The tongue
(too old to reply)
2011-11-16 03:54:10 UTC
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.

The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.

2011-11-16 04:47:42 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
Well, no kidding..............SMH... Next?


Validation: apsiec
2011-11-16 13:51:00 UTC
Post by x***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
Well, no kidding..............SMH... Next?
Validation: apsiec
Did you just bait and set a trap for
anybody following you in ARS?
If you did, it wasn't a nice thing
to do. It's better if you don't take
advantage of people.

Mind you I am not accusing you.
It's just an awful coinkidink that
Roger replied to my thread after
you did. You were being cryptic,
and I didn't think anything of it.
But Roger apparently did!

Roger isn't "clear" headed enough
to see what direction he was headed,
but you apparently did. If you have
such power, be unselfish and make
good use of it. What God has given
he can take away too!

Roger Larsson
2011-11-16 08:13:30 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
2011-11-16 08:51:02 UTC
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?

1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
2011-11-16 09:59:37 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
Matthew 12:34
King James Version (KJV)
34O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things?
for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Matthew 15:11
King James Version (KJV)
11Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which
cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

Luke 6:45
King James Version (KJV)
45A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth
that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his
heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the
heart his mouth speaketh.

Roger Larsson
2011-11-16 11:02:32 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
WWW is of the Father Tim Berners-Lee the lust for money and power
wanted to own.
2011-11-16 13:02:10 UTC
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
WWW is of the Father Tim Berners-Lee the lust for money and power
wanted to own.
You mentioned Scientology, and all the sudden you mention
some WWW, why change the subject? Wahtsa matter,
didn't like the answer?

Why you bother to measure a whole bunch of people
based upon the actions of one individual is kinda silly
if you ask me.

If yer gonna be convoluted and try to change the subject,
I can't stop you, but I sure as hell can point out yer
confusion to others.

Roger Larsson
2011-11-16 13:57:49 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
WWW is of the Father Tim Berners-Lee the lust for money and power
wanted to own.
You mentioned Scientology, and all the sudden you mention
some WWW, why change the subject? Wahtsa matter,
didn't like the answer?
Why you bother to measure a whole bunch of people
based upon the actions of one individual is kinda silly
if you ask me.
If yer gonna be convoluted and try to change the subject,
I can't stop you, but I sure as hell can point out yer
confusion to others.
If World Wide Web had been in RTC's control Xenu had still been
imprisoned on the inside of scientology prohibited to live in freedom
in the world.

Without the Father of WWW Tim Berners-Lee Xenu had never made it out
to freedom. Private interests loses against common interests.
2011-11-16 14:06:00 UTC
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
WWW is of the Father Tim Berners-Lee the lust for money and power
wanted to own.
You mentioned Scientology, and all the sudden you mention
some WWW, why change the subject? Wahtsa matter,
didn't like the answer?
Why you bother to measure a whole bunch of people
based upon the actions of one individual is kinda silly
if you ask me.
If yer gonna be convoluted and try to change the subject,
I can't stop you, but I sure as hell can point out yer
confusion to others.
If World Wide Web had been in RTC's control Xenu had still been
imprisoned on the inside of scientology prohibited to live in freedom
in the world.
Without the Father of WWW Tim Berners-Lee Xenu had never made it out
to freedom. Private interests loses against common interests.
Again, what has that got to do with
your first statement? Quit being such
a stooge, go on back over to ARS and
argue with somebody who even cares,

And quit following xl, it makes you look
bad. He's playing you.

2011-11-16 14:44:40 UTC
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
WWW is of the Father Tim Berners-Lee the lust for money and power
wanted to own.
You mentioned Scientology, and all the sudden you mention
some WWW, why change the subject? Wahtsa matter,
didn't like the answer?
Why you bother to measure a whole bunch of people
based upon the actions of one individual is kinda silly
if you ask me.
If yer gonna be convoluted and try to change the subject,
I can't stop you, but I sure as hell can point out yer
confusion to others.
If World Wide Web had been in RTC's control Xenu had still been
imprisoned on the inside of scientology prohibited to live in freedom
in the world.
Without the Father of WWW Tim Berners-Lee Xenu had never made it out
to freedom. Private interests loses against common interests.
BTW: There is a contradiction here. If
Scientology were as much of "this world"
(excess baggage et al) as you claim that
they are. Then there wouldn't be any
argument here to begin with. I put it to you,
that it is BECAUSE they are NOT of this
world that people like you object to. If
they were just like you, what COULD
you object to?

The same reasoning applies to the Moonies,
the Mormons, and the Jews too! It is because
they are NOT like YOU, that people like you
object so strongly to.

When I first met Mormons, they scared the
bajeebies out of me. I couldn't understand
how somebody could be so happy, I figured
it had to be fake. But it's NOT!

People are naturally afraid of what they do
not understand. And people who don't
overcome and conquer their fears THEY
are the REAL threat and problem.

Which is not the minority of people, it is
the majority of people. You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
On the contrary it is one person that get's
lynched by a Mob majority.

2011-11-16 17:32:07 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
2011-11-16 22:22:45 UTC
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.

2011-11-17 04:00:49 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming blather yet.
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a lot
less braying.
2011-11-17 04:17:04 UTC
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming blather yet.
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a lot
less braying.
Hehh, go look in a mirror when you say that!

