The seeds of Democracy..
(too old to reply)
2011-09-21 03:11:56 UTC
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.

I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. That being
uniting the religions under one roof, and creating
a God centered Theocracy to rule the people.

Anyway, the purpose of this post was to present
the options of what will replace Democracy once
the Government fails the people.

One thing the Tao Te Ching teaches, is that there
is no such thing as a bad Government, only bad

Gordon Muir
2011-09-21 10:14:21 UTC
Hello Bruce,watch UN Agenda 21 and ex-CIA George Greens videos below
they give an idea of the direction America is going unless Rev Moon
and other anti-satanist,anti-free masons groups can come up with
something better,
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. That being
uniting the religions under one roof, and creating
a God centered Theocracy to rule the people.
Anyway, the purpose of this post was to present
the options of what will replace Democracy once
the Government fails the people.
One thing the Tao Te Ching teaches, is that there
is no such thing as a bad Government, only bad
Hello Bruce,George Bush senior who Rev Moon has associated with is
reponsible for contrubuting to the intentional breakdown of the USA
into a soviet system,i prosume Rev Moon is against this agenda,i have
read there are very powerful people who rule the world who are above
all presidents and all international law,it does not make sense how
former US presidents could betray and destroy America unless there
lives are under threat or they are not human,Obama is blatantly
betraying America on Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation video
The UN Agenda 21 plans on breaking up families and controling all
children by the state just like the former USSR.
The Agenda for the 21st Century has been given approval by George Bush
senior,Bill Clinton and most leaders of other countries.
UN Agenda 21 for Dummies: Depopulation of Planet Earth

The objectives for Agenda 21 are,
At 1:28mins the abolision of private property
,the restructure of the family unite,restrictions to individual
At 2:18mins undermining of the family
At 5:40mins children will be cared for by the state
At 5:50mins a generation of children will be stolen by the state to
indoctrinate them into accepting this new way of living as being
At 6:25mins a transfer of loyalty from the family to the government
At 7:40mins children will be intentionaly under educated to dumb them
down because educated people consume more resources which is bad for
the environment.

Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it through.

2 youtube links
Lord Christopher Monckton says Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to
allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.


Elite satanists within the masons who rule America and the masons
designed and built Washington D.C. and choose all the presidents and
assasinated president Kennedy have written down in there agenda to
sexualize society and they are the people flooding society with
pornography,they are in the process of destroying all Americas
industry causing mass unemployment and reducing America to the
communist USSR system where millions of Americans will be executed in
FEMA camps just like Stalin and Hitler did,they are the same ruling
families who caused the Scottish highland clearances and black slavery
people like cattle to be herded and used as labour but they no longer
need labour and now class people as useless eaters.

The masons worldwide agenda is to depopulate the world to 500 million
people by at least 2030 where only a chosen elite will have freedom
and the ordinary people will not exist accept for servant and slave
maintenance purposes and all religions will no longer exist.
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL us!

Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000
George Green is inviting people to join his GROUND CREW to stop the
NWO elites plans of global depopulation. http://www.nohoax.com/

Depopulation Agenda Explained by Dr. Rima Laibow and Major General
Albert Stubblebine

The globalist plan is to reduce world population by 90%
At 2:45mins in 2002 a head of state said to Dr Rima ITS ALMOST TIME
FOR THE GREAT CULLING she said they are the NEO ARISTOCRATS who are
the elite at the top of the
pyramid of society
At 5:55mins the (WHO) World Health Organisation smallpox iradication
programme in Africa was a cover to eliminate 150 million Africans



Ex-oil field executive Ian Crane says micro bacteria put in the water
to eat the oil in the Gulf of Mexico is infecting people causing a
blue plague that eats the internal organs and 10s of thousands or
possibly a million or more people are expected to die in the coming
At 2:48mins the US government is buying tons of gulf seafood and
feeding it to the US soldiers to see the effects.
U.S. military purchases Gulf of Mexico seafood,boosting an industry
battered by oil spill
The economic recession and middle east wars are all fabricated by evil
criminal elites to get WWIII going in the middle east and to bring
about a communist One World Government police state dictatorship,9/11
was a government inside job it was not done by islamic terrorists,the
elite plan to reduce the world population to 500 million people by
executing millions in FEMA camps (see ex-CIA George Green video below)
and using swine flu vaccines and sterilization programmes just like
Lenin and Stalins USSR and all religious/spiritual beliefs will end
and will be replaced by a scientific eugenics controled society where
only an elite will have freedom and ordinary people will be used as
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.

Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.
Iraq War American Soldiers Speak Out

American Soldier Against IRAQ War 'I Killed Innocent People'

9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: 'Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda'
NATO Working With Al CIAeda!

Ex-CIA Susan Lindauer says Gaddaffi has no terrorist involvement he
a moderate who gives a lot of womens right,the NATO rebels in Libya
are the same Al-Qaeda fighters taken from Afghanistan.In Libya NATO
rebels are being recorded on video phones beheading and castrating
Libyans,gouging there eyes out,raping women cutting there breasts off.

9/11 was a government inside job by Free
Masons,Rockefellers,Rothschilds,etc to get WWIII going in the middle
east to bring in the communist one world government then depopulate
America and the world to 500 million people.
INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of

Ground force invasion of Libya starting in July then full invasion
september into october this is WWIII
General of all American Intelligence: 911 was a fraud!

Major General Albert Stubblebine

John Perkins an elite insider and his book "The Secret History of the
American Empire" http://www.johnperkins.org
John Perkins,Aljazeera TV - Riz Khan - Economic Hit Man - 27 Nov 07

Corporations put poor countries into debt and covet there natural
At 5:15 ex-CIA John Perkins names leaders of countries the CIA wealthy
corporations assasinated and decided to write his book to expose them
but was bribed with huge amounts of money or threatened his life and
daughters life to not publish it until 9/11 happened which made him
publish his book.
At 15mins the media is controled by the corporations to manipulate
public opinion and make sure the truth does not get out.
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - John Perkins speaking at Veterans
for Peace National Convention

At 12:00mins Saddam Hussein was a CIA agent assassin then the CIA made
him president of Iraq - At 14:00mins Israel is mainly established as a
military fortress for economic corporations - At 17:00mins economic
corporations are responbible for Iraq war and many U.S. and U.K.
soldiers have died unnecessarily
2011-09-25 18:53:23 UTC
Let's get something straight Gordon. Sun Myung Moon is not
"anti" anything. If he was, he would not have come as far as
he has in such a short time. It's all written about in the
Divine Principle if you bother to acclimate it. (ODU)

Sun Myung Moon is all about uniting the forces of opposition,
not opposing them. That is why he was able to make friends
with people like GW Bush (member of the Free Masons, and NWO)
Simply because Sun Myung Moon could see how it wasn't about
HIM. What God wanted was to unite "Cain and Abel" (Divine Principle)
since the beginning of time. And in the position of Abel, that is
what Sun Myung Moon sought to do!

Overpowering your opponent is "communist" thinking, it's NOT
Sun Myung Moon's, nor is it the way of the Tao, or Sun Tzu.

If you "think" you know Sun Myung Moon, "think" again!

