Bruce Daniel, aka, bd4u preaching god's love.
(too old to reply)
2011-11-17 18:53:33 UTC
Yer an idiot, and can't even read a dictionary.
The word Faith has many different meanings,
because you can have faith in many different things
Even so, Faith is FAITH. Bwahahahahha, what a maroon..
Why don'tcha go back to school.
So go burn yer Holy Garments or somethin,
if you haven't already done it. Yer nothing but
a joke, and yer too ignorant to even know it.
You have NO RIGHT to talk about GOD!
So STFU! You turned your back on him! You don't even believe in God,
so what
business is it of yours what I believe. Sheesh yer such a convoluted a-

Why don'tcha go work off some of that
self-pity you are drowning in. It will do you
a lot of good.

You better quit while you still have any ego
left. Cause I CAN "crush" what little remains
of it. Don't believe me? TRY ME!

love it when theologists spit venom at atheists
by calling them *religious* -- you guys are so confused
and you show it all the time.

You are all tribal cults and are all primitive.
You are all obsessed with tribal warfare.

See that's what putting your head in
the sand does to you. Yer confused
and have resorted to talking to yerself
in order to convince yourself that yer
not wrong, when you ARE!

11) Faith that you will continue to
deny the obvious long after yer dead! That
you will continue to keep your head in the
sand no matter how stupid you look doing it.

Shit for brains, I could care less what you
believe. But if yer gonna sit in yer easy chair
and spew nonsense like a factory reject.
I'm just naturally gonna try to fix it. Fixing
things is what I do best!
2011-11-17 21:36:31 UTC
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Yer an idiot, and can't even read a dictionary.
The word Faith has many different meanings,
because you can have faith in many different things
Even so, Faith is FAITH. Bwahahahahha, what a maroon..
Why don'tcha go back to school.
So go burn yer Holy Garments or somethin,
if you haven't already done it. Yer nothing but
a joke, and yer too ignorant to even know it.
You have NO RIGHT to talk about GOD!
So STFU! You turned your back on him! You don't even believe in God,
so what
business is it of yours what I believe. Sheesh yer such a convoluted a-
Why don'tcha go work off some of that
self-pity you are drowning in. It will do you
a lot of good.
You better quit while you still have any ego
left. Cause I CAN "crush" what little remains
of it. Don't believe me? TRY ME!
love it when theologists spit venom at atheists
by calling them *religious* -- you guys are so confused
and you show it all the time.
You are all tribal cults and are all primitive.
You are all obsessed with tribal warfare.
See that's what putting your head in
the sand does to you. Yer confused
and have resorted to talking to yerself
in order to convince yourself that yer
not wrong, when you ARE!
11) Faith that you will continue to
deny the obvious long after yer dead! That
you will continue to keep your head in the
sand no matter how stupid you look doing it.
Shit for brains, I could care less what you
believe. But if yer gonna sit in yer easy chair
and spew nonsense like a factory reject.
I'm just naturally gonna try to fix it. Fixing
things is what I do best!
Here is another one for you!

Yer sick and disgusting, and have taken to
Posting personal attacks against me. Yer
a magot, and a weasel. You think yer hurting
me, but all yer doing is showing people
how sick and perverted a Non-believer can
become. ALL because you turned your
back on God.

Why dontcha take some responsibility
instead of attempting to dodge it.

ALL this because I gave you better than
you gave me. Now yer whining like a
freakin crybaby.

Oh, well..

Cheers.. ;-)

