All about Moon, a story of fidelity, trust, and faith.
(too old to reply)
2011-09-15 02:43:06 UTC
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
simply because the TRUE Mormons will agree
with every word of it, The TRUE Jews have lived
it forever and the Unificationists have the ability to
learn from it.
SMM was married once before his current marriage.
His first marriage ended it failure. But then SMM found
a woman willing to not only love him, but serve him
unquestionably. Now to a feminist that may be
unheard of. But to a woman dedicated to family
and God, that is what they are meant for. Serving
their Husband and God.
Call it a revelation if you will, but it is the true
basis of relationship for all of mankind.
It all starts with your parents. And it is all
about edifying the spirit. Meaning building up.
Which to the counter effect is destroying
relationships everywhere you look.
This is all new to me, and fortunately for me
I have recently had a good example.
But in order for God's true ideal between
Man and Woman to be realized it begins in
"Communication" Communication on a
much deeper level than simple "wants",
but rather Edifying and building up, supporting
your spouse, or potential there of. Look around
you, everybody is tearing down in want of they
know not what.
As much as it grieves me to say it, because of
all the other "wants" The Mormon "families" actually
GET IT, they husband and wife give to each other
and their children learn it from example.
So too do Jewish Families, those that are deep
enough into "tradition" to acclimate it.
What are these wants? Well I can tell you truly
it has nothing to do with sex, and has everything
to do with respect, love, and appreciation. That is to
put it as simply as I can.
When a woman loves a man without question, or
cause for pause, and loves him unquestionably.
(Yeah right try to find that in todays society, and yet
it does exist in certain circles)
Then the man shows great appreciation for the woman
that stands behind him, and showers her with all kinds
of gifts in appreciation. It's only Natural.
So which comes first, the chicken or the egg. The
womans understanding, or the mans appreciation.
See the biggest problem is that Women by our
society have been conditioned to question, and men
do not appreciate without understanding.
A catch 22 that somebody somewhere needs to break
the stalemate of the war between the sexes.
Do you know why there is so much Homosexuality
in the world? Simply because so few people understand
and can implement the dynamic synergy between the
opposite sexes. But apparently some people can, and who
do you think God can use the most because of it?
SMM's Family is perhaps not unlike your own family, seeking
that edification of the spirit. SMM finally found it through his
current wife, did you?
People expect hero's to be SUPER. But they are human people
simply in extraordinary circumstances unlike like you and I.
Be careful of Hero worship, there is only one worthy of praise.
I write this scripture knowing that it is not perfect, but also
that the information as lucid as it may appear, is needed more today
than it was yesterday. I write this scripture fully knowing that
makes perfect, and that until it is uttered it is not made manifest.

God created by first speaking it into existence, I as co-creator for
God, should I do any less? In the beginning was not perfection,
but through speaking the ideal was made manifest. Thus say all
the prophets, from Daniel, to Joseph Smith.

SMM is not a Prophet, I'm not quite sure what he is. A Star fallen
from the heavens maybe.

