Obama Recession 9/11 FRAUD Deception
(too old to reply)
Gordon Muir
2011-09-09 21:21:11 UTC
How many people saw the recent President Obama
The USA is in for some hard times ahead.
Hello Bruce,WATCH 9/11 Bishop Williamson VIDEO BELOW first,i have
allready sent this information to many followers of Rev Moon and to
FFWPU,ACLC,Universal Peace Federation.
Im shocked at the number of followers of Rev Moon who are completely
ignorant of the evil there countries leaders are planning for
them,Obama,Cameron,George W Bush,Hillary Clinton and most American and
European leaders are all murdering criminals who plan on executing
millions of Americans and european citizens JUST LIKE Stalin did and
the jews in WWII by Hitler,THE PROOF IS BELOW revealed by ex-CIA
The recession in America and europe is completely planned,all
businesses are being ordered or threatened to move to the east mainly
to China,the USA and europe are being slowly turned into military
police dictatorships and millions of citizens will be executed in FEMA
camps or sterilized.
9/11 attacks were not by muslim terrorists but by MOSAD and US
intelligence,Donald Rumsfeld,George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Rudi Gulliani
and many more political and military leaders TO GET WWIII GOING IN THE
MIDDLE EAST, (Ex-CIA George Green explains this on video below) the
WTC towers and building 7 were all taken down by controled demolition
WHICH TAKES WEEKS to place the explosives,professional engineers
explain this on the 9/11 video below.
The mainstream news is blatantly lying to the people,the mainstream
news is
owned by the same big corporations and NWO elite leaders who are
starting the
middle east wars and uprisings so they can steal the oil and have
control over
the middle east region as part of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT military
police state DICTATORSHIP where they plan to KILL MILLIONS of people
in America and europe in FEMA camps and by invading Chinese and
Russian soldiers TO REDUCE WORLD
these American and European citizens they now catogarise as useless
eaters whos
labour is no longer needed and all jobs are being intentionaly moved
countries in the east and to China and Russia who no longer have a
recession or
unemployment.ITS ALL INTENTIONALY PLANNED BY Rockefellers,Rothschilds
bilderberg group and other elite leaders.
Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions

Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it through.

Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.

Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones: Obama Tells Gibson Guitar CEO,
Move to

NWO government military state police SWAT team invaded the Gibson
guitar factory
terrorising employees to try and shut them down,they also accused
Gibson of using endangered wood as an excuse to intimidate them to
leave the USA,the Indian government
legaly allow Gibson to buy the hardwood for fret boards but the police
all the wood that fret boards are made from stoping production,this is
a process to shut down all American industry.

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

At 20mins US military hijack excercises organised by Dick Cheney were
place as the 9/11 attacks were taking place which made it confusing to
know if
the real attacks were an excercise,which was intentionaly planned that
way as a
Pilots for 9/11 Truth
We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or "hypothesis" as a
satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made and
continues to make -- some more than others.

It is now proven fact that 9/11 was not carried out by
muslims but by the U.S. government and big elite corporations who
control the world,to get WWIII going.
Bishop Williamson on Orwells 1984 and 911, part 2

Catholic Bishop Williamson believes 9/11 WTC twin towers were
with explosives and the media are telling everyone lies and he says
the pentagon was hit by a guided missile not a plane.


General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.

Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.


Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL us!

Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.

FEMA Concentration Camps in the USA

There are 800 concentration camps set up across the USA one camp in
Alaska can hold 2 million people and there are hundreds of thousands
of plastic coffins stockpiled on open ground around the USA.
What is This? FEMA Plastic Coffins? 500.000 of Them....

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass
sterilization needed to save the planet


Louis Farrakhan says on this 1st video that Libyans all have a
very high standard of living,oil profits are shared with the Libyan
are all employed and there are thousands of outsiders fully employed
in Libya
but in the USA and Britain there is mass unemployment and all profits
from oil
are not shared with the
American or British people,it all goes to the elite and if western
take control of Libya the people will be worse off than under Gaddafi
1 Louis Farrakhan Speech during Millions March in Harlem On Libya
13.08.11, NATO War On Libya

At 12:20mins Gaddafi was offering £70 billon dollars for African
development AT
NO INTEREST and the IMF and World Bank dont like that THEY WANT HIGH
RATES and dont want to share wealth with the average people they want
it all for the elite so they can easily control the masses.

Susan Lindauer worked in Libya for 9 years for the CIA and knows
Gaddafi and the
situation in Libya very well.
Susan Lindauer, Author, Extreme Prejudice-The Autograph-06-22-2011-
(Part 1)

At 10:15mins Saddam Hussein offered full access to FBI,CIA inspections
of his
country but the US government rejected this offer and were not going
to allow
peace to occur under any circumstances
9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: 'Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda'
NATO Working With Al CIAeda!

Ex-CIA Susan Lindauer says Gaddaffi has no terrorist involvement he
a moderate who gives a lot of womens rights,the NATO rebels in Libya
are the same Al-Qaeda fighters taken from Afghanistan.In Libya NATO
rebels are being recorded on video phones beheading and castrating
Libyans,gouging there eyes out,raping women cutting there breasts off.

INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of

Ground force invasion of Libya starting in July then full invasion
september into october 2011 this is WWIII


Charlotte Iserbyt Speaking At The Zombie Country Conference

In the 1980s Ronald Reagan signed an agreement with Gorbachev for the
merging of the soviet union communist system with America
At 43:50mins the cold war was a completely phoney fabricated war
The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of
Minds -
Charlotte Iserbyt 3/5

At 2:45mins the school education coming out of Washington is total
brainwashing and is the world of the future unless it is stoped right
At 4mins Charlotte wrote to president Reagan who she worked with and
the education system has become a marxist factory designed to destroy
values to make it easy to impose a future socialist,communist world
on the American people
At 5:40mins Charlottes letter is on her website on pdf format
At 7:05mins the marxist education system in America is the end of
freedom and
prosperity for average citizens designed to dumb people down.
At 7:15mins Charlotte finds out Ronald Reagan had signed an agreement
Gorbachev to merge the American and Russian education systems
At 10:25mins Charlotte says mayors must not go along with any agenda
regional government or consolidation because if schools,police forces
merge they
are told its to save money but in reality they are lying because
is communisim and the beggining of a totalitarian police state
controling America and other countries in europe and the rest of the
world will
follow this communist system.
At 11:55mins in 2002 Gorbachev said the European Union is the new
At 12:20mins one reason for war in the middle east is to destroy the
systems of the middle east to re-structure it as a new region in the
ORDER,the north American union will be renamed the north American

At 8mins in the 1990s Americans were up in arms about the destruction
of there
school system,David Hornberch went to different states destroying the
At 10:10mins Norman Dodd said the whitehouse agenda was to change
America so it
could be comfortably merged with the soviet union
At 13:45 the Carnegie trust asked in 1910 what is the best way to
change an
entire people they came to the conclusion that war was the most
effective way
then WWI began
The Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Building a World of Universal Peace at a
Time of
Global Crisis

At 3:20mins Rev Moons stand against communism
At 3:48mins Messages to Rev Moon from Ronald Reagan and Margaret
congratulating Rev Moons Washington Times newspaper in contributing to

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - John Perkins speaking at Veterans
for Peace National Convention

At 12:00mins Saddam Hussein was a CIA agent assassin then the CIA made
him president of Iraq - At 14:00mins Israel is mainly established as a
military fortress for economic corporations - At 17:00mins economic
corporations are responbible for Iraq war and many U.S. and U.K.
soldiers have died unnecessarily
John Perkins,Aljazeera TV - Riz Khan - Economic Hit Man - 27 Nov 07

Corporations put poor countries into debt and covet there natural
At 5:15 John Perkins names leaders of countries the CIA wealthy
corporations assasinated and decided to write his book to expose them
but was bribed with huge amounts of money or threatened his life and
daughters life to not publish it until 9/11 happened which made him
publish his book.
At 15mins the media is controled by the corporations to manipulate
public opinion and make sure the truth does not get out.
John Perkins an elite insider and his book "The Secret History of the
American Empire" http://www.johnperkins.org
2011-09-10 00:30:10 UTC
I know all about the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Whether they are
true or not is besides the point. If you want to be black listed by
the CIA, FBI, and whomever else. Keep talking about it!

Talking about it doesn't do any good anyway, except get yourself
blacklisted. You don't see SMM talking about such stuff, and
for good reason. It is by far better to be publicly proactive, than
to be publicly undermining. All publicly undermining is good for
is selling tickets. Misery loves company.