Bruce Daniel
Post by Gordon Muir
Hello Bruce,watch UN Agenda 21 and ex-CIA George Greens videos below
they give an idea of the direction America is going unless Rev Moon
and other anti-satanist,anti-free masons groups can come up with
something better,
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. That being
uniting the religions under one roof, and creating
a God centered Theocracy to rule the people.
Anyway, the purpose of this post was to present
the options of what will replace Democracy once
the Government fails the people.
One thing the Tao Te Ching teaches, is that there
is no such thing as a bad Government, only bad
Hello Bruce,George Bush senior who Rev Moon has associated with is
reponsible for contrubuting to the intentional breakdown of the USA
into a soviet system,i prosume Rev Moon is against this agenda,i have
read there are very powerful people who rule the world who are above
all presidents and all international law,it does not make sense how
former US presidents could betray and destroy America unless there
lives are under threat or they are not human,Obama is blatantly
betraying America on Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation video
The UN Agenda 21 plans on breaking up families and controling all
children by the state just like the former USSR.
The Agenda for the 21st Century has been given approval by George Bush
senior,Bill Clinton and most leaders of other countries.
UN Agenda 21 for Dummies: Depopulation of Planet http://youtu.be/TzEEgtOFFlM
The objectives for Agenda 21 are,
At 1:28mins the abolision of private property
,the restructure of the family unite,restrictions to individual
At 2:18mins undermining of the family
At 5:40mins children will be cared for by the state
At 5:50mins a generation of children will be stolen by the state to
indoctrinate them into accepting this new way of living as being
At 6:25mins a transfer of loyalty from the family to the government
At 7:40mins children will be intentionaly under educated to dumb them
down because educated people consume more resources which is bad for
the environment.
Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it http://youtu.be/Quyu1egWuHo
2 youtube linkshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v​=quLVgNVEmrs
Lord Christopher Monckton says Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to
allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.
Elite satanists within the masons who rule America and the masons
designed and built Washington D.C. and choose all the presidents and
assasinated president Kennedy have written down in there agenda to
sexualize society and they are the people flooding society with
pornography,they are in the process of destroying all Americas
industry causing mass unemployment and reducing America to the
communist USSR system where millions of Americans will be executed in
FEMA camps just like Stalin and Hitler did,they are the same ruling
families who caused the Scottish highland clearances and black slavery
people like cattle to be herded and used as labour but they no longer
need labour and now class people as useless eaters.
The masons worldwide agenda is to depopulate the world to 500 million
people by at least 2030 where only a chosen elite will have freedom
and the ordinary people will not exist accept for servant and slave
maintenance purposes and all religions will no longer exist.
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL http://youtu.be/5I196e-Nnc0
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
George Green is inviting people to join his GROUND CREW to stop the
NWO elites plans of global depopulation.http://www.nohoax.com/
Depopulation Agenda Explained by Dr. Rima Laibow and Major General
Albert http://youtu.be/_gWmVtn5JsA
The globalist plan is to reduce world population by 90%
At 2:45mins in 2002 a head of state said to Dr Rima ITS ALMOST TIME
FOR THE GREAT CULLING she said they are the NEO ARISTOCRATS who are
the elite at the top of the
pyramid of society
At 5:55mins the (WHO) World Health Organisation smallpox iradication
programme in Africa was a cover to eliminate 150 million Africans
BRAND NEW IAN R. CRANE - ICAN http://youtu.be/YE3TCKs4X2k
Ex-oil field executive Ian Crane says micro bacteria put in the water
to eat the oil in the Gulf of Mexico is infecting people causing a
blue plague that eats the internal organs and 10s of thousands or
possibly a million or more people are expected to die in the coming
At 2:48mins the US government is buying tons of gulf seafood and
feeding it to the US soldiers to see the effects.
U.S. military purchases Gulf of Mexico seafood,boosting an industry
battered by oil spillhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/06/AR201...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
The economic recession and middle east wars are all fabricated by evil
criminal elites to get WWIII going in the middle east and to bring
about a communist One World Government police state dictatorship,9/11
was a government inside job it was not done by islamic terrorists,the
elite plan to reduce the world population to 500 million people by
executing millions in FEMA camps (see ex-CIA George Green video below)
and using swine flu vaccines and sterilization programmes just like
Lenin and Stalins USSR and all religious/spiritual beliefs will end
and will be replaced by a scientific eugenics controled society where
only an elite will have freedom and ordinary people will be used as
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.
Iraq War American Soldiers Speak http://youtu.be/vkR8z65uFLs
American Soldier Against IRAQ War 'I Killed Innocent http://youtu.be/WcMk3V3LZcQ
9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: 'Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda'
NATO Working With Al http://youtu.be/bfv1uPBmR5g
 Ex-CIA Susan Lindauer says Gaddaffi has no terrorist involvement he
a moderate who gives a lot of womens right,the NATO rebels in Libya
are the same Al-Qaeda fighters taken from Afghanistan.In Libya NATO
rebels are being recorded on video phones beheading and castrating
Libyans,gouging there eyes out,raping women cutting there breasts off.
9/11 was a government inside job by Free
Masons,Rockefellers,Rothschilds,etc to get WWIII going in the middle
east to bring in the communist one world government then depopulate
America and the world to 500 million people.
INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of
Ground force invasion of Libya starting in July then full invasion
september into october this is WWIII
General of all American Intelligence: 911 was a http://youtu.be/daNr_TrBw6E
Major General Albert Stubblebine
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
John Perkins an elite insider and his book "The Secret ...
read more »
2011-09-25 19:04:15 UTC
One thing to remember about Sun Myung Moon,
is that he was born Buddhist, and later converted
to Christianity through Revelation by Jesus Christ.
You don't simply lose your roots, they are always
with you!