Cheers.. ;-)

2011-11-17 04:34:51 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming blather yet.
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a lot
less braying.
Hehh, go look in a mirror when you say that!
Cheers.. ;-)
I learned a very long time ago, that
when people look at me they see
their own sin reflected back at them.
They don't like what they see (which is
their own sin) and want to remove it
or me from memory. Thinking I AM
the source of it, but in truth what they
see isn't in me, it's in them.

I'm not sure how it works, it just works
that way. It can be a bit disconcerting
but I have gotten used to it. Maybe
because I am a "clear" it works that
way. I dunno, I'd be interested to hear
what others have to say.

Maybe I aughta delve more deeply
into Scientology. I'm sure they must
have had similar experiences that
way. In both being an "auditor", and
a "clear" it might seem that way.

I have had no personal experience
with Scientology. All I really have to
go on is what I have read in Dianetics
and what I have seen in ARS.

2011-11-17 04:42:10 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming blather yet.
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a lot
less braying.
Hehh, go look in a mirror when you say that!
Cheers.. ;-)
I learned a very long time ago, that
when people look at me they see
their own sin reflected back at them.
They don't like what they see (which is
their own sin) and want to remove it
or me from memory. Thinking I AM
the source of it, but in truth what they
see isn't in me, it's in them.
I'm not sure how it works, it just works
that way. It can be a bit disconcerting
but I have gotten used to it. Maybe
because I am a "clear" it works that
way. I dunno, I'd be interested to hear
what others have to say.
Maybe I aughta delve more deeply
into Scientology. I'm sure they must
have had similar experiences that
way. In both being an "auditor", and
a "clear" it might seem that way.
I have had no personal experience
with Scientology. All I really have to
go on is what I have read in Dianetics
and what I have seen in ARS.
Some people grow from the reflection
they see while others, well. I'm sure
many of you can see, and judge for
yourself what happens to those that
refuse to see "reality" for what it is.

The difference between having a "clear"
mind or one with a lot of extra baggage.


2011-11-17 05:58:15 UTC
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming blather yet.
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a lot
less braying.
See, this fella is a prefect example of
what I am saying. He talks about "praying".
Well I personally pray when I get up, I pray
as I fall asleep, I pray during the day, I pray
in Church, I even pray while walking down
the street. Can he even begin to shake a
stick at me?

Like I told him, go look in a mirror..

Then he talks about "braying", I mean
really.. ..does he even bother to criticize
himself when he says such things?

"Judge not lest ye be judged, for in
the amount you judge, you shall
likewise be judged"

A mirror..

Some people can't stand to look at
themselves, they would rather attempt
to judge others.

I bet LRH had something to say
about that!


2011-11-17 13:01:39 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming blather yet.
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a lot
less braying.
See, this fella is a prefect example of
what I am saying. He talks about "praying".
Well I personally pray when I get up, I pray
as I fall asleep, I pray during the day, I pray
in Church, I even pray while walking down
the street. Can he even begin to shake a
stick at me?
Like I told him, go look in a mirror..
Then he talks about "braying", I mean
really.. ..does he even bother to criticize
himself when he says such things?
"Judge not lest ye be judged, for in
the amount you judge, you shall
likewise be judged"
A mirror..
Some people can't stand to look at
themselves, they would rather attempt
to judge others.
I bet LRH had something to say
about that!
You replied to my one comment four times, fully demonstrating the
insecurity of your position, your Freudian projection on others, your
obsessive nature, and your neurosis.

Take a vacation.
2011-11-17 13:46:58 UTC
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming blather yet.
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a lot
less braying.
See, this fella is a prefect example of
what I am saying. He talks about "praying".
Well I personally pray when I get up, I pray
as I fall asleep, I pray during the day, I pray
in Church, I even pray while walking down
the street. Can he even begin to shake a
stick at me?
Like I told him, go look in a mirror..
Then he talks about "braying", I mean
really.. ..does he even bother to criticize
himself when he says such things?
"Judge not lest ye be judged, for in
the amount you judge, you shall
likewise be judged"
A mirror..
Some people can't stand to look at
themselves, they would rather attempt
to judge others.
I bet LRH had something to say
about that!
You replied to my one comment four times, fully demonstrating the
insecurity of your position, your Freudian projection on others, your
obsessive nature, and your neurosis.
Take a vacation.
It's called dialog, fella. I wasn't talking TO you
I was talking ABOUT you. There are others
here besides YOU! Go get a life
and quit yer bellyaching..