Post by Gordon Muir
How many people saw the recent President Obama
The USA is in for some hard times ahead.
Hello Bruce,WATCH 9/11 Bishop Williamson VIDEO BELOW first,i have
allready sent this information to many followers of Rev Moon and to
FFWPU,ACLC,Universal Peace Federation.
Im shocked at the number of followers of Rev Moon who are completely
ignorant of the evil there countries leaders are planning for
them,Obama,Cameron,George W Bush,Hillary Clinton and most American and
European leaders are all murdering criminals who plan on executing
millions of Americans and european citizens JUST LIKE Stalin did and
the jews in WWII by Hitler,THE PROOF IS BELOW revealed by ex-CIA
The recession in America and europe is completely planned,all
businesses are being ordered or threatened to move to the east mainly
to China,the USA and europe are being slowly turned into military
police dictatorships and millions of citizens will be executed in FEMA
camps or sterilized.
9/11 attacks were not by muslim terrorists but by MOSAD and US
intelligence,Donald Rumsfeld,George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Rudi Gulliani
and many more political and military leaders TO GET WWIII GOING IN THE
MIDDLE EAST, (Ex-CIA George Green explains this on video below) the
WTC towers and building 7 were all taken down by controled demolition
WHICH TAKES WEEKS to place the explosives,professional engineers
explain this on the 9/11 video below.
The mainstream news is blatantly lying to the people,the mainstream
news is
owned by the same big corporations and NWO elite leaders who are
starting the
middle east wars and uprisings so they can steal the oil and have
control over
the middle east region as part of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT military
police state DICTATORSHIP where they plan to KILL MILLIONS of people
in America and europe in FEMA camps and by invading Chinese and
Russian soldiers TO REDUCE WORLD
these American and European citizens they now catogarise as useless
eaters whos
labour is no longer needed and all jobs are being intentionaly moved
countries in the east and to China and Russia who no longer have a
recession or
unemployment.ITS ALL INTENTIONALY PLANNED BY Rockefellers,Rothschilds
bilderberg group and other elite leaders.
Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and http://youtu.be/6vEiWw1FIX8
Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it http://youtu.be/quLVgNVEmrs
Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.
Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones: Obama Tells Gibson Guitar CEO,
Move to
NWO government military state police SWAT team invaded the Gibson
guitar factory
terrorising employees to try and shut them down,they also accused
Gibson of using endangered wood as an excuse to intimidate them to
leave the USA,the Indian government
legaly allow Gibson to buy the hardwood for fret boards but the police
all the wood that fret boards are made from stoping production,this is
a process to shut down all American industry.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truthhttp://cms.ae911truth.org
9/11 -WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9/11 http://youtu.be/Q-RxtGfBYiw
At 20mins US military hijack excercises organised by Dick Cheney were
place as the 9/11 attacks were taking place which made it confusing to
know if
the real attacks were an excercise,which was intentionaly planned that
way as a
Pilots for 9/11 Truthhttp://pilotsfor911truth.org
We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or "hypothesis" as a
satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made and
continues to make -- some more than others.
It is now proven fact that 9/11 was not carried out by
muslims but by the U.S. government and big elite corporations who
control the world,to get WWIII going.
Bishop Williamson on Orwells 1984 and 911, part http://youtu.be/ooGBMFShUVo
Catholic Bishop Williamson believes 9/11 WTC twin towers were
with explosives and the media are telling everyone lies and he says
the pentagon was hit by a guided missile not a plane.
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL http://youtu.be/VNJTiUhZxaY
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
FEMA Concentration Camps in the http://youtu.be/Br1wZdc2nbo
There are 800 concentration camps set up across the USA one camp in
Alaska can hold 2 million people and there are hundreds of thousands
of plastic coffins stockpiled on open ground around the USA.
What is This? FEMA Plastic Coffins? 500.000 of http://youtu.be/FPioG_4_XEc
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass
sterilization needed to save the planet
Louis Farrakhan says on this 1st video that Libyans all have a
very high standard of living,oil profits are shared with the Libyan
are all employed and there are thousands of outsiders fully employed
in Libya
but in the USA and Britain there is mass unemployment and all profits
from oil
are not shared with the
American or British people,it all goes to the elite and if western
take control of Libya the people will be worse off than under Gaddafi
1 Louis Farrakhan Speech during Millions March in Harlem On Libya
13.08.11, NATO War On http://youtu.be/oltO9PV8qGI
At 12:20mins Gaddafi was offering £70 billon dollars for African
development AT
NO INTEREST and the IMF and World Bank dont like that THEY WANT HIGH
RATES and dont want to share wealth with the average people they want
it all for the elite so they can easily control the masses.
Susan Lindauer worked in Libya for 9 years for the CIA and knows
Gaddafi and the
situation in Libya very well.
Susan Lindauer, Author, Extreme Prejudice-The Autograph-06-22-2011-
(Part http://youtu.be/hhXPMfH7Q5c
At 10:15mins Saddam Hussein offered full access to FBI,CIA inspections
of his
country but the US government rejected this offer and were not going
to allow
peace to occur under any circumstances
9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: 'Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda'
NATO Working With Al http://youtu.be/bfv1uPBmR5g
 Ex-CIA Susan Lindauer says Gaddaffi has no terrorist involvement he
a moderate who gives a lot of womens rights,the NATO rebels in Libya
are the same Al-Qaeda fighters taken from Afghanistan.In Libya NATO
rebels are being recorded on video phones beheading and castrating
Libyans,gouging there eyes out,raping women cutting there breasts off.
INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of
Ground force invasion of Libya starting in July then full invasion
september into october 2011 this is WWIII
Charlotte Iserbyt Speaking At The Zombie Country http://youtu.be/PYNSXJbdchc
In the 1980s Ronald Reagan signed an agreement with Gorbachev for the
merging of the soviet union communist system with America
At 43:50mins the cold war was a completely phoney fabricated war
The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of
Minds -
Charlotte Iserbyt http://youtu.be/E5Ogb2zBWJw
At 2:45mins the school education coming out of Washington is total
brainwashing and is the world of the future unless it is stoped right
At 4mins Charlotte wrote to president Reagan who she worked with and
the education system has become a marxist factory designed to destroy
values to make it easy to impose a future socialist,communist world
on the American people
At 5:40mins Charlottes letter is on her website on pdf format
At 7:05mins the marxist education system in America is the end of
freedom and
prosperity for average citizens designed to dumb people down.
At 7:15mins Charlotte finds out Ronald Reagan had signed an agreement
Gorbachev to merge the American and Russian education systems
At 10:25mins Charlotte says mayors must not go along with any agenda
regional government or consolidation because if schools,police forces
merge they
are told its to save money but in reality they are lying because
is communisim and the beggining of a totalitarian police state
controling America and other countries in europe and the rest of the
world will
follow this communist system.
At 11:55mins in 2002 Gorbachev said the European Union is the new
At 12:20mins one reason for war in the middle east is to destroy the
systems of the middle east to re-structure it as a new region in the
ORDER,the north American union will be renamed the north American
At 8mins in the 1990s Americans were up in arms about the destruction
of there
school system,David Hornberch went to different states destroying the
At 10:10mins Norman Dodd said the whitehouse agenda was to change
America so it
could be comfortably merged with the soviet union
At 13:45 the Carnegie trust asked in 1910 what is the best way to
change an
entire people they came to the conclusion that war was the most
effective way
then WWI began
The Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Building a World of Universal Peace at a
Time of
Global http://youtu.be/9aMeGq5bSmg
At 3:20mins Rev Moons stand against communism
At 3:48mins Messages to Rev Moon from Ronald Reagan and Margaret
congratulating Rev Moons Washington Times newspaper in contributing to
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - John Perkins speaking at Veterans
for Peace National http://youtu.be/oARBdBtGenM
At 12:00mins Saddam Hussein was a CIA agent assassin then the CIA made
him president of Iraq - At 14:00mins Israel is mainly established as a
military fortress for economic corporations - At 17:00mins economic
corporations are responbible for Iraq war and many U.S. and U.K.
soldiers have died unnecessarily
John Perkins,Aljazeera TV - Riz Khan - Economic Hit Man - 27 Nov http://youtu.be/EK6B4Uogtso
Corporations put poor countries into debt and covet there natural
At 5:15 John Perkins names leaders of countries the CIA wealthy
corporations assasinated and decided to write his book to expose them
but was bribed with huge amounts of money or threatened his life and
daughters life to not publish it until 9/11 happened which made him
publish his book.
At 15mins the media is controled by the corporations to manipulate
public opinion and make sure the truth does not get out.
John Perkins an elite insider and his book "The Secret History of the
American Empire"http://www.johnperkins.org
2011-09-10 00:45:04 UTC
On the other hand, there is 3 sides to every coin. President Obama
thinks he is doing right, while some think that Obama is doing wrong.
But it is really just 2 sides of the same coin with the thin reality
holding the two faces (opposing sides) together.

The whole purpose of the Messiah is to unite opposites. The Messiah
is needed now more than ever. But no Messiah will come unless the
people are ready for him. Maybe if the people become desperate
enough they will make themselves ready for him.

Those that have an ear, let them hear.