2011-09-15 03:03:10 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
simply because the TRUE Mormons will agree
with every word of it, The TRUE Jews have lived
it forever and the Unificationists have the ability to
learn from it.
SMM was married once before his current marriage.
His first marriage ended it failure. But then SMM found
a woman willing to not only love him, but serve him
unquestionably. Now to a feminist that may be
unheard of. But to a woman dedicated to family
and God, that is what they are meant for. Serving
their Husband and God.
Call it a revelation if you will, but it is the true
basis of relationship for all of mankind.
It all starts with your parents. And it is all
about edifying the spirit. Meaning building up.
Which to the counter effect is destroying
relationships everywhere you look.
This is all new to me, and fortunately for me
I have recently had a good example.
But in order for God's true ideal between
Man and Woman to be realized it begins in
"Communication" Communication on a
much deeper level than simple "wants",
but rather Edifying and building up, supporting
your spouse, or potential there of. Look around
you, everybody is tearing down in want of they
know not what.
As much as it grieves me to say it, because of
all the other "wants" The Mormon "families" actually
GET IT, they husband and wife give to each other
and their children learn it from example.
So too do Jewish Families, those that are deep
enough into "tradition" to acclimate it.
What are these wants? Well I can tell you truly
it has nothing to do with sex, and has everything
to do with respect, love, and appreciation. That is to
put it as simply as I can.
When a woman loves a man without question, or
cause for pause, and loves him unquestionably.
(Yeah right try to find that in todays society, and yet
it does exist in certain circles)
Then the man shows great appreciation for the woman
that stands behind him, and showers her with all kinds
of gifts in appreciation. It's only Natural.
So which comes first, the chicken or the egg. The
womans understanding, or the mans appreciation.
See the biggest problem is that Women by our
society have been conditioned to question, and men
do not appreciate without understanding.
A catch 22 that somebody somewhere needs to break
the stalemate of the war between the sexes.
Do you know why there is so much Homosexuality
in the world? Simply because so few people understand
and can implement the dynamic synergy between the
opposite sexes. But apparently some people can, and who
do you think God can use the most because of it?
SMM's Family is perhaps not unlike your own family, seeking
that edification of the spirit. SMM finally found it through his
current wife, did you?
People expect hero's to be SUPER. But they are human people
simply in extraordinary circumstances unlike like you and I.
Be careful of Hero worship, there is only one worthy of praise.
I write this scripture knowing that it is not perfect, but also
that the information as lucid as it may appear, is needed more today
than it was yesterday. I write this scripture fully knowing that
makes perfect, and that until it is uttered it is not made manifest.
God created by first speaking it into existence, I as co-creator for
God, should I do any less? In the beginning was not perfection,
but through speaking the ideal was made manifest. Thus say all
the prophets, from Daniel, to Joseph Smith.
SMM is not a Prophet, I'm not quite sure what he is. A Star fallen
from the heavens maybe.
Quite simply I don't know how to describe the phenomenon. But I
know that by writing about it will help.

Both men and women need to edify each other in their relationships.
This fullfills the need among men and women. Which is formed at
birth through Mother and father. I tell you truly, once you have it
established in your life, the whole world changes.

I also tell you truly that not having that foundation at birth creates
a great many afflictions upon mankind and the individual, as each
individual searches for what they missed at birth. The love,
kindness, and understanding that rarely comes from anything but
"perfect" parents. Perfect in the sense of mature nurturing Love
for their children. Yet also the same TRUE LOVE that can exist
between Husband and Wife.