2011-11-17 17:23:09 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming blather yet.
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a lot
less braying.
See, this fella is a prefect example of
what I am saying. He talks about "praying".
Well I personally pray when I get up, I pray
as I fall asleep, I pray during the day, I pray
in Church, I even pray while walking down
the street. Can he even begin to shake a
stick at me?
Like I told him, go look in a mirror..
Then he talks about "braying", I mean
really.. ..does he even bother to criticize
himself when he says such things?
"Judge not lest ye be judged, for in
the amount you judge, you shall
likewise be judged"
A mirror..
Some people can't stand to look at
themselves, they would rather attempt
to judge others.
I bet LRH had something to say
about that!
You replied to my one comment four times, fully demonstrating the
insecurity of your position, your Freudian projection on others, your
obsessive nature, and your neurosis.
Take a vacation.
It's called dialog, fella. I wasn't talking TO you
I was talking ABOUT you. There are others
here besides YOU! Go get a life
and quit yer bellyaching..
Revelation 3:17 ESV

For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not
realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
2011-11-17 21:40:55 UTC
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming blather yet.
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a lot
less braying.
See, this fella is a prefect example of
what I am saying. He talks about "praying".
Well I personally pray when I get up, I pray
as I fall asleep, I pray during the day, I pray
in Church, I even pray while walking down
the street. Can he even begin to shake a
stick at me?
Like I told him, go look in a mirror..
Then he talks about "braying", I mean
really.. ..does he even bother to criticize
himself when he says such things?
"Judge not lest ye be judged, for in
the amount you judge, you shall
likewise be judged"
A mirror..
Some people can't stand to look at
themselves, they would rather attempt
to judge others.
I bet LRH had something to say
about that!
You replied to my one comment four times, fully demonstrating the
insecurity of your position, your Freudian projection on others, your
obsessive nature, and your neurosis.
Take a vacation.
It's called dialog, fella. I wasn't talking TO you
I was talking ABOUT you. There are others
here besides YOU!  Go get a life
and quit yer bellyaching..
Revelation 3:17 ESV
For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not
realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
LOL, is that supposed to actually mean something?
Are you poor, pitiable, and wretched?

I note yer changing subjects, whatsa matter
didn't like the first one? Yer the one who created it!
So blame yerself.

Cheers.. ;-)

2011-11-17 22:11:12 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming blather yet.
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a lot
less braying.
See, this fella is a prefect example of
what I am saying. He talks about "praying".
Well I personally pray when I get up, I pray
as I fall asleep, I pray during the day, I pray
in Church, I even pray while walking down
the street. Can he even begin to shake a
stick at me?
Like I told him, go look in a mirror..
Then he talks about "braying", I mean
really.. ..does he even bother to criticize
himself when he says such things?
"Judge not lest ye be judged, for in
the amount you judge, you shall
likewise be judged"
A mirror..
Some people can't stand to look at
themselves, they would rather attempt
to judge others.
I bet LRH had something to say
about that!
You replied to my one comment four times, fully demonstrating the
insecurity of your position, your Freudian projection on others, your
obsessive nature, and your neurosis.
Take a vacation.
It's called dialog, fella. I wasn't talking TO you
I was talking ABOUT you. There are others
here besides YOU!  Go get a life
and quit yer bellyaching..
Revelation 3:17 ESV
For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not
realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
LOL, is that supposed to actually mean something?
Are you poor, pitiable, and wretched?
I note yer changing subjects, whatsa matter
didn't like the first one? Yer the one who created it!
So blame yerself.
Cheers.. ;-)
You only have one subject - bullshit Usenet spam. Nothing's changed.
2011-11-17 22:27:18 UTC
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming blather
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a lot
less braying.
See, this fella is a prefect example of
what I am saying. He talks about "praying".
Well I personally pray when I get up, I pray
as I fall asleep, I pray during the day, I pray
in Church, I even pray while walking down
the street. Can he even begin to shake a
stick at me?
Like I told him, go look in a mirror..
Then he talks about "braying", I mean
really.. ..does he even bother to criticize
himself when he says such things?
"Judge not lest ye be judged, for in
the amount you judge, you shall
likewise be judged"
A mirror..
Some people can't stand to look at
themselves, they would rather attempt
to judge others.
I bet LRH had something to say
about that!
You replied to my one comment four times, fully demonstrating the
insecurity of your position, your Freudian projection on others, your
obsessive nature, and your neurosis.
Take a vacation.
It's called dialog, fella. I wasn't talking TO you
I was talking ABOUT you. There are others
here besides YOU!  Go get a life
and quit yer bellyaching..
Revelation 3:17 ESV
For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not
realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
LOL, is that supposed to actually mean something?
Are you poor, pitiable, and wretched?
I note yer changing subjects, whatsa matter
didn't like the first one? Yer the one who created it!
So blame yerself.
Cheers.. ;-)
You only have one subject - bullshit Usenet spam. Nothing's changed.
You sound like one of those crybabies that can't stand
the heat, and refuse to get out of the kitchen. Well that's
yer problem not mine, fella.

If yer gonna play with fire, expect
to get burned. Only an idiot would
believe otherwise.

Cheers.. ;-)

2011-11-18 02:05:36 UTC
In article
Post by Skipper
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
less braying.
See, this fella is a prefect example of
what I am saying. He talks about "praying".
Well I personally pray when I get up, I pray
as I fall asleep, I pray during the day, I pray
in Church, I even pray while walking down
the street. Can he even begin to shake a
stick at me?
Like I told him, go look in a mirror..
Then he talks about "braying", I mean
really.. ..does he even bother to criticize
himself when he says such things?
"Judge not lest ye be judged, for in
the amount you judge, you shall
likewise be judged"
A mirror..
Some people can't stand to look at
themselves, they would rather attempt
to judge others.
I bet LRH had something to say
about that!
You replied to my one comment four times, fully demonstrating the
insecurity of your position, your Freudian projection on others, your
obsessive nature, and your neurosis.
Take a vacation.
It's called dialog, fella. I wasn't talking TO you
I was talking ABOUT you. There are others
here besides YOU!  Go get a life
and quit yer bellyaching..
Revelation 3:17 ESV
For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not
realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
LOL, is that supposed to actually mean something?
Are you poor, pitiable, and wretched?
I note yer changing subjects, whatsa matter
didn't like the first one? Yer the one who created it!
So blame yerself.
Cheers.. ;-)
You only have one subject - bullshit Usenet spam. Nothing's changed.
You sound like one of those crybabies that can't stand
the heat, and refuse to get out of the kitchen. Well that's
yer problem not mine, fella.
If yer gonna play with fire, expect
to get burned. Only an idiot would
believe otherwise.
Cheers.. ;-)
Let me know if you ever get any fire, Sneerbucket.