Post by bd4u.utah
I know all about the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Whether they are
true or not is besides the point. If you want to be black listed by
the CIA, FBI, and whomever else. Keep talking about it!
Talking about it doesn't do any good anyway, except get yourself
blacklisted. You don't see SMM talking about such stuff, and
for good reason. It is by far better to be publicly proactive, than
to be publicly undermining. All publicly undermining is good for
is selling tickets. Misery loves company.
Post by Gordon Muir
How many people saw the recent President Obama
The USA is in for some hard times ahead.
Hello Bruce,WATCH 9/11 Bishop Williamson VIDEO BELOW first,i have
allready sent this information to many followers of Rev Moon and to
FFWPU,ACLC,Universal Peace Federation.
Im shocked at the number of followers of Rev Moon who are completely
ignorant of the evil there countries leaders are planning for
them,Obama,Cameron,George W Bush,Hillary Clinton and most American and
European leaders are all murdering criminals who plan on executing
millions of Americans and european citizens JUST LIKE Stalin did and
the jews in WWII by Hitler,THE PROOF IS BELOW revealed by ex-CIA
The recession in America and europe is completely planned,all
businesses are being ordered or threatened to move to the east mainly
to China,the USA and europe are being slowly turned into military
police dictatorships and millions of citizens will be executed in FEMA
camps or sterilized.
9/11 attacks were not by muslim terrorists but by MOSAD and US
intelligence,Donald Rumsfeld,George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Rudi Gulliani
and many more political and military leaders TO GET WWIII GOING IN THE
MIDDLE EAST, (Ex-CIA George Green explains this on video below) the
WTC towers and building 7 were all taken down by controled demolition
WHICH TAKES WEEKS to place the explosives,professional engineers
explain this on the 9/11 video below.
The mainstream news is blatantly lying to the people,the mainstream
news is
owned by the same big corporations and NWO elite leaders who are
starting the
middle east wars and uprisings so they can steal the oil and have
control over
the middle east region as part of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT military
police state DICTATORSHIP where they plan to KILL MILLIONS of people
in America and europe in FEMA camps and by invading Chinese and
Russian soldiers TO REDUCE WORLD
these American and European citizens they now catogarise as useless
eaters whos
labour is no longer needed and all jobs are being intentionaly moved
countries in the east and to China and Russia who no longer have a
recession or
unemployment.ITS ALL INTENTIONALY PLANNED BY Rockefellers,Rothschilds
bilderberg group and other elite leaders.
Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and http://youtu.be/6vEiWw1FIX8
Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it http://youtu.be/quLVgNVEmrs
Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.
Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones: Obama Tells Gibson Guitar CEO,
Move to
NWO government military state police SWAT team invaded the Gibson
guitar factory
terrorising employees to try and shut them down,they also accused
Gibson of using endangered wood as an excuse to intimidate them to
leave the USA,the Indian government
legaly allow Gibson to buy the hardwood for fret boards but the police
all the wood that fret boards are made from stoping production,this is
a process to shut down all American industry.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truthhttp://cms.ae911truth.org
9/11 -WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9/11 http://youtu.be/Q-RxtGfBYiw
At 20mins US military hijack excercises organised by Dick Cheney were
place as the 9/11 attacks were taking place which made it confusing to
know if
the real attacks were an excercise,which was intentionaly planned that
way as a
Pilots for 9/11 Truthhttp://pilotsfor911truth.org
We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or "hypothesis" as a
satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made and
continues to make -- some more than others.
It is now proven fact that 9/11 was not carried out by
muslims but by the U.S. government and big elite corporations who
control the world,to get WWIII going.
Bishop Williamson on Orwells 1984 and 911, part http://youtu.be/ooGBMFShUVo
Catholic Bishop Williamson believes 9/11 WTC twin towers were
with explosives and the media are telling everyone lies and he says
the pentagon was hit by a guided missile not a plane.
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL http://youtu.be/VNJTiUhZxaY
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
FEMA Concentration Camps in the http://youtu.be/Br1wZdc2nbo
There are 800 concentration camps set up across the USA one camp in
Alaska can hold 2 million people and there are hundreds of thousands
of plastic coffins stockpiled on open ground around the USA.
What is This? FEMA Plastic Coffins? 500.000 of http://youtu.be/FPioG_4_XEc
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass
sterilization needed to save the planet
Louis Farrakhan says on this 1st video that Libyans all have a
very high standard of living,oil profits are shared with the Libyan
are all employed and there are thousands of outsiders fully employed
in Libya
but in the USA and Britain there is mass unemployment and all profits
from oil
are not shared with the
American or British people,it all goes to the elite and if western
take control of Libya the people will be worse off than under Gaddafi
1 Louis Farrakhan Speech during Millions March in Harlem On Libya
13.08.11, NATO War On http://youtu.be/oltO9PV8qGI
At 12:20mins Gaddafi was offering £70 billon dollars for African
development AT
NO INTEREST and the IMF and World Bank dont like that THEY WANT HIGH
RATES and dont want to share wealth with the average people they want
it all for the elite so they can easily control the masses.
Susan Lindauer worked in Libya for 9 years for the CIA and knows
Gaddafi and the
situation in Libya very well.
Susan Lindauer, Author, Extreme Prejudice-The Autograph-06-22-2011-
(Part http://youtu.be/hhXPMfH7Q5c
At 10:15mins Saddam Hussein offered full access to FBI,CIA inspections
of his
country but the US government rejected this offer and were not going
to allow
peace to occur under any circumstances
9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: 'Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda'
NATO Working With Al http://youtu.be/bfv1uPBmR5g
 Ex-CIA Susan Lindauer says Gaddaffi has no terrorist involvement he
a moderate who gives a lot of womens rights,the NATO rebels in Libya
are the same Al-Qaeda fighters taken from Afghanistan.In Libya NATO
rebels are being recorded on video phones beheading and castrating
Libyans,gouging there eyes out,raping women cutting there breasts off.
INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of
Ground force invasion of Libya starting in July then full invasion
september into october 2011 this is WWIII
Charlotte Iserbyt Speaking At The Zombie Country http://youtu.be/PYNSXJbdchc
In the 1980s Ronald Reagan signed an agreement with Gorbachev for the
merging of the soviet union communist system
read more »
Gordon Muir
2011-09-10 11:40:05 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
On the other hand, there is 3 sides to every coin. President Obama
thinks he is doing right, while some think that Obama is doing wrong.
But it is really just 2 sides of the same coin with the thin reality
holding the two faces (opposing sides) together.
The whole purpose of the Messiah is to unite opposites. The Messiah
is needed now more than ever. But no Messiah will come unless the
people are ready for him. Maybe if the people become desperate
enough they will make themselves ready for him.
Those that have an ear, let them hear.
Post by bd4u.utah
I know all about the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Whether they are
true or not is besides the point. If you want to be black listed by
the CIA, FBI, and whomever else. Keep talking about it!
Talking about it doesn't do any good anyway, except get yourself
blacklisted. You don't see SMM talking about such stuff, and
for good reason. It is by far better to be publicly proactive, than
to be publicly undermining. All publicly undermining is good for
is selling tickets. Misery loves company.
Post by Gordon Muir
How many people saw the recent President Obama
The USA is in for some hard times ahead.
Hello Bruce,WATCH 9/11 Bishop Williamson VIDEO BELOW first,i have
allready sent this information to many followers of Rev Moon and to
FFWPU,ACLC,Universal Peace Federation.
Im shocked at the number of followers of Rev Moon who are completely
ignorant of the evil there countries leaders are planning for
them,Obama,Cameron,George W Bush,Hillary Clinton and most American and
European leaders are all murdering criminals who plan on executing
millions of Americans and european citizens JUST LIKE Stalin did and
the jews in WWII by Hitler,THE PROOF IS BELOW revealed by ex-CIA
The recession in America and europe is completely planned,all
businesses are being ordered or threatened to move to the east mainly
to China,the USA and europe are being slowly turned into military
police dictatorships and millions of citizens will be executed in FEMA
camps or sterilized.
9/11 attacks were not by muslim terrorists but by MOSAD and US
intelligence,Donald Rumsfeld,George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Rudi Gulliani
and many more political and military leaders TO GET WWIII GOING IN THE
MIDDLE EAST, (Ex-CIA George Green explains this on video below) the
WTC towers and building 7 were all taken down by controled demolition
WHICH TAKES WEEKS to place the explosives,professional engineers
explain this on the 9/11 video below.
The mainstream news is blatantly lying to the people,the mainstream
news is
owned by the same big corporations and NWO elite leaders who are
starting the
middle east wars and uprisings so they can steal the oil and have
control over
the middle east region as part of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT military
police state DICTATORSHIP where they plan to KILL MILLIONS of people
in America and europe in FEMA camps and by invading Chinese and
Russian soldiers TO REDUCE WORLD
these American and European citizens they now catogarise as useless
eaters whos
labour is no longer needed and all jobs are being intentionaly moved
countries in the east and to China and Russia who no longer have a
recession or
unemployment.ITS ALL INTENTIONALY PLANNED BY Rockefellers,Rothschilds
bilderberg group and other elite leaders.
Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and http://youtu.be/6vEiWw1FIX8
Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it http://youtu.be/quLVgNVEmrs
Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.
Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones: Obama Tells Gibson Guitar CEO,
Move to
NWO government military state police SWAT team invaded the Gibson
guitar factory
terrorising employees to try and shut them down,they also accused
Gibson of using endangered wood as an excuse to intimidate them to
leave the USA,the Indian government
legaly allow Gibson to buy the hardwood for fret boards but the police
all the wood that fret boards are made from stoping production,this is
a process to shut down all American industry.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truthhttp://cms.ae911truth.org
9/11 -WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9/11 http://youtu.be/Q-RxtGfBYiw
At 20mins US military hijack excercises organised by Dick Cheney were
place as the 9/11 attacks were taking place which made it confusing to
know if
the real attacks were an excercise,which was intentionaly planned that
way as a
Pilots for 9/11 Truthhttp://pilotsfor911truth.org
We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or "hypothesis" as a
satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made and
continues to make -- some more than others.
It is now proven fact that 9/11 was not carried out by
muslims but by the U.S. government and big elite corporations who
control the world,to get WWIII going.
Bishop Williamson on Orwells 1984 and 911, part http://youtu.be/ooGBMFShUVo
Catholic Bishop Williamson believes 9/11 WTC twin towers were
with explosives and the media are telling everyone lies and he says
the pentagon was hit by a guided missile not a plane.
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL http://youtu.be/VNJTiUhZxaY
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
FEMA Concentration Camps in the http://youtu.be/Br1wZdc2nbo
There are 800 concentration camps set up across the USA one camp in
Alaska can hold 2 million people and there are hundreds of thousands
of plastic coffins stockpiled on open ground around the USA.
What is This? FEMA Plastic Coffins? 500.000 of http://youtu.be/FPioG_4_XEc
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass
sterilization needed to save the planet
Louis Farrakhan says on this 1st video that Libyans all have a
very high standard of living,oil profits are shared with the Libyan
are all employed and there are thousands of outsiders fully employed
in Libya
but in the USA and Britain there is mass unemployment and all profits
from oil
are not shared with the
American or British people,it all goes to the elite and if western
take control of Libya the people will be worse off than under Gaddafi
1 Louis Farrakhan Speech during Millions March in Harlem On Libya
13.08.11, NATO War On http://youtu.be/oltO9PV8qGI
At 12:20mins Gaddafi was offering £70 billon dollars for African
development AT
NO INTEREST and the IMF and World Bank dont like that THEY WANT HIGH
RATES and dont want to share wealth with the average people they want
it all for the elite so they can easily control the masses.
Susan Lindauer worked in Libya for 9 years for the CIA and knows
Gaddafi and the
situation in Libya very well.
Susan Lindauer, Author, Extreme Prejudice-The Autograph-06-22-2011-
(Part http://youtu.be/hhXPMfH7Q5c
At 10:15mins Saddam Hussein offered full access to FBI,CIA inspections
of his
country but the US
Hello Bruce,WATCH 9/11 Bishop Williamson VIDEO BELOW first,i have
allready sent this information to many followers of Rev Moon and to
FFWPU,ACLC,Universal Peace Federation.
Im shocked at the number of followers of Rev Moon who are completely
ignorant of the evil there countries leaders are planning for
them,Obama,Cameron,George W Bush,Hillary Clinton and most American
European leaders are all murdering criminals who plan on executing
millions of Americans and european citizens JUST LIKE Stalin did and
the jews in WWII by Hitler,THE PROOF IS BELOW revealed by ex-CIA
The recession in America and europe is completely planned,all
businesses are being ordered or threatened to move to the east mainly
to China,the USA and europe are being slowly turned into military
police dictatorships and millions of citizens will be executed in
camps or sterilized.
9/11 attacks were not by muslim terrorists but by MOSAD and US
intelligence,Donald Rumsfeld,George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Rudi Gulliani
and many more political and military leaders TO GET WWIII GOING IN
MIDDLE EAST, (Ex-CIA George Green explains this on video below) the
WTC towers and building 7 were all taken down by controled demolition
WHICH TAKES WEEKS to place the explosives,professional engineers
explain this on the 9/11 video below.
The mainstream news is blatantly lying to the people,the mainstream
news is
owned by the same big corporations and NWO elite leaders who are
starting the
middle east wars and uprisings so they can steal the oil and have
control over
the middle east region as part of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT military
police state DICTATORSHIP where they plan to KILL MILLIONS of people
in America and europe in FEMA camps and by invading Chinese and
Russian soldiers TO REDUCE WORLD
these American and European citizens they now catogarise as useless
eaters whos
labour is no longer needed and all jobs are being intentionaly moved
countries in the east and to China and Russia who no longer have a
recession or
unemployment.ITS ALL INTENTIONALY PLANNED BY Rockefellers,Rothschilds
bilderberg group and other elite leaders.
Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions

Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it through.
Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a
military police state One World Government.

Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones: Obama Tells Gibson Guitar CEO,
Move to
NWO government military state police SWAT team invaded the Gibson
guitar factory
terrorising employees to try and shut them down,they also accused
Gibson of using endangered wood as an excuse to intimidate them to
leave the USA,the Indian government
legaly allow Gibson to buy the hardwood for fret boards but the
all the wood that fret boards are made from stoping production,this
a process to shut down all American industry.

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
At 20mins US military hijack excercises organised by Dick Cheney were
place as the 9/11 attacks were taking place which made it confusing
know if
the real attacks were an excercise,which was intentionaly planned
way as a
Pilots for 9/11 Truth
We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or "hypothesis" as a
satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made
continues to make -- some more than others.

It is now proven fact that 9/11 was not carried out by
muslims but by the U.S. government and big elite corporations who
control the world,to get WWIII going.
Bishop Williamson on Orwells 1984 and 911, part 2
Catholic Bishop Williamson believes 9/11 WTC twin towers were
with explosives and the media are telling everyone lies and he says
the pentagon was hit by a guided missile not a plane.


General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is
main reason.


Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL us!
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.

FEMA Concentration Camps in the USA
There are 800 concentration camps set up across the USA one camp in
Alaska can hold 2 million people and there are hundreds of thousands
of plastic coffins stockpiled on open ground around the USA.
What is This? FEMA Plastic Coffins? 500.000 of Them....
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass
sterilization needed to save the planet


Louis Farrakhan says on this 1st video that Libyans all have a
very high standard of living,oil profits are shared with the Libyan
are all employed and there are thousands of outsiders fully employed
in Libya
but in the USA and Britain there is mass unemployment and all profits
from oil
are not shared with the
American or British people,it all goes to the elite and if western
take control of Libya the people will be worse off than under Gaddafi
1 Louis Farrakhan Speech during Millions March in Harlem On Libya
13.08.11, NATO War On Libya
At 12:20mins Gaddafi was offering £70 billon dollars for African
development AT
NO INTEREST and the IMF and World Bank dont like that THEY WANT HIGH
RATES and dont want to share wealth with the average people they want
it all for the elite so they can easily control the masses.

Susan Lindauer worked in Libya for 9 years for the CIA and knows
Gaddafi and the
situation in Libya very well.
Susan Lindauer, Author, Extreme Prejudice-The Autograph-06-22-2011-
(Part 1)
At 10:15mins Saddam Hussein offered full access to FBI,CIA
of his
country but the US government rejected this offer and were not going
to allow
peace to occur under any circumstances
9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: 'Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda'
NATO Working With Al CIAeda!
Ex-CIA Susan Lindauer says Gaddaffi has no terrorist involvement he
a moderate who gives a lot of womens rights,the NATO rebels in Libya
are the same Al-Qaeda fighters taken from Afghanistan.In Libya NATO
rebels are being recorded on video phones beheading and castrating
Libyans,gouging there eyes out,raping women cutting there breasts

INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of
Ground force invasion of Libya starting in July then full invasion
september into october 2011 this is WWIII


Charlotte Iserbyt Speaking At The Zombie Country Conference
In the 1980s Ronald Reagan signed an agreement with Gorbachev for the
merging of the soviet union communist system with America
At 43:50mins the cold war was a completely phoney fabricated war
The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction
Minds -
Charlotte Iserbyt 3/5
At 2:45mins the school education coming out of Washington is total
brainwashing and is the world of the future unless it is stoped right
At 4mins Charlotte wrote to president Reagan who she worked with and
the education system has become a marxist factory designed to destroy
values to make it easy to impose a future socialist,communist world
on the American people
At 5:40mins Charlottes letter is on her website on pdf format
At 7:05mins the marxist education system in America is the end of
freedom and
prosperity for average citizens designed to dumb people down.
At 7:15mins Charlotte finds out Ronald Reagan had signed an agreement
Gorbachev to merge the American and Russian education systems
At 10:25mins Charlotte says mayors must not go along with any agenda
regional government or consolidation because if schools,police forces
merge they
are told its to save money but in reality they are lying because
is communisim and the beggining of a totalitarian police state
controling America and other countries in europe and the rest of the
world will
follow this communist system.
At 11:55mins in 2002 Gorbachev said the European Union is the new
At 12:20mins one reason for war in the middle east is to destroy the
systems of the middle east to re-structure it as a new region in the
ORDER,the north American union will be renamed the north American
At 8mins in the 1990s Americans were up in arms about the destruction
of there
school system,David Hornberch went to different states destroying the
At 10:10mins Norman Dodd said the whitehouse agenda was to change
America so it
could be comfortably merged with the soviet union
At 13:45 the Carnegie trust asked in 1910 what is the best way to
change an
entire people they came to the conclusion that war was the most
effective way
then WWI began
The Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Building a World of Universal Peace at a
Time of
Global Crisis
At 3:20mins Rev Moons stand against communism
At 3:48mins Messages to Rev Moon from Ronald Reagan and Margaret
congratulating Rev Moons Washington Times newspaper in contributing

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - John Perkins speaking at
for Peace National Convention
At 12:00mins Saddam Hussein was a CIA agent assassin then the CIA
him president of Iraq - At 14:00mins Israel is mainly established as
military fortress for economic corporations - At 17:00mins economic
corporations are responbible for Iraq war and many U.S. and U.K.
soldiers have died unnecessarily
John Perkins,Aljazeera TV - Riz Khan - Economic Hit Man - 27 Nov 07
Corporations put poor countries into debt and covet there natural
At 5:15 John Perkins names leaders of countries the CIA wealthy
corporations assasinated and decided to write his book to expose them
but was bribed with huge amounts of money or threatened his life and
daughters life to not publish it until 9/11 happened which made him
publish his book.
At 15mins the media is controled by the corporations to manipulate
public opinion and make sure the truth does not get out.
John Perkins an elite insider and his book "The Secret History of the
American Empire" http://www.johnperkins.org
Gordon Muir
2011-09-10 11:45:20 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
On the other hand, there is 3 sides to every coin. President Obama
thinks he is doing right, while some think that Obama is doing wrong.
But it is really just 2 sides of the same coin with the thin reality
holding the two faces (opposing sides) together.
The whole purpose of the Messiah is to unite opposites. The Messiah
is needed now more than ever. But no Messiah will come unless the
people are ready for him. Maybe if the people become desperate
enough they will make themselves ready for him.
Those that have an ear, let them hear.
Post by bd4u.utah
I know all about the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Whether they are
true or not is besides the point. If you want to be black listed by
the CIA, FBI, and whomever else. Keep talking about it!
Talking about it doesn't do any good anyway, except get yourself
blacklisted. You don't see SMM talking about such stuff, and
for good reason. It is by far better to be publicly proactive, than
to be publicly undermining. All publicly undermining is good for
is selling tickets. Misery loves company.
How many people saw the recent President Obama
The USA is in for some hard times ahead.
Hello Bruce,WATCH 9/11 Bishop Williamson VIDEO BELOW first,i have
allready sent this information to many followers of Rev Moon and to
FFWPU,ACLC,Universal Peace Federation.
Im shocked at the number of followers of Rev Moon who are completely
ignorant of the evil there countries leaders are planning for
them,Obama,Cameron,George W Bush,Hillary Clinton and most American
European leaders are all murdering criminals who plan on executing
millions of Americans and european citizens JUST LIKE Stalin did and
the jews in WWII by Hitler,THE PROOF IS BELOW revealed by ex-CIA
The recession in America and europe is completely planned,all
businesses are being ordered or threatened to move to the east mainly
to China,the USA and europe are being slowly turned into military
police dictatorships and millions of citizens will be executed in
camps or sterilized.
9/11 attacks were not by muslim terrorists but by MOSAD and US
intelligence,Donald Rumsfeld,George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Rudi Gulliani
and many more political and military leaders TO GET WWIII GOING IN
MIDDLE EAST, (Ex-CIA George Green explains this on video below) the
WTC towers and building 7 were all taken down by controled demolition
WHICH TAKES WEEKS to place the explosives,professional engineers
explain this on the 9/11 video below.
The mainstream news is blatantly lying to the people,the mainstream
news is
owned by the same big corporations and NWO elite leaders who are
starting the
middle east wars and uprisings so they can steal the oil and have
control over
the middle east region as part of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT military
police state DICTATORSHIP where they plan to KILL MILLIONS of people
in America and europe in FEMA camps and by invading Chinese and
Russian soldiers TO REDUCE WORLD
these American and European citizens they now catogarise as useless
eaters whos
labour is no longer needed and all jobs are being intentionaly moved
countries in the east and to China and Russia who no longer have a
recession or
unemployment.ITS ALL INTENTIONALY PLANNED BY Rockefellers,Rothschilds
bilderberg group and other elite leaders.
Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions

Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it through.
Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a
military police state One World Government.

Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones: Obama Tells Gibson Guitar CEO,
Move to
NWO government military state police SWAT team invaded the Gibson
guitar factory
terrorising employees to try and shut them down,they also accused
Gibson of using endangered wood as an excuse to intimidate them to
leave the USA,the Indian government
legaly allow Gibson to buy the hardwood for fret boards but the
all the wood that fret boards are made from stoping production,this
a process to shut down all American industry.

