2012-02-10 05:23:35 UTC
Banks being punished to the tune of 25 Billion Dollars
for American Greed by financial institutions. Which is
really just a drop in the bucket compared to the
assets and income gained from the American Public
by the Financial Institutions
Now how about the deceptive servicing practices
of Wall Street, and of Student Loans where the
Bubble hasn't even burst yet! Does the Bubble have
to burst before the Government gets involved?
The Financial Institutions simply change gears,
and find new victims. Families have lost BILLIONS
in retirement funds because of Greedy financial
institutions. Many people are currently losing
BILLIONS to bad lending practices on Student
Loans. Loans that the Government guarantees
just like the Government guaranteed Fanny Mae
and Freddy Mac, and we see what happened as
a result.
Peoples lives are being ruined, their credit history
is being ruined because of Greedy Institutions,
among which are Fly by night Universities that are
not even accredited, or their credits transferable.
And educational system where you pay $20,000
per year of Debt for a piece of paper not even
worth the paper it is written on.
The Mortgage meltdown is only the tip of the Iceberg
of American Greed, that is destroying the Middle Class.
for American Greed by financial institutions. Which is
really just a drop in the bucket compared to the
assets and income gained from the American Public
by the Financial Institutions
Now how about the deceptive servicing practices
of Wall Street, and of Student Loans where the
Bubble hasn't even burst yet! Does the Bubble have
to burst before the Government gets involved?
The Financial Institutions simply change gears,
and find new victims. Families have lost BILLIONS
in retirement funds because of Greedy financial
institutions. Many people are currently losing
BILLIONS to bad lending practices on Student
Loans. Loans that the Government guarantees
just like the Government guaranteed Fanny Mae
and Freddy Mac, and we see what happened as
a result.
Peoples lives are being ruined, their credit history
is being ruined because of Greedy Institutions,
among which are Fly by night Universities that are
not even accredited, or their credits transferable.
And educational system where you pay $20,000
per year of Debt for a piece of paper not even
worth the paper it is written on.
The Mortgage meltdown is only the tip of the Iceberg
of American Greed, that is destroying the Middle Class.