There's some waiting for you just past that final portal.
2011-11-18 04:31:40 UTC
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by Skipper
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying and a
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
less braying.
See, this fella is a prefect example of
what I am saying. He talks about "praying".
Well I personally pray when I get up, I pray
as I fall asleep, I pray during the day, I pray
in Church, I even pray while walking down
the street. Can he even begin to shake a
stick at me?
Like I told him, go look in a mirror..
Then he talks about "braying", I mean
really.. ..does he even bother to criticize
himself when he says such things?
"Judge not lest ye be judged, for in
the amount you judge, you shall
likewise be judged"
A mirror..
Some people can't stand to look at
themselves, they would rather attempt
to judge others.
I bet LRH had something to say
about that!
You replied to my one comment four times, fully demonstrating the
insecurity of your position, your Freudian projection on others,
obsessive nature, and your neurosis.
Take a vacation.
It's called dialog, fella. I wasn't talking TO you
I was talking ABOUT you. There are others
here besides YOU!  Go get a life
and quit yer bellyaching..
Revelation 3:17 ESV
For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not
realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
LOL, is that supposed to actually mean something?
Are you poor, pitiable, and wretched?
I note yer changing subjects, whatsa matter
didn't like the first one? Yer the one who created it!
So blame yerself.
Cheers.. ;-)
You only have one subject - bullshit Usenet spam. Nothing's changed.
You sound like one of those crybabies that can't stand
the heat, and refuse to get out of the kitchen. Well that's
yer problem not mine, fella.
If yer gonna play with fire, expect
to get burned. Only an idiot would
believe otherwise.
Cheers.. ;-)
Let me know if you ever get any fire, Sneerbucket.
There's some waiting for you just past that final portal.

It figures, typical horror story by "christians" used
to scare, and taunt others with. Do YOU REALLY
believe in hell? Cause you sure don't act like it.

All that pent up hostility, sure won't get you to
heaven. You wanna see hell? Go look in a mirror.

Cheers.. ;-)

2011-11-18 17:32:56 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by Skipper
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying
and a
Post by Skipper
Post by Skipper
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
less braying.
See, this fella is a prefect example of
what I am saying. He talks about "praying".
Well I personally pray when I get up, I pray
as I fall asleep, I pray during the day, I pray
in Church, I even pray while walking down
the street. Can he even begin to shake a
stick at me?
Like I told him, go look in a mirror..
Then he talks about "braying", I mean
really.. ..does he even bother to criticize
himself when he says such things?
"Judge not lest ye be judged, for in
the amount you judge, you shall
likewise be judged"
A mirror..
Some people can't stand to look at
themselves, they would rather attempt
to judge others.
I bet LRH had something to say
about that!
You replied to my one comment four times, fully demonstrating
Post by Skipper
Post by Skipper
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
insecurity of your position, your Freudian projection on others,
obsessive nature, and your neurosis.
Take a vacation.
It's called dialog, fella. I wasn't talking TO you
I was talking ABOUT you. There are others
here besides YOU!  Go get a life
and quit yer bellyaching..
Revelation 3:17 ESV
For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not
realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
LOL, is that supposed to actually mean something?
Are you poor, pitiable, and wretched?
I note yer changing subjects, whatsa matter
didn't like the first one? Yer the one who created it!
So blame yerself.
Cheers.. ;-)
You only have one subject - bullshit Usenet spam. Nothing's changed.
You sound like one of those crybabies that can't stand
the heat, and refuse to get out of the kitchen. Well that's
yer problem not mine, fella.
If yer gonna play with fire, expect
to get burned. Only an idiot would
believe otherwise.
Cheers.. ;-)
Let me know if you ever get any fire, Sneerbucket.
There's some waiting for you just past that final portal.
It figures, typical horror story by "christians" used
to scare, and taunt others with. Do YOU REALLY
believe in hell? Cause you sure don't act like it.
All that pent up hostility, sure won't get you to
heaven. You wanna see hell? Go look in a mirror.
Cheers.. ;-)
Usually, the most insane on Usenet use bwaha etc. as soon as they can.
Thanks for confirming.