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
At 20mins US military hijack excercises organised by Dick Cheney were
place as the 9/11 attacks were taking place which made it confusing
know if
the real attacks were an excercise,which was intentionaly planned
way as a
Pilots for 9/11 Truth
We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or "hypothesis" as a
satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made
continues to make -- some more than others.

It is now proven fact that 9/11 was not carried out by
muslims but by the U.S. government and big elite corporations who
control the world,to get WWIII going.
Bishop Williamson on Orwells 1984 and 911, part 2
Catholic Bishop Williamson believes 9/11 WTC twin towers were
with explosives and the media are telling everyone lies and he says
the pentagon was hit by a guided missile not a plane.


General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is
main reason.


Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL us!
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.

FEMA Concentration Camps in the USA
There are 800 concentration camps set up across the USA one camp in
Alaska can hold 2 million people and there are hundreds of thousands
of plastic coffins stockpiled on open ground around the USA.
What is This? FEMA Plastic Coffins? 500.000 of Them....
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass
sterilization needed to save the planet


Louis Farrakhan says on this 1st video that Libyans all have a
very high standard of living,oil profits are shared with the Libyan
are all employed and there are thousands of outsiders fully employed
in Libya
but in the USA and Britain there is mass unemployment and all profits
from oil
are not shared with the
American or British people,it all goes to the elite and if western
take control of Libya the people will be worse off than under Gaddafi
1 Louis Farrakhan Speech during Millions March in Harlem On Libya
13.08.11, NATO War On Libya
At 12:20mins Gaddafi was offering £70 billon dollars for African
development AT
NO INTEREST and the IMF and World Bank dont like that THEY WANT HIGH
RATES and dont want to share wealth with the average people they want
it all for the elite so they can easily control the masses.

Susan Lindauer worked in Libya for 9 years for the CIA and knows
Gaddafi and the
situation in Libya very well.
Susan Lindauer, Author, Extreme Prejudice-The Autograph-06-22-2011-
(Part 1)
At 10:15mins Saddam Hussein offered full access to FBI,CIA
of his
country but the US government rejected this offer and were not going
to allow
peace to occur under any circumstances
9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: 'Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda'
NATO Working With Al CIAeda!
Ex-CIA Susan Lindauer says Gaddaffi has no terrorist involvement he
a moderate who gives a lot of womens rights,the NATO rebels in Libya
are the same Al-Qaeda fighters taken from Afghanistan.In Libya NATO
rebels are being recorded on video phones beheading and castrating
Libyans,gouging there eyes out,raping women cutting there breasts

INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of
Ground force invasion of Libya starting in July then full invasion
september into october 2011 this is WWIII


Charlotte Iserbyt Speaking At The Zombie Country Conference
In the 1980s Ronald Reagan signed an agreement with Gorbachev for the
merging of the soviet union communist system with America
At 43:50mins the cold war was a completely phoney fabricated war
The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction
Minds -
Charlotte Iserbyt 3/5
At 2:45mins the school education coming out of Washington is total
brainwashing and is the world of the future unless it is stoped right
At 4mins Charlotte wrote to president Reagan who she worked with and
the education system has become a marxist factory designed to destroy
values to make it easy to impose a future socialist,communist world
on the American people
At 5:40mins Charlottes letter is on her website on pdf format
At 7:05mins the marxist education system in America is the end of
freedom and
prosperity for average citizens designed to dumb people down.
At 7:15mins Charlotte finds out Ronald Reagan had signed an agreement
Gorbachev to merge the American and Russian education systems
At 10:25mins Charlotte says mayors must not go along with any agenda
regional government or consolidation because if schools,police forces
merge they
are told its to save money but in reality they are lying because
is communisim and the beggining of a totalitarian police state
controling America and other countries in europe and the rest of the
world will
follow this communist system.
At 11:55mins in 2002 Gorbachev said the European Union is the new
At 12:20mins one reason for war in the middle east is to destroy the
systems of the middle east to re-structure it as a new region in the
ORDER,the north American union will be renamed the north American
At 8mins in the 1990s Americans were up in arms about the destruction
of there
school system,David Hornberch went to different states destroying the
At 10:10mins Norman Dodd said the whitehouse agenda was to change
America so it
could be comfortably merged with the soviet union
At 13:45 the Carnegie trust asked in 1910 what is the best way to
change an
entire people they came to the conclusion that war was the most
effective way
then WWI began
The Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Building a World of Universal Peace at a
Time of
Global Crisis
At 3:20mins Rev Moons stand against communism
At 3:48mins Messages to Rev Moon from Ronald Reagan and Margaret
congratulating Rev Moons Washington Times newspaper in contributing

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - John Perkins speaking at
for Peace National Convention
At 12:00mins Saddam Hussein was a CIA agent assassin then the CIA
him president of Iraq - At 14:00mins Israel is mainly established as
military fortress for economic corporations - At 17:00mins economic
corporations are responbible for Iraq war and many U.S. and U.K.
soldiers have died unnecessarily
John Perkins,Aljazeera TV - Riz Khan - Economic Hit Man - 27 Nov 07
Corporations put poor countries into debt and covet there natural
At 5:15 John Perkins names leaders of countries the CIA wealthy
corporations assasinated and decided to write his book to expose them
but was bribed with huge amounts of money or threatened his life and
daughters life to not publish it until 9/11 happened which made him
publish his book.
At 15mins the media is controled by the corporations to manipulate
public opinion and make sure the truth does not get out.
John Perkins an elite insider and his book "The Secret History of the
American Empire" http://www.johnperkins.org
2011-09-10 18:17:14 UTC
"If you stare into the Abyss long enough the Abyss stares back at