2011-09-15 04:33:31 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
simply because the TRUE Mormons will agree
with every word of it, The TRUE Jews have lived
it forever and the Unificationists have the ability to
learn from it.
SMM was married once before his current marriage.
His first marriage ended it failure. But then SMM found
a woman willing to not only love him, but serve him
unquestionably. Now to a feminist that may be
unheard of. But to a woman dedicated to family
and God, that is what they are meant for. Serving
their Husband and God.
Call it a revelation if you will, but it is the true
basis of relationship for all of mankind.
It all starts with your parents. And it is all
about edifying the spirit. Meaning building up.
Which to the counter effect is destroying
relationships everywhere you look.
This is all new to me, and fortunately for me
I have recently had a good example.
But in order for God's true ideal between
Man and Woman to be realized it begins in
"Communication" Communication on a
much deeper level than simple "wants",
but rather Edifying and building up, supporting
your spouse, or potential there of. Look around
you, everybody is tearing down in want of they
know not what.
As much as it grieves me to say it, because of
all the other "wants" The Mormon "families" actually
GET IT, they husband and wife give to each other
and their children learn it from example.
So too do Jewish Families, those that are deep
enough into "tradition" to acclimate it.
What are these wants? Well I can tell you truly
it has nothing to do with sex, and has everything
to do with respect, love, and appreciation. That is to
put it as simply as I can.
When a woman loves a man without question, or
cause for pause, and loves him unquestionably.
(Yeah right try to find that in todays society, and yet
it does exist in certain circles)
Then the man shows great appreciation for the woman
that stands behind him, and showers her with all kinds
of gifts in appreciation. It's only Natural.
So which comes first, the chicken or the egg. The
womans understanding, or the mans appreciation.
See the biggest problem is that Women by our
society have been conditioned to question, and men
do not appreciate without understanding.
A catch 22 that somebody somewhere needs to break
the stalemate of the war between the sexes.
Do you know why there is so much Homosexuality
in the world? Simply because so few people understand
and can implement the dynamic synergy between the
opposite sexes. But apparently some people can, and who
do you think God can use the most because of it?
SMM's Family is perhaps not unlike your own family, seeking
that edification of the spirit. SMM finally found it through his
current wife, did you?
People expect hero's to be SUPER. But they are human people
simply in extraordinary circumstances unlike like you and I.
Be careful of Hero worship, there is only one worthy of praise.
I write this scripture knowing that it is not perfect, but also
that the information as lucid as it may appear, is needed more today
than it was yesterday. I write this scripture fully knowing that
makes perfect, and that until it is uttered it is not made manifest.
God created by first speaking it into existence, I as co-creator for
God, should I do any less? In the beginning was not perfection,
but through speaking the ideal was made manifest. Thus say all
the prophets, from Daniel, to Joseph Smith.
SMM is not a Prophet, I'm not quite sure what he is. A Star fallen
from the heavens maybe.
Quite simply I don't know how to describe the phenomenon. But I
know that by writing about it will help.
Both men and women need to edify each other in their relationships.
This fullfills the need among men and women. Which is formed at
birth through Mother and father. I tell you truly, once you have it
established in your life, the whole world changes.
I also tell you truly that not having that foundation at birth creates
a great many afflictions upon mankind and the individual, as each
individual searches for what they missed at birth. The love,
kindness, and understanding that rarely comes from anything but
"perfect" parents. Perfect in the sense of mature nurturing Love
for their children. Yet also the same TRUE LOVE that can exist
between Husband and Wife.
The phenomenon is hard to explain, and is best experienced
through interpersonal relationships. Either through a Man and
a Woman, or through Parents to Children. In either case it is
a transforming event. The world CAN appear totally new to
somebody first experiencing it. Whether they GET the dynamics
of it or not is a totally different story.

Again when it comes to a Man and a Woman, it's not about
SEX, it's about communicating, edifying, and building up rather
than tearing down as is so very sadly prevalent in today's society.
With that communication and edification comes deep appreciation
and respect for the opposite sex. And the dynamics spread to every
other relationships in your life because of it. It's so simple, and
it is so profound.

With such communication and edification sexual hangups become
Non-existent. The life of Sigmund Freud is proof of this. Coming from
a broken family without the proper example present, he actually
detailed what happens when you don't GET IT!

It's incredibly miraculous, once you GET IT!