Post by bd4u.utah
Let's get something straight Gordon. Sun Myung Moon is not
"anti" anything. If he was, he would not have come as far as
he has in such a short time. It's all written about in the
Divine Principle if you bother to acclimate it. (ODU)
Sun Myung Moon is all about uniting the forces of opposition,
not opposing them. That is why he was able to make friends
with people like GW Bush (member of the Free Masons, and NWO)
Simply because Sun Myung Moon could see how it wasn't about
HIM. What God wanted was to unite "Cain and Abel" (Divine Principle)
since the beginning of time. And in the position of Abel, that is
what Sun Myung Moon sought to do!
Overpowering your opponent is "communist" thinking, it's NOT
Sun Myung Moon's, nor is it the way of the Tao, or Sun Tzu.
If you "think" you know Sun Myung Moon, "think" again!
Bruce Daniel
Post by Gordon Muir
Hello Bruce,watch UN Agenda 21 and ex-CIA George Greens videos below
they give an idea of the direction America is going unless Rev Moon
and other anti-satanist,anti-free masons groups can come up with
something better,
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. That being
uniting the religions under one roof, and creating
a God centered Theocracy to rule the people.
Anyway, the purpose of this post was to present
the options of what will replace Democracy once
the Government fails the people.
One thing the Tao Te Ching teaches, is that there
is no such thing as a bad Government, only bad
Hello Bruce,George Bush senior who Rev Moon has associated with is
reponsible for contrubuting to the intentional breakdown of the USA
into a soviet system,i prosume Rev Moon is against this agenda,i have
read there are very powerful people who rule the world who are above
all presidents and all international law,it does not make sense how
former US presidents could betray and destroy America unless there
lives are under threat or they are not human,Obama is blatantly
betraying America on Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation video
The UN Agenda 21 plans on breaking up families and controling all
children by the state just like the former USSR.
The Agenda for the 21st Century has been given approval by George Bush
senior,Bill Clinton and most leaders of other countries.
UN Agenda 21 for Dummies: Depopulation of Planet http://youtu.be/TzEEgtOFFlM
The objectives for Agenda 21 are,
At 1:28mins the abolision of private property
,the restructure of the family unite,restrictions to individual
At 2:18mins undermining of the family
At 5:40mins children will be cared for by the state
At 5:50mins a generation of children will be stolen by the state to
indoctrinate them into accepting this new way of living as being
At 6:25mins a transfer of loyalty from the family to the government
At 7:40mins children will be intentionaly under educated to dumb them
down because educated people consume more resources which is bad for
the environment.
Conclusion of Lord Christopher Monckton's Presentation in St. Paul,
October 14th, 2009,Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it http://youtu.be/Quyu1egWuHo
2 youtube linkshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v​=quLVgNVEmrs
Lord Christopher Monckton says Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to
allow a communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.
Elite satanists within the masons who rule America and the masons
designed and built Washington D.C. and choose all the presidents and
assasinated president Kennedy have written down in there agenda to
sexualize society and they are the people flooding society with
pornography,they are in the process of destroying all Americas
industry causing mass unemployment and reducing America to the
communist USSR system where millions of Americans will be executed in
FEMA camps just like Stalin and Hitler did,they are the same ruling
families who caused the Scottish highland clearances and black slavery
people like cattle to be herded and used as labour but they no longer
need labour and now class people as useless eaters.
The masons worldwide agenda is to depopulate the world to 500 million
people by at least 2030 where only a chosen elite will have freedom
and the ordinary people will not exist accept for servant and slave
maintenance purposes and all religions will no longer exist.
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL http://youtu.be/5I196e-Nnc0
Ex-CIA George Green says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
George Green is inviting people to join his GROUND CREW to stop the
NWO elites plans of global depopulation.http://www.nohoax.com/
Depopulation Agenda Explained by Dr. Rima Laibow and Major General
Albert http://youtu.be/_gWmVtn5JsA
The globalist plan is to reduce world population by 90%
At 2:45mins in 2002 a head of state said to Dr Rima ITS ALMOST TIME
FOR THE GREAT CULLING she said they are the NEO ARISTOCRATS who are
the elite at the top of the
pyramid of society
At 5:55mins the (WHO) World Health Organisation smallpox iradication
programme in Africa was a cover to eliminate 150 million Africans
BRAND NEW IAN R. CRANE - ICAN http://youtu.be/YE3TCKs4X2k
Ex-oil field executive Ian Crane says micro bacteria put in the water
to eat the oil in the Gulf of Mexico is infecting people causing a
blue plague that eats the internal organs and 10s of thousands or
possibly a million or more people are expected to die in the coming
At 2:48mins the US government is buying tons of gulf seafood and
feeding it to the US soldiers to see the effects.
U.S. military purchases Gulf of Mexico seafood,boosting an industry
battered by oil spillhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/06/AR201...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
The economic recession and middle east wars are all fabricated by evil
criminal elites to get WWIII going in the middle east and to bring
about a communist One World Government police state dictatorship,9/11
was a government inside job it was not done by islamic terrorists,the
elite plan to reduce the world population to 500 million people by
executing millions in FEMA camps (see ex-CIA George Green video below)
and using swine flu vaccines and sterilization programmes just like
Lenin and Stalins USSR and all religious/spiritual beliefs will end
and will be replaced by a scientific eugenics controled society where
only an elite will have freedom and ordinary people will be used as
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S.
Preplanned wars were made years in advance against
Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Libya,Somalia,Sudan ending with Iran and oil is the
main reason.
Iraq War American Soldiers Speak http://youtu.be/vkR8z65uFLs
American Soldier Against IRAQ War 'I Killed Innocent http://youtu.be/WcMk3V3LZcQ
9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: 'Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda'
NATO Working With Al
read more »
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-26 01:52:02 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
One thing to remember about Sun Myung Moon,
is that he was born Buddhist, and later converted
to Christianity through Revelation by Jesus Christ.....
• hook, line, and sinker.

cheers Bruce
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-26 01:49:35 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Let's get something straight Gordon. Sun Myung Moon is not
"anti" anything. If he was, he would not have come as far as
he has in such a short time. It's all written about in the
Divine Principle if you bother to acclimate it. (ODU)
..<snip> . ...

"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)

"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)

"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)

- note - Rev. Moon also holds the title "Messiah".
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-21 11:30:45 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
€€ Indeed. ... and he said:

"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.

"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)

"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)

"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)

"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)

- note - Reverend Sun Myung Moon holds the self-proclaimed titles of
"Messiah" and "Master." Moon is the Master of the Unification Church - -
a.k.a. the Moonies. Since Moon claims to be God's man on Earth, his
followers are not allowed to question anything Moon says.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-22 05:26:37 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
DID HE SAY THESE THINGS? Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written from
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Sun
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still others
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.

Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggesting
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save those that
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those that
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage over other
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie that
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.

To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our society.
Naturally the bad guys want you to believe that telling the truth
is ideal, then they gain an advantage over you every time you
tell on yourself to do it!

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will
eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such
time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic
and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally
important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent,
for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension,
the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

- Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, Third Reich
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
- note - Reverend Sun Myung Moon holds the self-proclaimed titles of
"Messiah" and "Master." Moon is the Master of the Unification Church - -
a.k.a. the Moonies. Since Moon claims to be God's man on Earth, his
followers are not allowed to question anything Moon says.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Like I said previously, if you "think" you know Sun Myung Moon,
you better "think" again!

• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-22 12:43:57 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
€€ Not verbatim since all are English translations from Korean,
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written from
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Sun
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still others
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
€€ Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes that he's either crazy,
deluded, or both, and that he has the characteristics of a megalomaniac.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggesting
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save those that
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those that
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage over other
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie that
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our society.
€€ ?

Post by bd4u.utah
Naturally the bad guys want you to believe that telling the truth
is ideal, then they gain an advantage over you every time you
tell on yourself to do it!
=93If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will
eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such
time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic
and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally
important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent,
for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension,
the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.=94
- Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, Third Reich
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is fa=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history.=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
- note - Reverend Sun Myung Moon holds the self-proclaimed titles of
"Messiah" and "Master." Moon is the Master of the Unification Church - -
a.k.a. the Moonies. Since Moon claims to be God's man on Earth, his
followers are not allowed to question anything Moon says.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Like I said previously, if you "think" you know Sun Myung Moon,
you better "think" again!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-22 17:28:51 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
 Not verbatim since all are English translations from Korean,
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written from
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Sun
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still others
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
 Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes that he's either crazy,
deluded, or both,  and that he has the characteristics of a megalomaniac.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggesting
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save those that
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those that
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage over other
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie that
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our society.
Have you?!? Beneath every lie is the foundation of truth.
Do you know where the Truth starts, and the LIE ends
about Sun Myung Moon? Or is it all a lie to you? Perhaps
the BoM is all a LIE to you?

The truth is relative to time, space, and the individual
perception. The only absolute is God.

Bruce Daniel
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Naturally the bad guys want you to believe that telling the truth
is ideal, then they gain an advantage over you every time you
tell on yourself to do it!
=93If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will
eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such
time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic
and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally
important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent,
for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension,
the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.=94
- Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, Third Reich
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is fa=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history.=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
- note - Reverend Sun Myung Moon holds the self-proclaimed titles of
"Messiah" and "Master." Moon is the Master of the Unification Church - -
a.k.a. the Moonies. Since Moon claims to be God's man on Earth, his
followers are not allowed to question anything Moon says.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Like I said previously, if you "think" you know Sun Myung Moon,
you better "think" again!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-22 19:29:56 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
=A0Not verbatim since all are English translations from Korean,
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written from
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Sun
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still others
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
=A0Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes that he's either crazy,
deluded, or both, =A0and that he has the characteristics of a megalomania=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggesting
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save those that
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those that
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage over other
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie that
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our society.
Have you?!? Beneath every lie is the foundation of truth.
Do you know where the Truth starts, and the LIE ends
about Sun Myung Moon?
** I doubt if anyone knows but I doubt that Moon is God's man on this planet.
Post by bd4u.utah
Or is it all a lie to you? Perhaps
the BoM is all a LIE to you?
** Do you believe that Hebrews manufactured wooden submersible ocean
crossing freighters?
Post by bd4u.utah
The truth is relative to time, space, and the individual
perception. The only absolute is God.
Bruce Daniel
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Naturally the bad guys want you to believe that telling the truth
is ideal, then they gain an advantage over you every time you
tell on yourself to do it!
=3D93If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will
eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such
time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic
and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally
important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent,
for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension,
the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.=3D94
- Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, Third Reich
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamenta=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goe=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wi=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 yea=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histo=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
- note - Reverend Sun Myung Moon holds the self-proclaimed titles of
"Messiah" and "Master." Moon is the Master of the Unification Church -=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
a.k.a. the Moonies. Since Moon claims to be God's man on Earth, his
followers are not allowed to question anything Moon says.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Like I said previously, if you "think" you know Sun Myung Moon,
you better "think" again!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-23 00:22:17 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
=A0Not verbatim since all are English translations from Korean,
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written from
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Sun
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still others
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
=A0Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes that he's either crazy,
deluded, or both, =A0and that he has the characteristics of a megalomania=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggesting
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save those that
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those that
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage over other
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie that
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our society.
Have you?!? Beneath every lie is the foundation of truth.
Do you know where the Truth starts, and the LIE ends
about Sun Myung Moon?
**  I doubt if anyone knows but I doubt that Moon is God's man on this planet.
I know. I'm probably one of the few who do know.
Who told you Moon was a man? You assume a
great deal without even knowing for certain.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Or is it all a lie to you? Perhaps
the BoM is all a LIE to you?
**  Do you believe that Hebrews manufactured wooden submersible ocean
crossing freighters?
Do you have evidence to the contrary? Were you
there? How do you know they were submersibles,
did somebody tell you, did you read it?