You wouldn't know hell - you're too far inside it.
2011-11-18 22:11:42 UTC
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by Skipper
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
I haven't seen a good idea from your multi-group spamming
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
If you believe in God (as I do), go do a lot more praying
and a
Post by Skipper
Post by Skipper
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
less braying.
See, this fella is a prefect example of
what I am saying. He talks about "praying".
Well I personally pray when I get up, I pray
as I fall asleep, I pray during the day, I pray
in Church, I even pray while walking down
the street. Can he even begin to shake a
stick at me?
Like I told him, go look in a mirror..
Then he talks about "braying", I mean
really.. ..does he even bother to criticize
himself when he says such things?
"Judge not lest ye be judged, for in
the amount you judge, you shall
likewise be judged"
A mirror..
Some people can't stand to look at
themselves, they would rather attempt
to judge others.
I bet LRH had something to say
about that!
You replied to my one comment four times, fully demonstrating
Post by Skipper
Post by Skipper
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
insecurity of your position, your Freudian projection on others,
obsessive nature, and your neurosis.
Take a vacation.
It's called dialog, fella. I wasn't talking TO you
I was talking ABOUT you. There are others
here besides YOU!  Go get a life
and quit yer bellyaching..
Revelation 3:17 ESV
For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not
realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
LOL, is that supposed to actually mean something?
Are you poor, pitiable, and wretched?
I note yer changing subjects, whatsa matter
didn't like the first one? Yer the one who created it!
So blame yerself.
Cheers.. ;-)
You only have one subject - bullshit Usenet spam. Nothing's changed.
You sound like one of those crybabies that can't stand
the heat, and refuse to get out of the kitchen. Well that's
yer problem not mine, fella.
If yer gonna play with fire, expect
to get burned. Only an idiot would
believe otherwise.
Cheers.. ;-)
Let me know if you ever get any fire, Sneerbucket.
There's some waiting for you just past that final portal.
It figures, typical horror story by "christians" used
to scare, and taunt others with. Do YOU REALLY
believe in hell? Cause you sure don't act like it.
All that pent up hostility, sure won't get you to
heaven. You wanna see hell? Go look in a mirror.
Cheers.. ;-)
Usually, the most insane on Usenet use bwaha etc. as soon as they can.
Thanks for confirming.
You wouldn't know hell - you're too far inside it.

There, does that now justify your sin, and apparent
hostility? I don't think so!

Get the mote out of yer own eye before you
attempt to remove the splinter from somebody

Cheers.. ;-)

2011-11-17 06:14:22 UTC
In article <e084c9fd-40b6-433d-a102-***@m7g2000vbc.googlegroups.com>,
bd4u.utah says...
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
How do you worship God?
2011-11-17 14:38:44 UTC
Post by Bru
bd4u.utah says...
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Skipper
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
Such a genius. You should bottle it.
Sorry, but it's not for sale. I don't believe
in selling good ideas. I don't believe in patents,
or copyrights either. Probably because I believe
in God. Whatever man can create was already
thought of by God. It's vain to think you can
own or license God.
How do you worship God?
With all my heart, and all my soul, and all
my mind that I can muster.

If that doesn't answer your question,
then simply try restating it. MAYBE
I will answer it.

Cheers.. ;-)

2011-11-18 00:09:45 UTC
In article <02c43e8d-8053-45f6-9ed7-***@u6g2000vbg.googlegroups.com>,
bd4u.utah says...
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Bru
How do you worship God?
With all my heart, and all my soul, and all
my mind that I can muster.
If that doesn't answer your question,
then simply try restating it. MAYBE
I will answer it.
Cheers.. ;-)
Interesting to me that you answered that way because it is pretty much how I
think of my manner of worship. I am a Deist.
2011-11-18 04:33:39 UTC
Post by Bru
bd4u.utah says...
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Bru
How do you worship God?
With all my heart, and all my soul, and all
my mind that I can muster.
If that doesn't answer your question,
then simply try restating it. MAYBE
I will answer it.
Cheers.. ;-)
Interesting to me that you answered that way because it is pretty much how I
think of my manner of worship. I am a Deist.
Hey, good for you! Who needs religion
as long as you have God.

Vaya con Dios

Bruce Daniel
Roger Larsson
2011-11-17 08:10:56 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
WWW is of the Father Tim Berners-Lee the lust for money and power
wanted to own.
You mentioned Scientology, and all the sudden you mention
some WWW, why change the subject? Wahtsa matter,
didn't like the answer?
Why you bother to measure a whole bunch of people
based upon the actions of one individual is kinda silly
if you ask me.
If yer gonna be convoluted and try to change the subject,
I can't stop you, but I sure as hell can point out yer
confusion to others.
If World Wide Web had been in RTC's control Xenu had still been
imprisoned on the inside of scientology prohibited to live in freedom
in the world.
Without the Father of WWW Tim Berners-Lee Xenu had never made it out
to freedom. Private interests loses against common interests.
BTW: There is a contradiction here. If
Scientology were as much of "this world"
(excess baggage et al) as you claim that
they are. Then there wouldn't be any
argument here to begin with. I put it to you,
that it is BECAUSE they are NOT of this
world that people like you object to. If
they were just like you, what COULD
you object to?
The same reasoning applies to the Moonies,
the Mormons, and the Jews too! It is because
they are NOT like YOU, that people like you
object so strongly to.
When I first met Mormons, they scared the
bajeebies out of me. I couldn't understand
how somebody could be so happy, I figured
it had to be fake. But it's NOT!
People are naturally afraid of what they do
not understand. And people who don't
overcome and conquer their fears THEY
are the REAL threat and problem.
Which is not the minority of people, it is
the majority of people. You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
On the contrary it is one person that get's
lynched by a Mob majority.
Clear clear and enlightened enlighten. A mob leader sending the mob of
scientology on innocent enlighten the world about what the definition
of being clear means in the reality.