- Friedrich
Post by Gordon Muir
Post by bd4u.utah
On the other hand, there is 3 sides to every coin. President Obama
thinks he is doing right, while some think that Obama is doing wrong.
But it is really just 2 sides of the same coin with the thin reality
holding the two faces (opposing sides) together.
The whole purpose of the Messiah is to unite opposites. The Messiah
is needed now more than ever. But no Messiah will come unless the
people are ready for him. Maybe if the people become desperate
enough they will make themselves ready for him.
Those that have an ear, let them hear.
Post by bd4u.utah
I know all about the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Whether they are
true or not is besides the point. If you want to be black listed by
the CIA, FBI, and whomever else. Keep talking about it!
Talking about it doesn't do any good anyway, except get yourself
blacklisted. You don't see SMM talking about such stuff, and
for good reason. It is by far better to be publicly proactive, than
to be publicly undermining. All publicly undermining is good for
is selling tickets. Misery loves company.
How many people saw the recent President Obama
The USA is in for some hard times ahead.
Hello Bruce,WATCH 9/11 Bishop Williamson VIDEO BELOW first,i have
allready sent this information to many followers of Rev Moon and to
FFWPU,ACLC,Universal Peace Federation.
Im shocked at the number of followers of Rev Moon who are completely
ignorant of the evil there countries leaders are planning for
them,Obama,Cameron,George W Bush,Hillary Clinton and most American and
European leaders are all murdering criminals who plan on executing
millions of Americans and european citizens JUST LIKE Stalin did and
the jews in WWII by Hitler,THE PROOF IS BELOW revealed by ex-CIA
The recession in America and europe is completely planned,all
businesses are being ordered or threatened to move to the east mainly
to China,the USA and europe are being slowly turned into military
police dictatorships and millions of citizens will be executed in FEMA
camps or sterilized.
9/11 attacks were not by muslim terrorists but by MOSAD and US
intelligence,Donald Rumsfeld,George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Rudi Gulliani
and many more political and military leaders TO GET WWIII GOING IN THE
MIDDLE EAST, (Ex-CIA George Green explains this on video below) the
WTC towers and building 7 were all taken down by controled demolition
WHICH TAKES WEEKS to place the explosives,professional engineers
explain this on the 9/11 video below.
The mainstream news is blatantly lying to the people,the mainstream
news is
owned by the same big corporations and NWO elite leaders who are
starting the
middle east wars and uprisings so they can steal the oil and have
control over
the middle east region as part of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT military
police state DICTATORSHIP where they plan to KILL MILLIONS of people
in America and europe in FEMA camps and by invading Chinese and
Russian soldiers TO REDUCE WORLD
these American and European citizens they now catogarise as useless
eaters whos
labour is no longer needed and all jobs are being intentionaly moved
countries in the east and to China and Russia who no longer have a
recession or
unemployment.ITS ALL INTENTIONALY PLANNED BY Rockefellers,Rothschilds
bilderberg group and other elite leaders.
Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and http://youtu.be/6vEiWw1FIX8
Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it http://youtu.be/quLVgNVEmrs
Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a
military police state One World Government.
Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones: Obama Tells Gibson Guitar CEO,
Move to
NWO government military state police SWAT team invaded the Gibson
guitar factory
terrorising employees to try and shut them down,they also accused
Gibson of using endangered wood as an excuse to intimidate them to
leave the USA,the Indian government
legaly allow Gibson to buy the hardwood for fret boards but the police
all the wood that fret boards are made from stoping production,this is
a process to shut down all American industry.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truthhttp://cms.ae911truth.org
9/11 -WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9/11 http://youtu.be/Q-RxtGfBYiw
At 20mins US military hijack excercises organised by Dick Cheney were
place as the 9/11 attacks were taking place which made it confusing to
know if
the real attacks were an excercise,which was intentionaly planned that
way as a
Pilots for 9/11 Truthhttp://pilotsfor911truth.org
We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or "hypothesis" as a
satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made and
continues to make -- some more than others.
It is now proven fact that 9/11 was not carried out by
muslims but by the U.S. government and big elite corporations who
control the world,to get WWIII going.
Bishop Williamson on Orwells 1984 and 911, part http://youtu.be/ooGBMFShUVo
Catholic Bishop Williamson believes 9/11 WTC twin towers were
with explosives and the media are telling everyone lies and he says
the pentagon was hit by a guided missile not a plane.
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL http://youtu.be/VNJTiUhZxaY
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
FEMA Concentration Camps in the http://youtu.be/Br1wZdc2nbo
There are 800 concentration camps set up across the USA one camp in
Alaska can hold 2 million people and there are hundreds of thousands
of plastic coffins stockpiled on open ground around the USA.
What is This? FEMA Plastic Coffins? 500.000 of http://youtu.be/FPioG_4_XEc
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass
sterilization needed to save the planet
Louis Farrakhan says on this 1st video that Libyans all have a
very high standard of living,oil profits are shared with the Libyan
are all employed and there are thousands of outsiders fully employed
in Libya
but in the USA and Britain there is mass unemployment and all profits
from oil
are not shared with the
American or British people,it all goes to the elite and if western
take control of Libya the people will be worse off than under Gaddafi
1 Louis Farrakhan Speech during Millions March in Harlem On Libya
13.08.11, NATO War On http://youtu.be/oltO9PV8qGI
At 12:20mins Gaddafi was offering £70 billon dollars for African
development AT
NO INTEREST and the IMF and World Bank dont like that THEY WANT HIGH
RATES and dont want to share wealth with the average people they want
it all for the elite so they can easily control the masses.
Susan Lindauer worked in Libya for 9 years for the CIA and knows
Gaddafi and the
situation in Libya very well.
Susan Lindauer, Author, Extreme Prejudice-The Autograph-06-22-2011-
(Part http://youtu.be/hhXPMfH7Q5c
At 10:15mins Saddam Hussein offered full access to FBI,CIA
of his
country but the US government rejected this offer and were not going
to allow
peace to occur under any circumstances
9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: 'Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda'
NATO Working With Al http://youtu.be/bfv1uPBmR5g
 Ex-CIA Susan Lindauer says Gaddaffi has no terrorist involvement he
a moderate who gives a lot of womens rights,the NATO rebels in Libya
are the same Al-Qaeda fighters taken from ...
read more »
2011-09-11 07:39:53 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
"If you stare into the Abyss long enough the Abyss stares back at
                                                    - Friedrich
Post by Gordon Muir
Post by bd4u.utah
On the other hand, there is 3 sides to every coin. President Obama
thinks he is doing right, while some think that Obama is doing wrong.
But it is really just 2 sides of the same coin with the thin reality
holding the two faces (opposing sides) together.
The whole purpose of the Messiah is to unite opposites. The Messiah
is needed now more than ever. But no Messiah will come unless the
people are ready for him. Maybe if the people become desperate
enough they will make themselves ready for him.
Those that have an ear, let them hear.
Post by bd4u.utah
I know all about the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Whether they are
true or not is besides the point. If you want to be black listed by
the CIA, FBI, and whomever else. Keep talking about it!
Talking about it doesn't do any good anyway, except get yourself
blacklisted. You don't see SMM talking about such stuff, and
for good reason. It is by far better to be publicly proactive, than
to be publicly undermining. All publicly undermining is good for
is selling tickets. Misery loves company.
How many people saw the recent President Obama
The USA is in for some hard times ahead.
Hello Bruce,WATCH 9/11 Bishop Williamson VIDEO BELOW first,i have
allready sent this information to many followers of Rev Moon and to
FFWPU,ACLC,Universal Peace Federation.
Im shocked at the number of followers of Rev Moon who are completely
ignorant of the evil there countries leaders are planning for
them,Obama,Cameron,George W Bush,Hillary Clinton and most American and
European leaders are all murdering criminals who plan on executing
millions of Americans and european citizens JUST LIKE Stalin did and
the jews in WWII by Hitler,THE PROOF IS BELOW revealed by ex-CIA
The recession in America and europe is completely planned,all
businesses are being ordered or threatened to move to the east mainly
to China,the USA and europe are being slowly turned into military
police dictatorships and millions of citizens will be executed in FEMA
camps or sterilized.
9/11 attacks were not by muslim terrorists but by MOSAD and US
intelligence,Donald Rumsfeld,George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Rudi Gulliani
and many more political and military leaders TO GET WWIII GOING IN THE
MIDDLE EAST, (Ex-CIA George Green explains this on video below) the
WTC towers and building 7 were all taken down by controled demolition
WHICH TAKES WEEKS to place the explosives,professional engineers
explain this on the 9/11 video below.
The mainstream news is blatantly lying to the people,the mainstream
news is
owned by the same big corporations and NWO elite leaders who are
starting the
middle east wars and uprisings so they can steal the oil and have
control over
the middle east region as part of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT military
police state DICTATORSHIP where they plan to KILL MILLIONS of people
in America and europe in FEMA camps and by invading Chinese and
Russian soldiers TO REDUCE WORLD
these American and European citizens they now catogarise as useless
eaters whos
labour is no longer needed and all jobs are being intentionaly moved
countries in the east and to China and Russia who no longer have a
recession or
unemployment.ITS ALL INTENTIONALY PLANNED BY Rockefellers,Rothschilds
bilderberg group and other elite leaders.
Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and http://youtu.be/6vEiWw1FIX8
Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it http://youtu.be/quLVgNVEmrs
Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a
military police state One World Government.
Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones: Obama Tells Gibson Guitar CEO,
Move to
NWO government military state police SWAT team invaded the Gibson
guitar factory
terrorising employees to try and shut them down,they also accused
Gibson of using endangered wood as an excuse to intimidate them to
leave the USA,the Indian government
legaly allow Gibson to buy the hardwood for fret boards but the police
all the wood that fret boards are made from stoping production,this is
a process to shut down all American industry.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truthhttp://cms.ae911truth.org
9/11 -WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9/11 http://youtu.be/Q-RxtGfBYiw
At 20mins US military hijack excercises organised by Dick Cheney were
place as the 9/11 attacks were taking place which made it confusing to
know if
the real attacks were an excercise,which was intentionaly planned that
way as a
Pilots for 9/11 Truthhttp://pilotsfor911truth.org
We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or "hypothesis" as a
satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made and
continues to make -- some more than others.
It is now proven fact that 9/11 was not carried out by
muslims but by the U.S. government and big elite corporations who
control the world,to get WWIII going.
Bishop Williamson on Orwells 1984 and 911, part http://youtu.be/ooGBMFShUVo
Catholic Bishop Williamson believes 9/11 WTC twin towers were
with explosives and the media are telling everyone lies and he says
the pentagon was hit by a guided missile not a plane.
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL http://youtu.be/VNJTiUhZxaY
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
FEMA Concentration Camps in the http://youtu.be/Br1wZdc2nbo
There are 800 concentration camps set up across the USA one camp in
Alaska can hold 2 million people and there are hundreds of thousands
of plastic coffins stockpiled on open ground around the USA.
What is This? FEMA Plastic Coffins? 500.000 of http://youtu.be/FPioG_4_XEc
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass
sterilization needed to save the planet
Louis Farrakhan says on this 1st video that Libyans all have a
very high standard of living,oil profits are shared with the Libyan
are all employed and there are thousands of outsiders fully employed
in Libya
but in the USA and Britain there is mass unemployment and all profits
from oil
are not shared with the
American or British people,it all goes to the elite and if western
take control of Libya the people will be worse off than under Gaddafi
1 Louis Farrakhan Speech during Millions March in Harlem On Libya
13.08.11, NATO War On http://youtu.be/oltO9PV8qGI
At 12:20mins Gaddafi was offering £70 billon dollars for African
development AT
NO INTEREST and the IMF and World Bank dont like that THEY WANT HIGH
RATES and dont want to share wealth with the average people they want
it all for the elite so they can easily control the masses.
Susan Lindauer worked in Libya for 9 years for the CIA and knows
Gaddafi and the
situation in Libya very well.
Susan Lindauer, Author, Extreme Prejudice-The Autograph-06-22-2011-
read more »
I am not a fan of Friedrich Nietzsche, but he
does make sense when it comes to the
"Dark Side" of human nature.

I would much rather read the writings
concerning the Kabbalah, the four Gospels
of Jesus, the Pearl of Great Price, the Divine
Principle, and yes even the Tao Te Ching.

The Holy Ghost [Shekinah, Dao]
(spirit of truth) is universal
or didn't you know that?!?

About time that you did!

Gordon Muir
2011-09-12 17:18:14 UTC
Hello Bruce,i know what you mean,people will turn to the people of
light when there lives get very dark just like in WWII,as for uniting
everyone,Rev Moon has allready made friends since before 9/11 with the
people at the top,Ronald Reagan,George Bush senior,Edward
Heath,Margaret Thatcher SEE VIDEO BELOW but they are ignoring Rev
Moons solution to restore the human lineage and they are creating
false terrorist attacks on America and invading countries and killing
thousands of innocent people to bring in there scientific eugenics one
world government military police state dictatorship,SO EITHER THEY ARE
GOING TO INCLUDE Rev Moons solutions to humankinds problems within
there NWO government or maybe there is a conflict of agenda's to see
whos agenda will come out on top but i know the scientific eugenics
agenda will not only remove religion from existence but also execute
all religious people.

I prosume that these top political and religious leaders will announce
Rev Moon as the messiah on january 2013 and based on public response
people could either follow or reject Rev Moon so that will decide if
society goes down the road of light or dark,BUT IM WAITING EAGERLY FOR

I know about UFOs and The Galactic Federation so i expect leaders from
many intergalactic races to be present for the inauguration of the
human race into the galactic federation,SINCE THESE extraterrestrials
were the ones who first created life on this planet and i have read
our civilization has advanced 4 or 5 times over the past millions or
billions of years and each time ended in destruction of most of the
human race just like the present time of nuclear weapons and wars we
are in now.

The Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Building a World of Universal Peace at a
Time of
Global Crisis
At 3:20mins Rev Moons stand against communism
At 3:48mins Messages to Rev Moon from Ronald Reagan and Margaret
congratulating Rev Moons Washington Times newspaper in contributing to
Post by bd4u.utah
On the other hand, there is 3 sides to every coin. President Obama
thinks he is doing right, while some think that Obama is doing wrong.
But it is really just 2 sides of the same coin with the thin reality
holding the two faces (opposing sides) together.
The whole purpose of the Messiah is to unite opposites. The Messiah
is needed now more than ever. But no Messiah will come unless the
people are ready for him. Maybe if the people become desperate
enough they will make themselves ready for him.
Those that have an ear, let them hear.
Post by bd4u.utah
I know all about the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Whether they are
true or not is besides the point. If you want to be black listed by
the CIA, FBI, and whomever else. Keep talking about it!
Talking about it doesn't do any good anyway, except get yourself
blacklisted. You don't see SMM talking about such stuff, and
for good reason. It is by far better to be publicly proactive, than
to be publicly undermining. All publicly undermining is good for
is selling tickets. Misery loves company.
Post by Gordon Muir
How many people saw the recent President Obama
The USA is in for some hard times ahead.
Hello Bruce,WATCH 9/11 Bishop Williamson VIDEO BELOW first,i have
allready sent this information to many followers of Rev Moon and to
FFWPU,ACLC,Universal Peace Federation.
Im shocked at the number of followers of Rev Moon who are completely
ignorant of the evil there countries leaders are planning for
them,Obama,Cameron,George W Bush,Hillary Clinton and most American and
European leaders are all murdering criminals who plan on executing
millions of Americans and european citizens JUST LIKE Stalin did and
the jews in WWII by Hitler,THE PROOF IS BELOW revealed by ex-CIA
The recession in America and europe is completely planned,all
businesses are being ordered or threatened to move to the east mainly
to China,the USA and europe are being slowly turned into military
police dictatorships and millions of citizens will be executed in FEMA
camps or sterilized.
9/11 attacks were not by muslim terrorists but by MOSAD and US
intelligence,Donald Rumsfeld,George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Rudi Gulliani
and many more political and military leaders TO GET WWIII GOING IN THE
MIDDLE EAST, (Ex-CIA George Green explains this on video below) the
WTC towers and building 7 were all taken down by controled demolition
WHICH TAKES WEEKS to place the explosives,professional engineers
explain this on the 9/11 video below.
The mainstream news is blatantly lying to the people,the mainstream
news is
owned by the same big corporations and NWO elite leaders who are
starting the
middle east wars and uprisings so they can steal the oil and have
control over
the middle east region as part of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT military
police state DICTATORSHIP where they plan to KILL MILLIONS of people
in America and europe in FEMA camps and by invading Chinese and
Russian soldiers TO REDUCE WORLD
these American and European citizens they now catogarise as useless
eaters whos
labour is no longer needed and all jobs are being intentionaly moved
countries in the east and to China and Russia who no longer have a
recession or
unemployment.ITS ALL INTENTIONALY PLANNED BY Rockefellers,Rothschilds
bilderberg group and other elite leaders.
Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and http://youtu.be/6vEiWw1FIX8
Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it http://youtu.be/quLVgNVEmrs
Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.
Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones: Obama Tells Gibson Guitar CEO,
Move to
NWO government military state police SWAT team invaded the Gibson
guitar factory
terrorising employees to try and shut them down,they also accused
Gibson of using endangered wood as an excuse to intimidate them to
leave the USA,the Indian government
legaly allow Gibson to buy the hardwood for fret boards but the police
all the wood that fret boards are made from stoping production,this is
a process to shut down all American industry.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truthhttp://cms.ae911truth.org
9/11 -WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9/11 http://youtu.be/Q-RxtGfBYiw
At 20mins US military hijack excercises organised by Dick Cheney were
place as the 9/11 attacks were taking place which made it confusing to
know if
the real attacks were an excercise,which was intentionaly planned that
way as a
Pilots for 9/11 Truthhttp://pilotsfor911truth.org
We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or "hypothesis" as a
satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made and
continues to make -- some more than others.
It is now proven fact that 9/11 was not carried out by
muslims but by the U.S. government and big elite corporations who
control the world,to get WWIII going.
Bishop Williamson on Orwells 1984 and 911, part http://youtu.be/ooGBMFShUVo
Catholic Bishop Williamson believes 9/11 WTC twin towers were
with explosives and the media are telling everyone lies and he says
the pentagon was hit by a guided missile not a plane.
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL http://youtu.be/VNJTiUhZxaY
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
FEMA Concentration Camps in the http://youtu.be/Br1wZdc2nbo
There are 800 concentration camps set up across the USA one camp in
Alaska can hold 2 million people and there are hundreds of thousands
of plastic coffins stockpiled on open ground around the USA.
What is This? FEMA Plastic Coffins? 500.000 of http://youtu.be/FPioG_4_XEc
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass
sterilization needed to save the planet
Louis Farrakhan says on this 1st video that Libyans all have a
very high standard of living,oil profits are shared with the Libyan
are all employed and there are thousands of outsiders fully employed
in Libya
but in the USA and Britain there is mass unemployment and all profits
from oil
are not shared with the
American or British people,it all goes to the elite and if western
take control of Libya the people will be worse off than under Gaddafi
1 Louis Farrakhan Speech during Millions March in Harlem On Libya
13.08.11, NATO War On http://youtu.be/oltO9PV8qGI
At 12:20mins Gaddafi was offering £70 billon dollars for African
development AT
NO INTEREST and the IMF and World Bank dont like that THEY WANT HIGH
RATES and dont want to share wealth with the average people they want
it all for the elite so they can easily control the masses.
Susan Lindauer worked in Libya for 9 years for the CIA and knows
Gaddafi and the
situation in Libya very well.
Susan Lindauer, Author, Extreme Prejudice-The Autograph-06-22-2011-
(Part http://youtu.be/hhXPMfH7Q5c
At 10:15mins Saddam Hussein offered full access to FBI,CIA inspections
of his
country but the US
read more »- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Gordon Muir
2011-09-12 17:14:32 UTC
Hello Bruce,i know what you mean,people will turn to the people of
light when there lives get very dark just like in WWII,as for uniting
everyone,Rev Moon has allready made friends since before 9/11 with the
people at the top,Ronald Reagan,George Bush senior,Edward
Heath,Margaret Thatcher SEE VIDEO BELOW but they are ignoring Rev
Moons solution to restore the human lineage and they are creating
false terrorist attacks on America and invading countries and killing
thousands of innocent people to bring in there scientific eugenics one
world government military police state dictatorship,SO EITHER THEY ARE
GOING TO INCLUDE Rev Moons solutions to humankinds problems within
there NWO government or maybe there is a conflict of agenda's to see
whos agenda will come out on top but i know the scientific eugenics
agenda will not only remove religion from existence but also execute
all religious people.

I prosume that these top political and religious leaders will announce
Rev Moon as the messiah on january 2013 and based on public response
people could either follow or reject Rev Moon so that will decide if
society goes down the road of light or dark,BUT IM WAITING EAGERLY FOR

I know about UFOs and The Galactic Federation so i expect leaders from
many intergalactic races to be present for the inauguration of the
human race into the galactic federation,SINCE THESE extraterrestrials
were the ones who first created life on this planet and i have read
our civilization has advanced 4 or 5 times over the past millions or
billions of years and each time ended in destruction of most of the
human race just like the present time of nuclear weapons and wars we
are in now.

The Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Building a World of Universal Peace at a
Time of
Global Crisis
At 3:20mins Rev Moons stand against communism
At 3:48mins Messages to Rev Moon from Ronald Reagan and Margaret
congratulating Rev Moons Washington Times newspaper in contributing to
Post by bd4u.utah
On the other hand, there is 3 sides to every coin. President Obama
thinks he is doing right, while some think that Obama is doing wrong.
But it is really just 2 sides of the same coin with the thin reality
holding the two faces (opposing sides) together.
The whole purpose of the Messiah is to unite opposites. The Messiah
is needed now more than ever. But no Messiah will come unless the
people are ready for him. Maybe if the people become desperate
enough they will make themselves ready for him.
Those that have an ear, let them hear.
Post by bd4u.utah
I know all about the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Whether they are
true or not is besides the point. If you want to be black listed by
the CIA, FBI, and whomever else. Keep talking about it!
Talking about it doesn't do any good anyway, except get yourself
blacklisted. You don't see SMM talking about such stuff, and
for good reason. It is by far better to be publicly proactive, than
to be publicly undermining. All publicly undermining is good for
is selling tickets. Misery loves company.
Post by Gordon Muir
How many people saw the recent President Obama
The USA is in for some hard times ahead.
Hello Bruce,WATCH 9/11 Bishop Williamson VIDEO BELOW first,i have
allready sent this information to many followers of Rev Moon and to
FFWPU,ACLC,Universal Peace Federation.
Im shocked at the number of followers of Rev Moon who are completely
ignorant of the evil there countries leaders are planning for
them,Obama,Cameron,George W Bush,Hillary Clinton and most American and
European leaders are all murdering criminals who plan on executing
millions of Americans and european citizens JUST LIKE Stalin did and
the jews in WWII by Hitler,THE PROOF IS BELOW revealed by ex-CIA
The recession in America and europe is completely planned,all
businesses are being ordered or threatened to move to the east mainly
to China,the USA and europe are being slowly turned into military
police dictatorships and millions of citizens will be executed in FEMA
camps or sterilized.
9/11 attacks were not by muslim terrorists but by MOSAD and US
intelligence,Donald Rumsfeld,George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Rudi Gulliani
and many more political and military leaders TO GET WWIII GOING IN THE
MIDDLE EAST, (Ex-CIA George Green explains this on video below) the
WTC towers and building 7 were all taken down by controled demolition
WHICH TAKES WEEKS to place the explosives,professional engineers
explain this on the 9/11 video below.
The mainstream news is blatantly lying to the people,the mainstream
news is
owned by the same big corporations and NWO elite leaders who are
starting the
middle east wars and uprisings so they can steal the oil and have
control over
the middle east region as part of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT military
police state DICTATORSHIP where they plan to KILL MILLIONS of people
in America and europe in FEMA camps and by invading Chinese and
Russian soldiers TO REDUCE WORLD
these American and European citizens they now catogarise as useless
eaters whos
labour is no longer needed and all jobs are being intentionaly moved
countries in the east and to China and Russia who no longer have a
recession or
unemployment.ITS ALL INTENTIONALY PLANNED BY Rockefellers,Rothschilds
bilderberg group and other elite leaders.
Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and http://youtu.be/6vEiWw1FIX8
Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it http://youtu.be/quLVgNVEmrs
Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.
Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones: Obama Tells Gibson Guitar CEO,
Move to
NWO government military state police SWAT team invaded the Gibson
guitar factory
terrorising employees to try and shut them down,they also accused
Gibson of using endangered wood as an excuse to intimidate them to
leave the USA,the Indian government
legaly allow Gibson to buy the hardwood for fret boards but the police
all the wood that fret boards are made from stoping production,this is
a process to shut down all American industry.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truthhttp://cms.ae911truth.org
9/11 -WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9/11 http://youtu.be/Q-RxtGfBYiw
At 20mins US military hijack excercises organised by Dick Cheney were
place as the 9/11 attacks were taking place which made it confusing to
know if
the real attacks were an excercise,which was intentionaly planned that
way as a
Pilots for 9/11 Truthhttp://pilotsfor911truth.org
We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or "hypothesis" as a
satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made and
continues to make -- some more than others.
It is now proven fact that 9/11 was not carried out by
muslims but by the U.S. government and big elite corporations who
control the world,to get WWIII going.
Bishop Williamson on Orwells 1984 and 911, part http://youtu.be/ooGBMFShUVo
Catholic Bishop Williamson believes 9/11 WTC twin towers were
with explosives and the media are telling everyone lies and he says
the pentagon was hit by a guided missile not a plane.
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL http://youtu.be/VNJTiUhZxaY
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
FEMA Concentration Camps in the http://youtu.be/Br1wZdc2nbo
There are 800 concentration camps set up across the USA one camp in
Alaska can hold 2 million people and there are hundreds of thousands
of plastic coffins stockpiled on open ground around the USA.
What is This? FEMA Plastic Coffins? 500.000 of http://youtu.be/FPioG_4_XEc
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass
sterilization needed to save the planet
Louis Farrakhan says on this 1st video that Libyans all have a
very high standard of living,oil profits are shared with the Libyan
are all employed and there are thousands of outsiders fully employed
in Libya
but in the USA and Britain there is mass unemployment and all profits
from oil
are not shared with the
American or British people,it all goes to the elite and if western
take control of Libya the people will be worse off than under Gaddafi
1 Louis Farrakhan Speech during Millions March in Harlem On Libya
13.08.11, NATO War On http://youtu.be/oltO9PV8qGI
At 12:20mins Gaddafi was offering £70 billon dollars for African
development AT
NO INTEREST and the IMF and World Bank dont like that THEY WANT HIGH
RATES and dont want to share wealth with the average people they want
it all for the elite so they can easily control the masses.
Susan Lindauer worked in Libya for 9 years for the CIA and knows
Gaddafi and the
situation in Libya very well.
Susan Lindauer, Author, Extreme Prejudice-The Autograph-06-22-2011-
(Part http://youtu.be/hhXPMfH7Q5c
At 10:15mins Saddam Hussein offered full access to FBI,CIA inspections
of his
country but the US government rejected this offer and were not going
to allow
peace to occur under any circumstances
9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: 'Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda'
NATO Working With Al http://youtu.be/bfv1uPBmR5g
 Ex-CIA Susan Lindauer says Gaddaffi has no terrorist involvement he
a moderate who gives a lot of womens rights,the NATO rebels in Libya
are the same Al-Qaeda fighters taken from Afghanistan.In Libya NATO
rebels are being recorded on video phones beheading and castrating
Libyans,gouging there eyes out,raping women cutting there breasts off.
INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of
Ground force invasion of Libya starting in July then full invasion
september into october 2011 this is WWIII
Charlotte Iserbyt Speaking At The Zombie Country http://youtu.be/PYNSXJbdchc
In the 1980s Ronald Reagan signed an agreement with Gorbachev for the
merging of the soviet union communist system
read more »
2011-09-12 22:19:22 UTC
On Sep 12, 11:14 am, Gordon Muir <***@gmail.com> wrote:

Gordon, you are still staring into the Abyss. You need to start
up, and stop looking down at the Abyss.

The Kabbalah describes it as this. Both the Abyss and the Kingdom
of Heaven go on forever. But the Abyss is only an illusion, and a
of the Kingdom Heaven, which is both real and eternal. The Abyss

Post by Gordon Muir
Hello Bruce,i know what you mean,people will turn to the people of
light when there lives get very dark just like in WWII,as for uniting
everyone,Rev Moon has allready made friends since before 9/11 with the
people at the top,Ronald Reagan,George Bush senior,Edward
Heath,Margaret Thatcher SEE VIDEO BELOW but they are ignoring Rev
Moons solution to restore the human lineage and they are creating
false terrorist attacks on America and invading countries and killing
thousands of innocent people to bring in there scientific eugenics one
world government military police state dictatorship,SO EITHER THEY ARE
GOING TO INCLUDE Rev Moons solutions to humankinds problems within
there NWO government or maybe there is a conflict of agenda's to see
whos agenda will come out on top but i know the scientific eugenics
agenda will not only remove religion from existence but also execute
all religious people.
I prosume that these top political and religious leaders will announce
Rev Moon as the messiah on january 2013 and based on public response
people could either follow or reject Rev Moon so that will decide if
society goes down the road of light or dark,BUT IM WAITING EAGERLY FOR
I know about UFOs and The Galactic Federation so i expect leaders from
many intergalactic races to be present for the inauguration of the
human race into the galactic federation,SINCE THESE extraterrestrials
were the ones who first created life on this planet and i have read
our civilization has advanced 4 or 5 times over the past millions or
billions of years and each time ended in destruction of most of the
human race just like the present time of nuclear weapons and wars we
are in now.
The Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Building a World of Universal Peace at a
Time of
Global http://youtu.be/9aMeGq5bSmg
At 3:20mins Rev Moons stand against communism
At 3:48mins Messages to Rev Moon from Ronald Reagan and Margaret
congratulating Rev Moons Washington Times newspaper in contributing to
Post by bd4u.utah
On the other hand, there is 3 sides to every coin. President Obama
thinks he is doing right, while some think that Obama is doing wrong.
But it is really just 2 sides of the same coin with the thin reality
holding the two faces (opposing sides) together.
The whole purpose of the Messiah is to unite opposites. The Messiah
is needed now more than ever. But no Messiah will come unless the
people are ready for him. Maybe if the people become desperate
enough they will make themselves ready for him.
Those that have an ear, let them hear.
Post by bd4u.utah
I know all about the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Whether they are
true or not is besides the point. If you want to be black listed by
the CIA, FBI, and whomever else. Keep talking about it!
Talking about it doesn't do any good anyway, except get yourself
blacklisted. You don't see SMM talking about such stuff, and
for good reason. It is by far better to be publicly proactive, than
to be publicly undermining. All publicly undermining is good for
is selling tickets. Misery loves company.
Post by Gordon Muir
How many people saw the recent President Obama
The USA is in for some hard times ahead.
Hello Bruce,WATCH 9/11 Bishop Williamson VIDEO BELOW first,i have
allready sent this information to many followers of Rev Moon and to
FFWPU,ACLC,Universal Peace Federation.
Im shocked at the number of followers of Rev Moon who are completely
ignorant of the evil there countries leaders are planning for
them,Obama,Cameron,George W Bush,Hillary Clinton and most American and
European leaders are all murdering criminals who plan on executing
millions of Americans and european citizens JUST LIKE Stalin did and
the jews in WWII by Hitler,THE PROOF IS BELOW revealed by ex-CIA
The recession in America and europe is completely planned,all
businesses are being ordered or threatened to move to the east mainly
to China,the USA and europe are being slowly turned into military
police dictatorships and millions of citizens will be executed in FEMA
camps or sterilized.
9/11 attacks were not by muslim terrorists but by MOSAD and US
intelligence,Donald Rumsfeld,George W Bush,Dick Cheney,Rudi Gulliani
and many more political and military leaders TO GET WWIII GOING IN THE
MIDDLE EAST, (Ex-CIA George Green explains this on video below) the
WTC towers and building 7 were all taken down by controled demolition
WHICH TAKES WEEKS to place the explosives,professional engineers
explain this on the 9/11 video below.
The mainstream news is blatantly lying to the people,the mainstream
news is
owned by the same big corporations and NWO elite leaders who are
starting the
middle east wars and uprisings so they can steal the oil and have
control over
the middle east region as part of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT military
police state DICTATORSHIP where they plan to KILL MILLIONS of people
in America and europe in FEMA camps and by invading Chinese and
Russian soldiers TO REDUCE WORLD
these American and European citizens they now catogarise as useless
eaters whos
labour is no longer needed and all jobs are being intentionaly moved
countries in the east and to China and Russia who no longer have a
recession or
unemployment.ITS ALL INTENTIONALY PLANNED BY Rockefellers,Rothschilds
bilderberg group and other elite leaders.
Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and http://youtu.be/6vEiWw1FIX8
Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it http://youtu.be/quLVgNVEmrs
Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.
Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones: Obama Tells Gibson Guitar CEO,
Move to
NWO government military state police SWAT team invaded the Gibson
guitar factory
terrorising employees to try and shut them down,they also accused
Gibson of using endangered wood as an excuse to intimidate them to
leave the USA,the Indian government
legaly allow Gibson to buy the hardwood for fret boards but the police
all the wood that fret boards are made from stoping production,this is
a process to shut down all American industry.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truthhttp://cms.ae911truth.org
9/11 -WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9/11 http://youtu.be/Q-RxtGfBYiw
At 20mins US military hijack excercises organised by Dick Cheney were
place as the 9/11 attacks were taking place which made it confusing to
know if
the real attacks were an excercise,which was intentionaly planned that
way as a
Pilots for 9/11 Truthhttp://pilotsfor911truth.org
We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or "hypothesis" as a
satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made and
continues to make -- some more than others.
It is now proven fact that 9/11 was not carried out by
muslims but by the U.S. government and big elite corporations who
control the world,to get WWIII going.
Bishop Williamson on Orwells 1984 and 911, part http://youtu.be/ooGBMFShUVo
Catholic Bishop Williamson believes 9/11 WTC twin towers were
with explosives and the media are telling everyone lies and he says
the pentagon was hit by a guided missile not a plane.
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL http://youtu.be/VNJTiUhZxaY
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all
read more »