2011-09-15 04:42:36 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
simply because the TRUE Mormons will agree
with every word of it, The TRUE Jews have lived
it forever and the Unificationists have the ability to
learn from it.
SMM was married once before his current marriage.
His first marriage ended it failure. But then SMM found
a woman willing to not only love him, but serve him
unquestionably. Now to a feminist that may be
unheard of. But to a woman dedicated to family
and God, that is what they are meant for. Serving
their Husband and God.
Call it a revelation if you will, but it is the true
basis of relationship for all of mankind.
It all starts with your parents. And it is all
about edifying the spirit. Meaning building up.
Which to the counter effect is destroying
relationships everywhere you look.
This is all new to me, and fortunately for me
I have recently had a good example.
But in order for God's true ideal between
Man and Woman to be realized it begins in
"Communication" Communication on a
much deeper level than simple "wants",
but rather Edifying and building up, supporting
your spouse, or potential there of. Look around
you, everybody is tearing down in want of they
know not what.
As much as it grieves me to say it, because of
all the other "wants" The Mormon "families" actually
GET IT, they husband and wife give to each other
and their children learn it from example.
So too do Jewish Families, those that are deep
enough into "tradition" to acclimate it.
What are these wants? Well I can tell you truly
it has nothing to do with sex, and has everything
to do with respect, love, and appreciation. That is to
put it as simply as I can.
When a woman loves a man without question, or
cause for pause, and loves him unquestionably.
(Yeah right try to find that in todays society, and yet
it does exist in certain circles)
Then the man shows great appreciation for the woman
that stands behind him, and showers her with all kinds
of gifts in appreciation. It's only Natural.
So which comes first, the chicken or the egg. The
womans understanding, or the mans appreciation.
See the biggest problem is that Women by our
society have been conditioned to question, and men
do not appreciate without understanding.
A catch 22 that somebody somewhere needs to break
the stalemate of the war between the sexes.
Do you know why there is so much Homosexuality
in the world? Simply because so few people understand
and can implement the dynamic synergy between the
opposite sexes. But apparently some people can, and who
do you think God can use the most because of it?
SMM's Family is perhaps not unlike your own family, seeking
that edification of the spirit. SMM finally found it through his
current wife, did you?
People expect hero's to be SUPER. But they are human people
simply in extraordinary circumstances unlike like you and I.
Be careful of Hero worship, there is only one worthy of praise.
I write this scripture knowing that it is not perfect, but also
that the information as lucid as it may appear, is needed more today
than it was yesterday. I write this scripture fully knowing that
makes perfect, and that until it is uttered it is not made manifest.
God created by first speaking it into existence, I as co-creator for
God, should I do any less? In the beginning was not perfection,
but through speaking the ideal was made manifest. Thus say all
the prophets, from Daniel, to Joseph Smith.
SMM is not a Prophet, I'm not quite sure what he is. A Star fallen
from the heavens maybe.
Quite simply I don't know how to describe the phenomenon. But I
know that by writing about it will help.
Both men and women need to edify each other in their relationships.
This fullfills the need among men and women. Which is formed at
birth through Mother and father. I tell you truly, once you have it
established in your life, the whole world changes.
I also tell you truly that not having that foundation at birth creates
a great many afflictions upon mankind and the individual, as each
individual searches for what they missed at birth. The love,
kindness, and understanding that rarely comes from anything but
"perfect" parents. Perfect in the sense of mature nurturing Love
for their children. Yet also the same TRUE LOVE that can exist
between Husband and Wife.
The phenomenon is hard to explain, and is best experienced
through interpersonal relationships. Either through a Man and
a Woman, or through Parents to Children. In either case it is
a transforming event. The world CAN appear totally new to
somebody first experiencing it. Whether they GET the dynamics
of it or not is a totally different story.
Again when it comes to a Man and a Woman, it's not about
SEX, it's about communicating, edifying, and building up rather
than tearing down as is so very sadly prevalent in today's society.
With that communication and edification comes deep appreciation
and respect for the opposite sex. And the dynamics spread to every
other relationships in your life because of it. It's so simple, and
it is so profound.
With such communication and edification sexual hangups become
Non-existent. The life of Sigmund Freud is proof of this. Coming from
a broken family without the proper example present, he actually
detailed what happens when you don't GET IT!
It's incredibly miraculous, once you GET IT!
Archie Bunker, I love Lucy, Tom and Jerry they are the examples
most of us live by, and they had it ALL WRONG! You need to edify
and build up your partner, and or adversary and not seek to belittle
them and tear them down! Only then can you have respect for each
other and the world we all have to live in.

• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-15 20:37:19 UTC
In article
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
simply because the TRUE Mormons will agree
with every word of it, The TRUE Jews have lived
it forever and the Unificationists have the ability to
learn from it.
SMM was married once before his current marriage.
• What follows are a collection of translated quotes from Sun Myung Moon:

"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.