What psychs do to people is nothing compared with what psychopaths as
LRH, DM and HJ do to them.
2011-11-17 13:49:00 UTC
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
WWW is of the Father Tim Berners-Lee the lust for money and power
wanted to own.
You mentioned Scientology, and all the sudden you mention
some WWW, why change the subject? Wahtsa matter,
didn't like the answer?
Why you bother to measure a whole bunch of people
based upon the actions of one individual is kinda silly
if you ask me.
If yer gonna be convoluted and try to change the subject,
I can't stop you, but I sure as hell can point out yer
confusion to others.
If World Wide Web had been in RTC's control Xenu had still been
imprisoned on the inside of scientology prohibited to live in freedom
in the world.
Without the Father of WWW Tim Berners-Lee Xenu had never made it out
to freedom. Private interests loses against common interests.
BTW: There is a contradiction here. If
Scientology were as much of "this world"
(excess baggage et al) as you claim that
they are. Then there wouldn't be any
argument here to begin with. I put it to you,
that it is BECAUSE they are NOT of this
world that people like you object to. If
they were just like you, what COULD
you object to?
The same reasoning applies to the Moonies,
the Mormons, and the Jews too! It is because
they are NOT like YOU, that people like you
object so strongly to.
When I first met Mormons, they scared the
bajeebies out of me. I couldn't understand
how somebody could be so happy, I figured
it had to be fake. But it's NOT!
People are naturally afraid of what they do
not understand. And people who don't
overcome and conquer their fears THEY
are the REAL threat and problem.
Which is not the minority of people, it is
the majority of people. You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
On the contrary it is one person that get's
lynched by a Mob majority.
Clear clear and enlightened enlighten. A mob leader sending the mob of
scientology on innocent enlighten the world about what the definition
of being clear means in the reality.
What psychs do to people is nothing compared with what psychopaths as
LRH, DM and HJ do to them.
You obviously don't like Scientologists. That SHOULD tell
you something about the problem.

Cheers.. ;-)

2011-11-17 14:05:13 UTC
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
WWW is of the Father Tim Berners-Lee the lust for money and power
wanted to own.
You mentioned Scientology, and all the sudden you mention
some WWW, why change the subject? Wahtsa matter,
didn't like the answer?
Why you bother to measure a whole bunch of people
based upon the actions of one individual is kinda silly
if you ask me.
If yer gonna be convoluted and try to change the subject,
I can't stop you, but I sure as hell can point out yer
confusion to others.
If World Wide Web had been in RTC's control Xenu had still been
imprisoned on the inside of scientology prohibited to live in freedom
in the world.
Without the Father of WWW Tim Berners-Lee Xenu had never made it out
to freedom. Private interests loses against common interests.
BTW: There is a contradiction here. If
Scientology were as much of "this world"
(excess baggage et al) as you claim that
they are. Then there wouldn't be any
argument here to begin with. I put it to you,
that it is BECAUSE they are NOT of this
world that people like you object to. If
they were just like you, what COULD
you object to?
The same reasoning applies to the Moonies,
the Mormons, and the Jews too! It is because
they are NOT like YOU, that people like you
object so strongly to.
When I first met Mormons, they scared the
bajeebies out of me. I couldn't understand
how somebody could be so happy, I figured
it had to be fake. But it's NOT!
People are naturally afraid of what they do
not understand. And people who don't
overcome and conquer their fears THEY
are the REAL threat and problem.
Which is not the minority of people, it is
the majority of people. You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
On the contrary it is one person that get's
lynched by a Mob majority.
Clear clear and enlightened enlighten. A mob leader sending the mob of
scientology on innocent enlighten the world about what the definition
of being clear means in the reality.
What psychs do to people is nothing compared with what psychopaths as
LRH, DM and HJ do to them.
BTW: I don't stand with you, but I do stand beside you
on a couple of things. That being POWER (any power)
can be abused, unless cradled with taking responsibility
for that POWER. It was an obvious abuse of his power
for xl to manipulate you like he did.

But like there are not abuses in other seats of power?
Even in our own government that far outweigh what
Scientologists might do to people?

It helps to be objective in such situations. You need
to weigh the potential for good, along with the bad.

Quite obviously there is great potential for "auditing"
if done with responsible hands. EVERYbody COULD
be "clear", and it would help lift the yoke upon humanity
to do so. A "clear" mind functions at increased capacity,
one full of excess baggage does NOT!

At one point Psychology was considered just as much
an evil as Scientology is today. It was said that Psychology
stripped people of their humanity, well maybe that's a good
thing and maybe it's NOT! When judging, be careful what
you judge, and how you judge.

