seen the General
Conference of the Mormons, and I can see why it is not
open to the public. Many simply wouldn't, couldn't
appreciate it. They would find some reason to doubt,
and become suspicious over it. Not that they would have
a reason, but because they would find one.
I can see why they are not open to the public either. Take a look a
Joseph F. Smith senate testimony in the Reed Smoot case, The President didn't
have time to have prophesies, he was too greedy owning many
Post by bd4u.utahThe same thing with the Kabbalah, it was hidden away
by the Jews and still is, with it's true meaning known
only to those that do not doubt it's origins, or it's
Why oh why cast pearls before swine? For the swine
know not the value of such an item, out of ignorance
and ill-respect they would trample it into the ground.
Such is the value of true understanding and knowledge.
Yes, the swine would trample into the ground such things as:
discrimination, polygamy, murder, polyandry, suicide, lies, false
prophesies, death atonement, bank fraud, etc., all part of the history
of the LDS and other churches. The brethren wouldn't want to loose
these things!!!