"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)

"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)

"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)

"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-15 20:57:17 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
simply because the TRUE Mormons will agree
with every word of it, The TRUE Jews have lived
it forever and the Unificationists have the ability to
learn from it.
SMM was married once before his current marriage.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
I'm shocked, people really believe this crap about Moon?
2011-09-15 21:18:49 UTC
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
simply because the TRUE Mormons will agree
with every word of it, The TRUE Jews have lived
it forever and the Unificationists have the ability to
learn from it.
SMM was married once before his current marriage.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
I'm shocked, people really believe this crap about Moon?
Yeah, people really believe it especially detractors who don't
know rhetoric when they see it. They bring these quotes up all
the time like it actually means something.

Moon said such things for a reason, but it wasn't what he
said that was the reason. Go read "Sun Tzu -The Art of War",
and read it to comprehend it. All SMM's top members have
read it, and that is why they haven't left him. In spite
of what Moon may say or has said, he unlike many other
people in this world actually says and does what he says and
does for a reason, and the reason is NEVER transparent.

So all I have to say is, if you think you know and understand
Sun Myung Moon, you better think again!

• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-16 13:46:20 UTC
In article
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
simply because the TRUE Mormons will agree
with every word of it, The TRUE Jews have lived
it forever and the Unificationists have the ability to
learn from it.
SMM was married once before his current marriage.
=A0What follows are a collection of translated quotes from Sun Myung Moon=
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is fa=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history.=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
I'm shocked, people really believe this crap about Moon?
€€ some do even though it's obvious that he's full of taurine pooh.

"Lord, what fools these mortals be!" -- Puck.
--From A Midsummer Night's Dream (Act 3, scene 2 i, 115) by Wm. Shakespeare
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-15 22:06:08 UTC
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
Why is this absurd twaddle being posted to SCJ, where it is OFF TOPIC?

2011-09-15 22:10:40 UTC
Post by dsharavi
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
Why is this absurd twaddle being posted to SCJ, where it is OFF TOPIC?
That's what killfiles are for.

Oh... you're a googlegrouper, aren't you?

I guess you're just stuck.
***@iphouse.com St. Paul, MN
2011-09-15 22:11:39 UTC
Post by Bert
Post by dsharavi
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
Why is this absurd twaddle being posted to SCJ, where it is OFF TOPIC?
That's what killfiles are for.
Oh... you're a googlegrouper, aren't you?
I guess you're just stuck.
Yeah. Sad. But not as sad as when I wasn't a "ggoglegrouper".

• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-16 13:47:40 UTC
In article
Post by dsharavi
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
Why is this absurd twaddle being posted to SCJ, where it is OFF TOPIC?
€€ a more serious issue is who the hell is forcing you to read it.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-16 20:12:23 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by dsharavi
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
Why is this absurd twaddle being posted to SCJ, where it is OFF TOPIC?
 a more serious issue is who the hell is forcing you to read it.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
A more serious issue is how so many people missed the point
of the original post entirely. They focused on Moon instead of the
story behind it, fidelity, trust, and faith.

So many marriages and relationships are all about tearing down
the other person instead of building (edifying) up. That was the
whole point in mentioning SMM. His first marriage failed because
it wasn't edifying his beliefs and goals, so he got married a second
time, and the second marriage had what it took.

It is said that behind every successful man is a great woman.
All people know that it only stands to reason, but how many people
bother to ask why, and why are their so few good examples of it?

• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-18 03:42:07 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by dsharavi
What I am about to reveal unto this audience
is very profound, and I share it only with You
Unificationists and the Mormons, and Jews
Why is this absurd twaddle being posted to SCJ, where it is OFF TOPIC?
=A0a more serious issue is who the hell is forcing you to read it.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
A more serious issue is how so many people missed the point
of the original post entirely. They focused on Moon instead of the
story behind it, fidelity, trust, and faith.
So many marriages and relationships are all about tearing down
the other person instead of building (edifying) up. That was the
whole point in mentioning SMM. His first marriage failed because
it wasn't edifying his beliefs and goals, so he got married a second
time, and the second marriage had what it took.
It is said that behind every successful man is a great woman.
All people know that it only stands to reason, but how many people
bother to ask why, and why are their so few good examples of it?
€€ ____
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org