Roger Larsson
2011-11-18 07:46:14 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
WWW is of the Father Tim Berners-Lee the lust for money and power
wanted to own.
You mentioned Scientology, and all the sudden you mention
some WWW, why change the subject? Wahtsa matter,
didn't like the answer?
Why you bother to measure a whole bunch of people
based upon the actions of one individual is kinda silly
if you ask me.
If yer gonna be convoluted and try to change the subject,
I can't stop you, but I sure as hell can point out yer
confusion to others.
If World Wide Web had been in RTC's control Xenu had still been
imprisoned on the inside of scientology prohibited to live in freedom
in the world.
Without the Father of WWW Tim Berners-Lee Xenu had never made it out
to freedom. Private interests loses against common interests.
BTW: There is a contradiction here. If
Scientology were as much of "this world"
(excess baggage et al) as you claim that
they are. Then there wouldn't be any
argument here to begin with. I put it to you,
that it is BECAUSE they are NOT of this
world that people like you object to. If
they were just like you, what COULD
you object to?
The same reasoning applies to the Moonies,
the Mormons, and the Jews too! It is because
they are NOT like YOU, that people like you
object so strongly to.
When I first met Mormons, they scared the
bajeebies out of me. I couldn't understand
how somebody could be so happy, I figured
it had to be fake. But it's NOT!
People are naturally afraid of what they do
not understand. And people who don't
overcome and conquer their fears THEY
are the REAL threat and problem.
Which is not the minority of people, it is
the majority of people. You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
On the contrary it is one person that get's
lynched by a Mob majority.
Clear clear and enlightened enlighten. A mob leader sending the mob of
scientology on innocent enlighten the world about what the definition
of being clear means in the reality.
What psychs do to people is nothing compared with what psychopaths as
LRH, DM and HJ do to them.
BTW: I don't stand with you, but I do stand beside you
on a couple of things. That being POWER (any power)
can be abused, unless cradled with taking responsibility
for that POWER. It was an obvious abuse of his power
for xl to manipulate you like he did.
But like there are not abuses in other seats of power?
Even in our own government that far outweigh what
Scientologists might do to people?
It helps to be objective in such situations. You need
to weigh the potential for good, along with the bad.
Quite obviously there is great potential for "auditing"
if done with responsible hands. EVERYbody COULD
be "clear", and it would help lift  the yoke upon humanity
to do so. A "clear" mind functions at increased capacity,
one full of excess baggage does NOT!
At one point Psychology was considered just as much
an evil as Scientology is today. It was said that Psychology
stripped people of their humanity, well maybe that's a good
thing and maybe it's NOT! When judging, be careful what
you judge, and how you judge.
Mankinds best friends exposing mankinds worst enemy, Mr Hubbard, are
fought by him. He has dogs with rabies to attack mankinds best friends
with. A world laughing at his and his dogs insanity laugh all their
way home.

A scientology no longer standing for the entertainment on ARS opens up
for squirrels but they aren't stuck in the money trap as C of $ is.
2011-11-18 22:06:46 UTC
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
WWW is of the Father Tim Berners-Lee the lust for money and power
wanted to own.
You mentioned Scientology, and all the sudden you mention
some WWW, why change the subject? Wahtsa matter,
didn't like the answer?
Why you bother to measure a whole bunch of people
based upon the actions of one individual is kinda silly
if you ask me.
If yer gonna be convoluted and try to change the subject,
I can't stop you, but I sure as hell can point out yer
confusion to others.
If World Wide Web had been in RTC's control Xenu had still been
imprisoned on the inside of scientology prohibited to live in freedom
in the world.
Without the Father of WWW Tim Berners-Lee Xenu had never made it out
to freedom. Private interests loses against common interests.
BTW: There is a contradiction here. If
Scientology were as much of "this world"
(excess baggage et al) as you claim that
they are. Then there wouldn't be any
argument here to begin with. I put it to you,
that it is BECAUSE they are NOT of this
world that people like you object to. If
they were just like you, what COULD
you object to?
The same reasoning applies to the Moonies,
the Mormons, and the Jews too! It is because
they are NOT like YOU, that people like you
object so strongly to.
When I first met Mormons, they scared the
bajeebies out of me. I couldn't understand
how somebody could be so happy, I figured
it had to be fake. But it's NOT!
People are naturally afraid of what they do
not understand. And people who don't
overcome and conquer their fears THEY
are the REAL threat and problem.
Which is not the minority of people, it is
the majority of people. You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
On the contrary it is one person that get's
lynched by a Mob majority.
Clear clear and enlightened enlighten. A mob leader sending the mob of
scientology on innocent enlighten the world about what the definition
of being clear means in the reality.
What psychs do to people is nothing compared with what psychopaths as
LRH, DM and HJ do to them.
BTW: I don't stand with you, but I do stand beside you
on a couple of things. That being POWER (any power)
can be abused, unless cradled with taking responsibility
for that POWER. It was an obvious abuse of his power
for xl to manipulate you like he did.
But like there are not abuses in other seats of power?
Even in our own government that far outweigh what
Scientologists might do to people?
It helps to be objective in such situations. You need
to weigh the potential for good, along with the bad.
Quite obviously there is great potential for "auditing"
if done with responsible hands. EVERYbody COULD
be "clear", and it would help lift  the yoke upon humanity
to do so. A "clear" mind functions at increased capacity,
one full of excess baggage does NOT!
At one point Psychology was considered just as much
an evil as Scientology is today. It was said that Psychology
stripped people of their humanity, well maybe that's a good
thing and maybe it's NOT! When judging, be careful what
you judge, and how you judge.
Mankinds best friends exposing mankinds worst enemy, Mr Hubbard, are
fought by him. He has dogs with rabies to attack mankinds best friends
with. A world laughing at his and his dogs insanity laugh all their
way home.
A scientology no longer standing for the entertainment on ARS opens up
for squirrels but they aren't stuck in the money trap as C of $ is.
Hey, the world is full of criminals and crimes.
The Lords prayer suggests that people need
to forgive in order to be forgiven.

