Post by sullyPost by  R. L. Measures.In article
Post by bd4u.utahPost by a***@yahoo.comPost by  R. L. Measures.In article
Post by a***@yahoo.comPost by  R. L. Measures.In article
Post by bd4u.utah** =3D3DA0Nothing damages the uncouth as much as the awful truth.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3DA0805-386-3734,
Hehh, yer not damaging anyone, except in yer twisted
little mind. Oh well..
** =3DA0what is your name Mr./Ms._______?
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,
Careful, R.L., he might put a snake in your mailbox, that appears to
be the way the Scientology god has worked in the past.
=A0so I've heard.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,
xt -
Post by a***@yahoo.comIn a later chapter, it was revealed that Synanon leader Deitrich
bragged of Synanon's ties with Moon, Hare Krishna and even
Hehh, Sun Myung Moon has many relationships
with many powerful men, you should be so lucky.
** Moon also had many coital relationships in his youth
Post by bd4u.utahSun Myung Moon is a man of peace. His
acknowledgments of other peoples and their
beliefs was an attempt to bridge the gap.
Sun Myung Moon did NOT believe in
boundaries. Unlike most people whom
always strive to create them. Sun Myung
Moon believed that by overcoming boundaries
between peoples will promote PEACE!
** But Moon is undoubtedly a megalomaniac since he sees himself as Fuehrer.
Post by bd4u.utahI happen to believe him on that point.
Yet again Sun Myung Moon is a Shaman,
so you have to read between the lines
in order to learn the truth.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
The Discipling Movement
Wow, so Moon thinks he is better than God. Now there is a super sized
ego for you! Course, if God doesn't exist, that makes Moon better
than nothing! ;-))))
Pretty amazing the menagerie of crackpots, maniacs, pedophiles,
murderers, and idiots that God chooses to speak on his behalf.
God also constantly seems to require some kind of sales
and marketing plan. Why do God's spokesmen need
to use the same sales techniques to pitch God as
door-to-door brush, cosmetic, or insurance salesmen use?-
I have a hard time answering that, Sully. I'm thinking back to the
time I served a mission, trying to remember what motivated me. I
I think missions are very good character building
exercises. Any time you go door to door to try to
sell something to people who will mostly always
tell you to 'get lost', it builds a toughness. I can
see why the LDS does this in pairs.
I sold insurance door to door for a year. It was
the Combined Insurance Company, a company
founded by W Clement Stone, who was the
first wealth evangelist, one of the first "success
book" gurus in the US. He pioneered sales
techniques that were masterful in human psychology.
These techniques were adopted by many door
to door sales companies, incl Amway, Fuller,
Mary Kay, etc. I was amazed after having
become good at it to recognize the techniques
being used by missionaries, not just mormons,
but JW's and others.
I found it most entertaining then when missionaries
came to my place, and would be absolutely
welcoming, bring out lemonade, put out lawn
chairs on the lawn under the tree, and pop
a beer for myself. I'd bring out my own copy
of KJB for my use.
At the end of our visit, I would sometimes give
helpful hints on their sales pitch.
I wonder why God sends these guys and
doesn't just tell me himself.
lazy God.-
Lazy and money loving God! Yes, you are right, missionary work is a
good training ground for business. It helped me become CEO of my own
business and helped me analyze problems before making decisions.
However, the thing that bothered me by becoming a member was loosing
my independents, I relied on the church for most of my decisions, you
know, "the thinking has been done". Also, the time demands of the
church was too great. It was when I left the church that I started my
own business. I am now retired, own my own aircraft, have a home in
Africa, France and California. I travel somewhat and am not tied down
to a ward job. I donate to welfare and help others as I can. And
yes, the missionaries still visit me and I greet them kindly. If they
ask a question about the church, I answer it honestly and as kindly as
I can. They claim they like to visit me because of my opposition to
the church it gives them a good training format. I find that the
missionaries and most of the members do not have a good background of
their own church, and it was this background history that started my
inactivity. When I honestly review my past as a church member, I
realize that I never actually received inspiration, never really had a
prayer answered, nevery had the Holy Ghost speak to me, never had a
priesthood blessing come true,...but I had convinced myself that these
things were true. Sorry, Sully, I'm rambling, characteristic of old
people. Enjoy your comments.
post to ARM. I do it myself, it's not restricted to
true believers, it's human nature.
couldn't find his way to your heart. It's that
circular argument. You have to believe something
in order to believe it... :^)
evidence". This covers every kind of crackpot
religion or belief.
will listen to and cluck at as being nonsense.
in Latin.
hands shaking his head.