You make the same mistake so many others do. Rather
than to take responsibility to find out for yourself what the
truth may be, you find it much easier to simply deny any
and all of it.

To be honest with you, I wouldn't put it past the Hebrews
to have ocean going submersibles 3000 years before the
"Turtle". There is a lot of knowledge and skill that has been
lost over the past 3000 years, that we are only just now

To this day, we still don't know how the Pyramids were built.
Yet there they stand!

Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
The truth is relative to time, space, and the individual
perception. The only absolute is God.
Bruce Daniel
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Naturally the bad guys want you to believe that telling the truth
is ideal, then they gain an advantage over you every time you
tell on yourself to do it!
=3D93If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will
eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such
time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic
and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally
important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent,
for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension,
the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.=3D94
- Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, Third Reich
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamenta=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goe=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wi=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 yea=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histo=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
- note - Reverend Sun Myung Moon holds the self-proclaimed titles of
"Messiah" and "Master." Moon is the Master of the Unification Church -=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
a.k.a. the Moonies. Since Moon claims to be God's man on Earth, his
followers are not allowed to question anything Moon says.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Like I said previously, if you "think" you know Sun Myung Moon,
you better "think" again!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-23 01:23:39 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
=3DA0Not verbatim since all are English translations from Korean,
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written from
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Sun
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still others
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
=3DA0Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes that he's either cr=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
deluded, or both, =3DA0and that he has the characteristics of a megalo=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggesting
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save those that
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those that
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage over other
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie that
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our society.
Have you?!? Beneath every lie is the foundation of truth.
Do you know where the Truth starts, and the LIE ends
about Sun Myung Moon?
** =A0I doubt if anyone knows but I doubt that Moon is God's man on this =
I know. I'm probably one of the few who do know.
Who told you Moon was a man?
** He has children. He has a degree in electrical engineering. He has a
humungous ego.
You assume a
great deal without even knowing for certain.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Or is it all a lie to you? Perhaps
the BoM is all a LIE to you?
** =A0Do you believe that Hebrews manufactured wooden submersible ocean
crossing freighters?
Do you have evidence to the contrary?
** wooden submarines exist in the minds of those with wooden heads.
Were you there?
** I'm old, bu not quite that old Mr. ______?.
How do you know they were submersibles,
did somebody tell you, did you read it?
** Smith wrote about the Jaredites building them in the BoM. They were
used to travel under ocean waves caused by tropical storms. He said they
carried Hebrews , their domestic herds, and their possessions to and from
the Americas - and they were propelled by fierce winds.
You make the same mistake so many others do. Rather
than to take responsibility to find out for yourself what the
truth may be, you find it much easier to simply deny any
and all of it.
** the truth is, according to Martin Harris, one of the scribes used
during the BoM "translation", that Smith drank too much liquor during the
process - and Harris was indisputably a fully qualified, expert in matters
involving distilled spirits.
To be honest with you, I wouldn't put it past the Hebrews
to have ocean going submersibles 3000 years before the
"Turtle". There is a lot of knowledge and skill that has been
lost over the past 3000 years, that we are only just now
** There are two materials that are strong enough to make submarine
hulls: Steel and Titanium.
To this day, we still don't know how the Pyramids were built.
Yet there they stand!
** The pyramids were built with earthen ramps and ropes pulled by lotsa
dudes. The foundation was leveled by flooding a gravel pit with water and
moving stones until level was achieved, Today the 230 meter by 230 meter
(755-ft) foundation of the Great Pyramid is within 13mm (0.5") of level.

Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-23 02:45:41 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
=3DA0Not verbatim since all are English translations from Korean,
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written from
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Sun
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still others
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
=3DA0Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes that he's either cr=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
deluded, or both, =3DA0and that he has the characteristics of a megalo=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggesting
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save those that
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those that
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage over other
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie that
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our society.
Have you?!? Beneath every lie is the foundation of truth.
Do you know where the Truth starts, and the LIE ends
about Sun Myung Moon?
** =A0I doubt if anyone knows but I doubt that Moon is God's man on this =
I know. I'm probably one of the few who do know.
Who told you Moon was a man?
**  He has children.  He has a degree in electrical engineering.  He has a
humungous ego.
You assume a
great deal without even knowing for certain.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Or is it all a lie to you? Perhaps
the BoM is all a LIE to you?
** =A0Do you believe that Hebrews manufactured wooden submersible ocean
crossing freighters?
Do you have evidence to the contrary?
**  wooden submarines exist in the minds of those with wooden heads.
Were you there?
**  I'm old, bu not quite that old Mr. ______?.
How do you know they were submersibles,
did somebody tell you, did you read it?
**  Smith wrote about the Jaredites building them in the BoM.  They were
used to travel under ocean waves caused by tropical storms.  He said they
carried Hebrews , their domestic herds, and their possessions to and from
the Americas - and they were propelled by fierce winds.
You make the same mistake so many others do. Rather
than to take responsibility to find out for yourself what the
truth may be, you find it much easier to simply deny any
and all of it.
**  the truth is, according to Martin Harris, one of the scribes used
during the BoM "translation", that Smith drank too much liquor during the
process - and Harris was indisputably a fully qualified, expert in matters
involving distilled spirits.  
To be honest with you, I wouldn't put it past the Hebrews
to have ocean going submersibles 3000 years before the
"Turtle". There is a lot of knowledge and skill that has been
lost over the past 3000 years, that we are only just now
**  There are two materials that are strong enough to make submarine
hulls:  Steel and Titanium.  
To this day, we still don't know how the Pyramids were built.
Yet there they stand!
**  The pyramids were built with earthen ramps and ropes pulled by lotsa
dudes.  The foundation was leveled by flooding a gravel pit with water and
moving stones until level was achieved,  Today the 230 meter by 230 meter
(755-ft) foundation of the Great Pyramid is within 13mm (0.5") of level.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
I can see you have already made up your mind
as to what you want to believe. So be it. Far be it
from me to try and convince anybody of anything.
It can't be done anyway.

If a cup is already full, there is nothing more that
can be put into it.

• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-23 05:28:32 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
es.) wr=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
=3D3DA0Not verbatim since all are English translations from Korean,
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written from
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Sun
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still others
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
=3D3DA0Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes that he's eith=
er cr=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
deluded, or both, =3D3DA0and that he has the characteristics of a m=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggesting
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save those th=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those that
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage over othe=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie that
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our society.
Have you?!? Beneath every lie is the foundation of truth.
Do you know where the Truth starts, and the LIE ends
about Sun Myung Moon?
** =3DA0I doubt if anyone knows but I doubt that Moon is God's man on =
this =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
I know. I'm probably one of the few who do know.
Who told you Moon was a man?
** =A0He has children. =A0He has a degree in electrical engineering. =A0H=
e has a
Post by • R. L. Measures.
humungous ego.
You assume a
great deal without even knowing for certain.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Or is it all a lie to you? Perhaps
the BoM is all a LIE to you?
** =3DA0Do you believe that Hebrews manufactured wooden submersible oc=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
crossing freighters?
Do you have evidence to the contrary?
** =A0wooden submarines exist in the minds of those with wooden heads.
Were you there?
** =A0I'm old, bu not quite that old Mr. ______?.
How do you know they were submersibles,
did somebody tell you, did you read it?
** =A0Smith wrote about the Jaredites building them in the BoM. =A0They w=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
used to travel under ocean waves caused by tropical storms. =A0He said th=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
carried Hebrews , their domestic herds, and their possessions to and from
the Americas - and they were propelled by fierce winds.
You make the same mistake so many others do. Rather
than to take responsibility to find out for yourself what the
truth may be, you find it much easier to simply deny any
and all of it.
** =A0the truth is, according to Martin Harris, one of the scribes used
during the BoM "translation", that Smith drank too much liquor during the
process - and Harris was indisputably a fully qualified, expert in matter=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
involving distilled spirits. =A0
To be honest with you, I wouldn't put it past the Hebrews
to have ocean going submersibles 3000 years before the
"Turtle". There is a lot of knowledge and skill that has been
lost over the past 3000 years, that we are only just now
** =A0There are two materials that are strong enough to make submarine
hulls: =A0Steel and Titanium. =A0
To this day, we still don't know how the Pyramids were built.
Yet there they stand!
** =A0The pyramids were built with earthen ramps and ropes pulled by lots=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
dudes. =A0The foundation was leveled by flooding a gravel pit with water =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
moving stones until level was achieved, =A0Today the 230 meter by 230 met=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(755-ft) foundation of the Great Pyramid is within 13mm (0.5") of level.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
I can see you have already made up your mind
as to what you want to believe.
** At my age, if I hadn't got a handle on some things by now I wasn't
paying attention.
So be it. Far be it
from me to try and convince anybody of anything.
It can't be done anyway.
** At this point it is not possible to convince me that there has been a
"prophet" in the last 1500-years that did a reasonable job of keeping his
trouser snake in his britches. Example: "Prophet" Joseph Smith, Jr.
faux-married 7 teenagers in 1843.
If a cup is already full, there is nothing more that
can be put into it.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-23 12:23:04 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
es.) wr=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
=3D3DA0Not verbatim since all are English translations from Korean,
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written from
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Sun
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still others
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
=3D3DA0Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes that he's eith=
er cr=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
deluded, or both, =3D3DA0and that he has the characteristics of a m=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggesting
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save those th=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those that
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage over othe=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie that
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our society.
Have you?!? Beneath every lie is the foundation of truth.
Do you know where the Truth starts, and the LIE ends
about Sun Myung Moon?
** =3DA0I doubt if anyone knows but I doubt that Moon is God's man on =
this =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
I know. I'm probably one of the few who do know.
Who told you Moon was a man?
** =A0He has children. =A0He has a degree in electrical engineering. =A0H=
e has a
Post by • R. L. Measures.
humungous ego.
You assume a
great deal without even knowing for certain.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Or is it all a lie to you? Perhaps
the BoM is all a LIE to you?
** =3DA0Do you believe that Hebrews manufactured wooden submersible oc=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
crossing freighters?
Do you have evidence to the contrary?
** =A0wooden submarines exist in the minds of those with wooden heads.
Were you there?
** =A0I'm old, bu not quite that old Mr. ______?.
How do you know they were submersibles,
did somebody tell you, did you read it?
** =A0Smith wrote about the Jaredites building them in the BoM. =A0They w=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
used to travel under ocean waves caused by tropical storms. =A0He said th=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
carried Hebrews , their domestic herds, and their possessions to and from
the Americas - and they were propelled by fierce winds.
You make the same mistake so many others do. Rather
than to take responsibility to find out for yourself what the
truth may be, you find it much easier to simply deny any
and all of it.
** =A0the truth is, according to Martin Harris, one of the scribes used
during the BoM "translation", that Smith drank too much liquor during the
process - and Harris was indisputably a fully qualified, expert in matter=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
involving distilled spirits. =A0
To be honest with you, I wouldn't put it past the Hebrews
to have ocean going submersibles 3000 years before the
"Turtle". There is a lot of knowledge and skill that has been
lost over the past 3000 years, that we are only just now
** =A0There are two materials that are strong enough to make submarine
hulls: =A0Steel and Titanium. =A0
To this day, we still don't know how the Pyramids were built.
Yet there they stand!
** =A0The pyramids were built with earthen ramps and ropes pulled by lots=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
dudes. =A0The foundation was leveled by flooding a gravel pit with water =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
moving stones until level was achieved, =A0Today the 230 meter by 230 met=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(755-ft) foundation of the Great Pyramid is within 13mm (0.5") of level.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
I can see you have already made up your mind
as to what you want to believe.
**  At my age, if I hadn't got a handle on some things by now I wasn't
paying attention.  
And how old is too old to learn something new?
Is there some magickal age where you already know
everything there is to know? If there is I haven't found
it yet, and I am old enough to know if there was such
an age.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
So be it. Far be it
from me to try and convince anybody of anything.
It can't be done anyway.
**  At this point it is not possible to convince me that there has been a
"prophet" in the last 1500-years that did a reasonable job of keeping his
trouser snake in his britches.  Example:  "Prophet" Joseph Smith, Jr.
faux-married 7 teenagers in 1843.  
Well ya know, if it were about snakes and trousers, you might
have a valid excuse. You might also try discerning the truth
instead of crediting the LIE's.

My Momma always said "If you can't say anything good about
someone, don't say anything at all." Probably a good idea to
use for listening as well.

Do you know WHY there are so few healthy marriages, and healthy
relationships in the world today? Because there is NO edification
process built into them. Everybody is always tearing each other down
instead of building them up!