I personally concern myself with my own
salvation, and entrance into heaven. I'd like
to concern myself with others, but as you can
plainly see on USENET, nobody even bothers
to listen.

I'm not here for my sake, or the sake of anybody
currently here. But one day soon, people are gonna
wonder WTF HAPPENED! And the record will be

So when you or anybody else wants to plague
this religion or that religion in spite of the U.S.
Constitution. All I can remember is Auschwitz
and think to myself what a bloody crying shame.

Roger Larsson
2011-11-21 07:40:02 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by Roger Larsson
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
So if scientologists hadn't been out of their head they could have had
an existence in the world?
1 John 2:16
King James Version (KJV)
 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of
the world.
WWW is of the Father Tim Berners-Lee the lust for money and power
wanted to own.
You mentioned Scientology, and all the sudden you mention
some WWW, why change the subject? Wahtsa matter,
didn't like the answer?
Why you bother to measure a whole bunch of people
based upon the actions of one individual is kinda silly
if you ask me.
If yer gonna be convoluted and try to change the subject,
I can't stop you, but I sure as hell can point out yer
confusion to others.
If World Wide Web had been in RTC's control Xenu had still been
imprisoned on the inside of scientology prohibited to live in freedom
in the world.
Without the Father of WWW Tim Berners-Lee Xenu had never made it out
to freedom. Private interests loses against common interests.
BTW: There is a contradiction here. If
Scientology were as much of "this world"
(excess baggage et al) as you claim that
they are. Then there wouldn't be any
argument here to begin with. I put it to you,
that it is BECAUSE they are NOT of this
world that people like you object to. If
they were just like you, what COULD
you object to?
The same reasoning applies to the Moonies,
the Mormons, and the Jews too! It is because
they are NOT like YOU, that people like you
object so strongly to.
When I first met Mormons, they scared the
bajeebies out of me. I couldn't understand
how somebody could be so happy, I figured
it had to be fake. But it's NOT!
People are naturally afraid of what they do
not understand. And people who don't
overcome and conquer their fears THEY
are the REAL threat and problem.
Which is not the minority of people, it is
the majority of people. You will NEVER
find a lynch Mob made of just one person.
On the contrary it is one person that get's
lynched by a Mob majority.
Clear clear and enlightened enlighten. A mob leader sending the mob of
scientology on innocent enlighten the world about what the definition
of being clear means in the reality.
What psychs do to people is nothing compared with what psychopaths as
LRH, DM and HJ do to them.
BTW: I don't stand with you, but I do stand beside you
on a couple of things. That being POWER (any power)
can be abused, unless cradled with taking responsibility
for that POWER. It was an obvious abuse of his power
for xl to manipulate you like he did.
But like there are not abuses in other seats of power?
Even in our own government that far outweigh what
Scientologists might do to people?
It helps to be objective in such situations. You need
to weigh the potential for good, along with the bad.
Quite obviously there is great potential for "auditing"
if done with responsible hands. EVERYbody COULD
be "clear", and it would help lift  the yoke upon humanity
to do so. A "clear" mind functions at increased capacity,
one full of excess baggage does NOT!
At one point Psychology was considered just as much
an evil as Scientology is today. It was said that Psychology
stripped people of their humanity, well maybe that's a good
thing and maybe it's NOT! When judging, be careful what
you judge, and how you judge.
Mankinds best friends exposing mankinds worst enemy, Mr Hubbard, are
fought by him. He has dogs with rabies to attack mankinds best friends
with. A world laughing at his and his dogs insanity laugh all their
way home.
A scientology no longer standing for the entertainment on ARS opens up
for squirrels but they aren't stuck in the money trap as C of $ is.
Hey, the world is full of criminals and crimes.
The Lords prayer suggests that people need
to forgive in order to be forgiven.
I personally concern myself with my own
salvation, and entrance into heaven. I'd like
to concern myself with others, but as you can
plainly see on USENET, nobody even bothers
to listen.
I'm not here for my sake, or the sake of anybody
currently here. But one day soon, people are gonna
wonder WTF HAPPENED! And the record will be
So when you or anybody else wants to plague
this religion or that religion in spite of the U.S.
Constitution. All I can remember is Auschwitz
and think to myself what a bloody crying shame.
Who joins scientology in purpose to go clear and OT? People joins
scientology in purpose to clear the planet and make it go OT.

An Earth Mother going clear and OT, an Earth Mother moving Out of
Teegeeack gives scientologists the chanse to move in and owe the

Two and four legged will breath, drink and eat of scientologists, they
will jump, kick, p and poop on them instead of on Mother Earth.

2011-11-16 14:31:47 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
..it was never intended to be used as
a weapon of destruction. It was created
in order to spread peace, joy, happiness,
and love. And yet it can cut as surely
as any knife, and in the right hands with
as much accuracy as any surgeon can,
or be as deadly as a Samurai Swordsman.
The tongue is as a double edged sword
it can cut both ways, and in a fools hands
ends up being their own undoing.
As they say in England, sod off.