Hello Bruce,watch UN Agenda 21 and ex-CIA George Greens videos below
they give an idea of the direction America is going unless Rev Moon
and other anti-satanist,anti-free masons groups can come up with
something better,
Post by bd4u.utahSo what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. That being
uniting the religions under one roof, and creating
a God centered Theocracy to rule the people.
Anyway, the purpose of this post was to present
the options of what will replace Democracy once
the Government fails the people.
One thing the Tao Te Ching teaches, is that there
is no such thing as a bad Government, only bad
Hello Bruce,George Bush senior who Rev Moon has associated with is
reponsible for contrubuting to the intentional breakdown of the USA
into a soviet system,i prosume Rev Moon is against this agenda,i have
read there are very powerful people who rule the world who are above
all presidents and all international law,it does not make sense how
former US presidents could betray and destroy America unless there
lives are under threat or they are not human,Obama is blatantly
betraying America on Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation video
The UN Agenda 21 plans on breaking up families and controling all
children by the state just like the former USSR.
The Agenda for the 21st Century has been given approval by George Bush
senior,Bill Clinton and most leaders of other countries.
UN Agenda 21 for Dummies: Depopulation of Planet Earth
The objectives for Agenda 21 are,
At 1:28mins the abolision of private property
,the restructure of the family unite,restrictions to individual
At 2:18mins undermining of the family
At 5:40mins children will be cared for by the state
At 5:50mins a generation of children will be stolen by the state to
indoctrinate them into accepting this new way of living as being
At 6:25mins a transfer of loyalty from the family to the government
At 7:40mins children will be intentionaly under educated to dumb them
down because educated people consume more resources which is bad for
the environment.
Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it through.
2 youtube links
Lord Christopher Monckton says Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to
allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.
Elite satanists within the masons who rule America and the masons
designed and built Washington D.C. and choose all the presidents and
assasinated president Kennedy have written down in there agenda to
sexualize society and they are the people flooding society with
pornography,they are in the process of destroying all Americas
industry causing mass unemployment and reducing America to the
communist USSR system where millions of Americans will be executed in
FEMA camps just like Stalin and Hitler did,they are the same ruling
families who caused the Scottish highland clearances and black slavery
people like cattle to be herded and used as labour but they no longer
need labour and now class people as useless eaters.
The masons worldwide agenda is to depopulate the world to 500 million
people by at least 2030 where only a chosen elite will have freedom
and the ordinary people will not exist accept for servant and slave
maintenance purposes and all religions will no longer exist.
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL us!
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000
George Green is inviting people to join his GROUND CREW to stop the
NWO elites plans of global depopulation. http://www.nohoax.com/
Depopulation Agenda Explained by Dr. Rima Laibow and Major General
Albert Stubblebine
The globalist plan is to reduce world population by 90%
At 2:45mins in 2002 a head of state said to Dr Rima ITS ALMOST TIME
FOR THE GREAT CULLING she said they are the NEO ARISTOCRATS who are
the elite at the top of the
pyramid of society
At 5:55mins the (WHO) World Health Organisation smallpox iradication
programme in Africa was a cover to eliminate 150 million Africans
Ex-oil field executive Ian Crane says micro bacteria put in the water
to eat the oil in the Gulf of Mexico is infecting people causing a
blue plague that eats the internal organs and 10s of thousands or
possibly a million or more people are expected to die in the coming
At 2:48mins the US government is buying tons of gulf seafood and
feeding it to the US soldiers to see the effects.
U.S. military purchases Gulf of Mexico seafood,boosting an industry
battered by oil spill
The economic recession and middle east wars are all fabricated by evil
criminal elites to get WWIII going in the middle east and to bring
about a communist One World Government police state dictatorship,9/11
was a government inside job it was not done by islamic terrorists,the
elite plan to reduce the world population to 500 million people by
executing millions in FEMA camps (see ex-CIA George Green video below)
and using swine flu vaccines and sterilization programmes just like
Lenin and Stalins USSR and all religious/spiritual beliefs will end
and will be replaced by a scientific eugenics controled society where
only an elite will have freedom and ordinary people will be used as
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.
Iraq War American Soldiers Speak Out
American Soldier Against IRAQ War 'I Killed Innocent People'
9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: 'Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda'
NATO Working With Al CIAeda!
Ex-CIA Susan Lindauer says Gaddaffi has no terrorist involvement he
a moderate who gives a lot of womens right,the NATO rebels in Libya
are the same Al-Qaeda fighters taken from Afghanistan.In Libya NATO
rebels are being recorded on video phones beheading and castrating
Libyans,gouging there eyes out,raping women cutting there breasts off.
9/11 was a government inside job by Free
Masons,Rockefellers,Rothschilds,etc to get WWIII going in the middle
east to bring in the communist one world government then depopulate
America and the world to 500 million people.
INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of
Ground force invasion of Libya starting in July then full invasion
september into october this is WWIII
General of all American Intelligence: 911 was a fraud!
Major General Albert Stubblebine
John Perkins an elite insider and his book "The Secret History of the
American Empire" http://www.johnperkins.org
John Perkins,Aljazeera TV - Riz Khan - Economic Hit Man - 27 Nov 07
Corporations put poor countries into debt and covet there natural
At 5:15 ex-CIA John Perkins names leaders of countries the CIA wealthy
corporations assasinated and decided to write his book to expose them
but was bribed with huge amounts of money or threatened his life and
daughters life to not publish it until 9/11 happened which made him
publish his book.
At 15mins the media is controled by the corporations to manipulate
public opinion and make sure the truth does not get out.
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - John Perkins speaking at Veterans
for Peace National Convention
At 12:00mins Saddam Hussein was a CIA agent assassin then the CIA made
him president of Iraq - At 14:00mins Israel is mainly established as a
military fortress for economic corporations - At 17:00mins economic
corporations are responbible for Iraq war and many U.S. and U.K.
soldiers have died unnecessarily