Any Messiah that were to come wouldn't last a Day in today's world,
probably the reason why there hasn't been any.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
If a cup is already full, there is nothing more that
can be put into it.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-23 16:14:25 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
.) wrot=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
es.) wr=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
=3D3D3D3D80=3D3D3D3D80 =3D3D3D3DA0Indeed. =3D3D3D3DA0... and =
=3D3D3DA0Not verbatim since all are English translations from Ko=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written from
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Sun
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still others
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
=3D3D3DA0Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes that he's=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
er cr=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
deluded, or both, =3D3D3DA0and that he has the characteristics o=
f a m=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggesting
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save those=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those tha=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage over o=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie th=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our societ=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Have you?!? Beneath every lie is the foundation of truth.
Do you know where the Truth starts, and the LIE ends
about Sun Myung Moon?
** =3D3DA0I doubt if anyone knows but I doubt that Moon is God's ma=
n on =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
this =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
I know. I'm probably one of the few who do know.
Who told you Moon was a man?
** =3DA0He has children. =3DA0He has a degree in electrical engineerin=
g. =3DA0H=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
e has a
Post by • R. L. Measures.
humungous ego.
You assume a
great deal without even knowing for certain.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Or is it all a lie to you? Perhaps
the BoM is all a LIE to you?
** =3D3DA0Do you believe that Hebrews manufactured wooden submersib=
le oc=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
crossing freighters?
Do you have evidence to the contrary?
** =3DA0wooden submarines exist in the minds of those with wooden head=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Were you there?
** =3DA0I'm old, bu not quite that old Mr. ______?.
How do you know they were submersibles,
did somebody tell you, did you read it?
** =3DA0Smith wrote about the Jaredites building them in the BoM. =3DA=
0They w=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
used to travel under ocean waves caused by tropical storms. =3DA0He sa=
id th=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
carried Hebrews , their domestic herds, and their possessions to and f=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
the Americas - and they were propelled by fierce winds.
You make the same mistake so many others do. Rather
than to take responsibility to find out for yourself what the
truth may be, you find it much easier to simply deny any
and all of it.
** =3DA0the truth is, according to Martin Harris, one of the scribes u=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
during the BoM "translation", that Smith drank too much liquor during =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
process - and Harris was indisputably a fully qualified, expert in mat=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
involving distilled spirits. =3DA0
To be honest with you, I wouldn't put it past the Hebrews
to have ocean going submersibles 3000 years before the
"Turtle". There is a lot of knowledge and skill that has been
lost over the past 3000 years, that we are only just now
** =3DA0There are two materials that are strong enough to make submari=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
hulls: =3DA0Steel and Titanium. =3DA0
To this day, we still don't know how the Pyramids were built.
Yet there they stand!
** =3DA0The pyramids were built with earthen ramps and ropes pulled by=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
dudes. =3DA0The foundation was leveled by flooding a gravel pit with w=
ater =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
moving stones until level was achieved, =3DA0Today the 230 meter by 23=
0 met=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(755-ft) foundation of the Great Pyramid is within 13mm (0.5") of leve=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
I can see you have already made up your mind
as to what you want to believe.
** =A0At my age, if I hadn't got a handle on some things by now I wasn't
paying attention. =A0
And how old is too old to learn something new?
Is there some magickal age where you already know
everything there is to know? If there is I haven't found
it yet, and I am old enough to know if there was such
an age.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
So be it. Far be it
from me to try and convince anybody of anything.
It can't be done anyway.
** =A0At this point it is not possible to convince me that there has been=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"prophet" in the last 1500-years that did a reasonable job of keeping his
trouser snake in his britches. =A0Example: =A0"Prophet" Joseph Smith, Jr.
faux-married 7 teenagers in 1843. =A0
Well ya know, if it were about snakes and trousers, you might
have a valid excuse. You might also try discerning the truth
instead of crediting the LIE's.
€€ According to UCLA history prof. Fawn M, Brodie, the truth is that
Smith married 7 teenage girls between April and September of 1843.
My Momma always said "If you can't say anything good about
someone, don't say anything at all." Probably a good idea to
use for listening as well.
€€ keeping quite about scams is not where I am.
Do you know WHY there are so few healthy marriages, and healthy
relationships in the world today? Because there is NO edification
process built into them. Everybody is always tearing each other down
instead of building them up!
€€ hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil was just fine with Pollyana
but it can lead to hiding from the awful truth.
Any Messiah that were to come wouldn't last a Day in today's world,
probably the reason why there hasn't been any.
€€ Based on what I know about the teaching of the rabbi who called
himself the Son of man, I don't believe that there will ever be a world
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-23 16:44:51 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
.) wrot=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
es.) wr=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
=3D3D3D3D80=3D3D3D3D80 =3D3D3D3DA0Indeed. =3D3D3D3DA0... and =
=3D3D3DA0Not verbatim since all are English translations from Ko=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written from
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Sun
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still others
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
=3D3D3DA0Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes that he's=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
er cr=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
deluded, or both, =3D3D3DA0and that he has the characteristics o=
f a m=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggesting
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save those=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those tha=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage over o=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie th=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our societ=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Have you?!? Beneath every lie is the foundation of truth.
Do you know where the Truth starts, and the LIE ends
about Sun Myung Moon?
** =3D3DA0I doubt if anyone knows but I doubt that Moon is God's ma=
n on =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
this =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
I know. I'm probably one of the few who do know.
Who told you Moon was a man?
** =3DA0He has children. =3DA0He has a degree in electrical engineerin=
g. =3DA0H=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
e has a
Post by • R. L. Measures.
humungous ego.
You assume a
great deal without even knowing for certain.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Or is it all a lie to you? Perhaps
the BoM is all a LIE to you?
** =3D3DA0Do you believe that Hebrews manufactured wooden submersib=
le oc=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
crossing freighters?
Do you have evidence to the contrary?
** =3DA0wooden submarines exist in the minds of those with wooden head=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Were you there?
** =3DA0I'm old, bu not quite that old Mr. ______?.
How do you know they were submersibles,
did somebody tell you, did you read it?
** =3DA0Smith wrote about the Jaredites building them in the BoM. =3DA=
0They w=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
used to travel under ocean waves caused by tropical storms. =3DA0He sa=
id th=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
carried Hebrews , their domestic herds, and their possessions to and f=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
the Americas - and they were propelled by fierce winds.
You make the same mistake so many others do. Rather
than to take responsibility to find out for yourself what the
truth may be, you find it much easier to simply deny any
and all of it.
** =3DA0the truth is, according to Martin Harris, one of the scribes u=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
during the BoM "translation", that Smith drank too much liquor during =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
process - and Harris was indisputably a fully qualified, expert in mat=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
involving distilled spirits. =3DA0
To be honest with you, I wouldn't put it past the Hebrews
to have ocean going submersibles 3000 years before the
"Turtle". There is a lot of knowledge and skill that has been
lost over the past 3000 years, that we are only just now
** =3DA0There are two materials that are strong enough to make submari=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
hulls: =3DA0Steel and Titanium. =3DA0
To this day, we still don't know how the Pyramids were built.
Yet there they stand!
** =3DA0The pyramids were built with earthen ramps and ropes pulled by=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
dudes. =3DA0The foundation was leveled by flooding a gravel pit with w=
ater =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
moving stones until level was achieved, =3DA0Today the 230 meter by 23=
0 met=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(755-ft) foundation of the Great Pyramid is within 13mm (0.5") of leve=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
I can see you have already made up your mind
as to what you want to believe.
** =A0At my age, if I hadn't got a handle on some things by now I wasn't
paying attention. =A0
And how old is too old to learn something new?
Is there some magickal age where you already know
everything there is to know? If there is I haven't found
it yet, and I am old enough to know if there was such
an age.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
So be it. Far be it
from me to try and convince anybody of anything.
It can't be done anyway.
** =A0At this point it is not possible to convince me that there has been=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"prophet" in the last 1500-years that did a reasonable job of keeping his
trouser snake in his britches. =A0Example: =A0"Prophet" Joseph Smith, Jr.
faux-married 7 teenagers in 1843. =A0
Well ya know, if it were about snakes and trousers, you might
have a valid excuse. You might also try discerning the truth
instead of crediting the LIE's.
€€  According to UCLA history prof. Fawn M, Brodie, the truth is that
Smith married 7 teenage girls between April and September of 1843.
And that discredits the BoM, and the Mormon religion, how?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
My Momma always said "If you can't say anything good about
someone, don't say anything at all." Probably a good idea to
use for listening as well.
€€  keeping quite about scams is not where I am.  
Do you know WHY there are so few healthy marriages, and healthy
relationships in the world today? Because there is NO edification
process built into them. Everybody is always tearing each other down
instead of building them up!
€€  hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil was just fine with Pollyana
but it can lead to hiding from the awful truth.
Any Messiah that were to come wouldn't last a Day in today's world,
probably the reason why there hasn't been any.
€€  Based on what I know about the teaching of the rabbi who called
himself the Son of man, I don't believe that there will ever be a world
So in your mind, to hell with ALL religions, your only purpose for
being here in these Newsgroups about religion is to get your jollies
kicking them around, Defacing them, and blaming them for all
your troubles?!?

If you got troubles, you best be taking responsibility yourself
rather than attempt to blame somebody else. Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things worse
by complaining about them like you do!

• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-24 00:26:29 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
.) wrot=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
.) wrot=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
5 R. L.=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
es.) wr=3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
=3D3D3D3D3D80=3D3D3D3D3D80 =3D3D3D3D3DA0Indeed. =3D3D3D3D3=
DA0... and =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
=3D3D3D3DA0Not verbatim since all are English translations fr=
om Ko=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written fro=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Su=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still other=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
=3D3D3D3DA0Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes that=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
er cr=3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
deluded, or both, =3D3D3D3DA0and that he has the characterist=
ics o=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
f a m=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggest=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save th=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage ove=
r o=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our soc=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Have you?!? Beneath every lie is the foundation of truth.
Do you know where the Truth starts, and the LIE ends
about Sun Myung Moon?
** =3D3D3DA0I doubt if anyone knows but I doubt that Moon is God=
's ma=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
n on =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
this =3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
I know. I'm probably one of the few who do know.
Who told you Moon was a man?
** =3D3DA0He has children. =3D3DA0He has a degree in electrical eng=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
g. =3D3DA0H=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
e has a
Post by • R. L. Measures.
humungous ego.
You assume a
great deal without even knowing for certain.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Or is it all a lie to you? Perhaps
the BoM is all a LIE to you?
** =3D3D3DA0Do you believe that Hebrews manufactured wooden subm=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
le oc=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
crossing freighters?
Do you have evidence to the contrary?
** =3D3DA0wooden submarines exist in the minds of those with wooden=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Were you there?
** =3D3DA0I'm old, bu not quite that old Mr. ______?.
How do you know they were submersibles,
did somebody tell you, did you read it?
** =3D3DA0Smith wrote about the Jaredites building them in the BoM.=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
0They w=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
used to travel under ocean waves caused by tropical storms. =3D3DA0=
He sa=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
id th=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
carried Hebrews , their domestic herds, and their possessions to an=
d f=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
the Americas - and they were propelled by fierce winds.
You make the same mistake so many others do. Rather
than to take responsibility to find out for yourself what the
truth may be, you find it much easier to simply deny any
and all of it.
** =3D3DA0the truth is, according to Martin Harris, one of the scri=
bes u=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
during the BoM "translation", that Smith drank too much liquor duri=
ng =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
process - and Harris was indisputably a fully qualified, expert in =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
involving distilled spirits. =3D3DA0
To be honest with you, I wouldn't put it past the Hebrews
to have ocean going submersibles 3000 years before the
"Turtle". There is a lot of knowledge and skill that has been
lost over the past 3000 years, that we are only just now
** =3D3DA0There are two materials that are strong enough to make su=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
hulls: =3D3DA0Steel and Titanium. =3D3DA0
To this day, we still don't know how the Pyramids were built.
Yet there they stand!
** =3D3DA0The pyramids were built with earthen ramps and ropes pull=
ed by=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
dudes. =3D3DA0The foundation was leveled by flooding a gravel pit w=
ith w=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
ater =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
moving stones until level was achieved, =3D3DA0Today the 230 meter =
by 23=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
0 met=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(755-ft) foundation of the Great Pyramid is within 13mm (0.5") of l=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
I can see you have already made up your mind
as to what you want to believe.
** =3DA0At my age, if I hadn't got a handle on some things by now I wa=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
paying attention. =3DA0
And how old is too old to learn something new?
Is there some magickal age where you already know
everything there is to know? If there is I haven't found
it yet, and I am old enough to know if there was such
an age.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
So be it. Far be it
from me to try and convince anybody of anything.
It can't be done anyway.
** =3DA0At this point it is not possible to convince me that there has=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"prophet" in the last 1500-years that did a reasonable job of keeping =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
trouser snake in his britches. =3DA0Example: =3DA0"Prophet" Joseph Smi=
th, Jr.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
faux-married 7 teenagers in 1843. =3DA0
Well ya know, if it were about snakes and trousers, you might
have a valid excuse. You might also try discerning the truth
instead of crediting the LIE's.
=80=80 =A0According to UCLA history prof. Fawn M, Brodie, the truth is th=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Smith married 7 teenage girls between April and September of 1843.
And that discredits the BoM, and the Mormon religion, how?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
My Momma always said "If you can't say anything good about
someone, don't say anything at all." Probably a good idea to
use for listening as well.
=80=80 =A0keeping quite about scams is not where I am. =A0
Do you know WHY there are so few healthy marriages, and healthy
relationships in the world today? Because there is NO edification
process built into them. Everybody is always tearing each other down
instead of building them up!
=80=80 =A0hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil was just fine with Pol=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
but it can lead to hiding from the awful truth.
Any Messiah that were to come wouldn't last a Day in today's world,
probably the reason why there hasn't been any.
=80=80 =A0Based on what I know about the teaching of the rabbi who called
himself the Son of man, I don't believe that there will ever be a world
saviour. =A0
So in your mind, to hell with ALL religions,
** I only know about Roman Catholicism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the
International Churches of Christ, Muhammadanism / Islam, and Mormonism.
your only purpose for
being here in these Newsgroups about religion is to get your jollies
kicking them around, Defacing them, and blaming them for all
your troubles?!?
** no. They discredit and marginalize themselves. I am nothing more
than a mirror holder. The RCC's altar-boy scandal is the best example of a
marginalizer in the last hundred years.
If you got troubles, you best be taking responsibility yourself
rather than attempt to blame somebody else.
** a vivid imagination.
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things worse
by complaining about them like you do!
** I do not complain, I review unflattering actions by "holy men",
priests, and "saints".
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-24 14:57:37 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
.) wrot=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
.) wrot=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
5 R. L.=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
es.) wr=3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
=3D3D3D3D3D80=3D3D3D3D3D80 =3D3D3D3D3DA0Indeed. =3D3D3D3D3=
DA0... and =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
=3D3D3D3DA0Not verbatim since all are English translations fr=
om Ko=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written fro=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of Su=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still other=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
=3D3D3D3DA0Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes that=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
er cr=3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
deluded, or both, =3D3D3D3DA0and that he has the characterist=
ics o=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
f a m=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you suggest=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save th=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are those =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage ove=
r o=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a lie=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage over
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that you
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our soc=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Have you?!? Beneath every lie is the foundation of truth.
Do you know where the Truth starts, and the LIE ends
about Sun Myung Moon?
** =3D3D3DA0I doubt if anyone knows but I doubt that Moon is God=
's ma=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
n on =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
this =3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
I know. I'm probably one of the few who do know.
Who told you Moon was a man?
** =3D3DA0He has children. =3D3DA0He has a degree in electrical eng=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
g. =3D3DA0H=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
e has a
Post by • R. L. Measures.
humungous ego.
You assume a
great deal without even knowing for certain.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Or is it all a lie to you? Perhaps
the BoM is all a LIE to you?
** =3D3D3DA0Do you believe that Hebrews manufactured wooden subm=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
le oc=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
crossing freighters?
Do you have evidence to the contrary?
** =3D3DA0wooden submarines exist in the minds of those with wooden=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Were you there?
** =3D3DA0I'm old, bu not quite that old Mr. ______?.
How do you know they were submersibles,
did somebody tell you, did you read it?
** =3D3DA0Smith wrote about the Jaredites building them in the BoM.=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
0They w=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
used to travel under ocean waves caused by tropical storms. =3D3DA0=
He sa=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
id th=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
carried Hebrews , their domestic herds, and their possessions to an=
d f=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
the Americas - and they were propelled by fierce winds.
You make the same mistake so many others do. Rather
than to take responsibility to find out for yourself what the
truth may be, you find it much easier to simply deny any
and all of it.
** =3D3DA0the truth is, according to Martin Harris, one of the scri=
bes u=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
during the BoM "translation", that Smith drank too much liquor duri=
ng =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
process - and Harris was indisputably a fully qualified, expert in =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
involving distilled spirits. =3D3DA0
To be honest with you, I wouldn't put it past the Hebrews
to have ocean going submersibles 3000 years before the
"Turtle". There is a lot of knowledge and skill that has been
lost over the past 3000 years, that we are only just now
** =3D3DA0There are two materials that are strong enough to make su=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
hulls: =3D3DA0Steel and Titanium. =3D3DA0
To this day, we still don't know how the Pyramids were built.
Yet there they stand!
** =3D3DA0The pyramids were built with earthen ramps and ropes pull=
ed by=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
dudes. =3D3DA0The foundation was leveled by flooding a gravel pit w=
ith w=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
ater =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
moving stones until level was achieved, =3D3DA0Today the 230 meter =
by 23=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
0 met=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(755-ft) foundation of the Great Pyramid is within 13mm (0.5") of l=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
I can see you have already made up your mind
as to what you want to believe.
** =3DA0At my age, if I hadn't got a handle on some things by now I wa=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
paying attention. =3DA0
And how old is too old to learn something new?
Is there some magickal age where you already know
everything there is to know? If there is I haven't found
it yet, and I am old enough to know if there was such
an age.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
So be it. Far be it
from me to try and convince anybody of anything.
It can't be done anyway.
** =3DA0At this point it is not possible to convince me that there has=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"prophet" in the last 1500-years that did a reasonable job of keeping =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
trouser snake in his britches. =3DA0Example: =3DA0"Prophet" Joseph Smi=
th, Jr.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
faux-married 7 teenagers in 1843. =3DA0
Well ya know, if it were about snakes and trousers, you might
have a valid excuse. You might also try discerning the truth
instead of crediting the LIE's.
=80=80 =A0According to UCLA history prof. Fawn M, Brodie, the truth is th=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Smith married 7 teenage girls between April and September of 1843.
And that discredits the BoM, and the Mormon religion, how?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
My Momma always said "If you can't say anything good about
someone, don't say anything at all." Probably a good idea to
use for listening as well.
=80=80 =A0keeping quite about scams is not where I am. =A0
Do you know WHY there are so few healthy marriages, and healthy
relationships in the world today? Because there is NO edification
process built into them. Everybody is always tearing each other down
instead of building them up!
=80=80 =A0hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil was just fine with Pol=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
but it can lead to hiding from the awful truth.
Any Messiah that were to come wouldn't last a Day in today's world,
probably the reason why there hasn't been any.
=80=80 =A0Based on what I know about the teaching of the rabbi who called
himself the Son of man, I don't believe that there will ever be a world
saviour. =A0
So in your mind, to hell with ALL religions,
**  I only know about Roman Catholicism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the
International Churches of Christ, Muhammadanism / Islam, and Mormonism.  
your only purpose for
being here in these Newsgroups about religion is to get your jollies
kicking them around, Defacing them, and blaming them for all
your troubles?!?
**  no.  They discredit and marginalize themselves.  I am nothing more
than a mirror holder. The RCC's altar-boy scandal is the best example of a
marginalizer in the last hundred years.  
If you got troubles, you best be taking responsibility yourself
rather than attempt to blame somebody else.
**  a vivid imagination.
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things worse
by complaining about them like you do!
**  I do not complain, I review unflattering actions by "holy men",
priests, and "saints".
What for?!?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-25 00:26:37 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
.) wrot=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
.) wrot=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
R. L. M=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
.) wrot=3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
5 R. L.=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
es.) wr=3D3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
So what is the next step after Democracy?
Karl Marx would have you believe it is Communism.
While Adolph Hitler gave the citizens of Germany
a choice. He told the German people "Communism
or ME" (meaning Hitler and Fascism). And yet as
Sun Myung Moon pointed out, there is another choice,
Theocracy. The problem with Theocracy is that it
requires a unified faith, and a unified belief. Then
you wonder why a Theocracy (especially in today's
world) is so hard to come by. It is because of the
people. The Mormons want the Mormons, the Jews
want the Jews, and the Unificationists want Moon.
Yet, if mankind ever wants to rise above it's petty
differences it must decide, concede, or reconcile
it's differences. That is providing one or the other
can encompass all other religions, again just as
Sun Myung Moon.
I am sorry if the idea of Sun Myung Moon may
offend some of you. But I don't see anybody else
suggesting what he has suggested. ... ...
=3D3D3D3D3D3D80=3D3D3D3D3D3D80 =3D3D3D3D3D3DA0Indeed. =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
DA0... and =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
=3D3D3D3D3DA0Not verbatim since all are English translatio=
ns fr=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
om Ko=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Some the quotes you are
attributing to Sun Myung Moon below are actually written =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
a third person perspective. They are not actual quotes of=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Myung Moon. While others are sheer rhetoric, and still ot=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
make perfect sense if you stop to think about it.
=3D3D3D3D3DA0Anyone who stops and thinks about it realizes=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
er cr=3D3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
deluded, or both, =3D3D3D3D3DA0and that he has the charact=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
ics o=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
f a m=3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Are you suggesting that you have NEVER lied? Are you sugg=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
that people don't lie to save their own hides, or to save=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
they love, or to not hurt somebody? And yet there are tho=
se =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
will lie in order to hurt, destroy, or gain an advantage =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
r o=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
people. If you are fortunate enough to have never told a =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
would intentionally hurt someone, or gain an advantage ov=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
someone then count your blessings. But if you claim that =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
have never lied, then you are a lying by suggesting it.
To always tell the truth is a LIE that has permeated our =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Have you?!? Beneath every lie is the foundation of truth.
Do you know where the Truth starts, and the LIE ends
about Sun Myung Moon?
** =3D3D3D3DA0I doubt if anyone knows but I doubt that Moon i=
s God=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
's ma=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
n on =3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
this =3D3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
I know. I'm probably one of the few who do know.
Who told you Moon was a man?
** =3D3D3DA0He has children. =3D3D3DA0He has a degree in electri=
cal eng=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
g. =3D3D3DA0H=3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
e has a
Post by • R. L. Measures.
humungous ego.
You assume a
great deal without even knowing for certain.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Or is it all a lie to you? Perhaps
the BoM is all a LIE to you?
** =3D3D3D3DA0Do you believe that Hebrews manufactured wooden=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
le oc=3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
crossing freighters?
Do you have evidence to the contrary?
** =3D3D3DA0wooden submarines exist in the minds of those with w=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Were you there?
** =3D3D3DA0I'm old, bu not quite that old Mr. ______?.
How do you know they were submersibles,
did somebody tell you, did you read it?
** =3D3D3DA0Smith wrote about the Jaredites building them in the=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
0They w=3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
used to travel under ocean waves caused by tropical storms. =3D3=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
He sa=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
id th=3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
carried Hebrews , their domestic herds, and their possessions to=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
d f=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
the Americas - and they were propelled by fierce winds.
You make the same mistake so many others do. Rather
than to take responsibility to find out for yourself what the
truth may be, you find it much easier to simply deny any
and all of it.
** =3D3D3DA0the truth is, according to Martin Harris, one of the=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
bes u=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
during the BoM "translation", that Smith drank too much liquor d=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
ng =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
process - and Harris was indisputably a fully qualified, expert =
in =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
involving distilled spirits. =3D3D3DA0
To be honest with you, I wouldn't put it past the Hebrews
to have ocean going submersibles 3000 years before the
"Turtle". There is a lot of knowledge and skill that has been
lost over the past 3000 years, that we are only just now
** =3D3D3DA0There are two materials that are strong enough to ma=
ke su=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
hulls: =3D3D3DA0Steel and Titanium. =3D3D3DA0
To this day, we still don't know how the Pyramids were built.
Yet there they stand!
** =3D3D3DA0The pyramids were built with earthen ramps and ropes=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
ed by=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
dudes. =3D3D3DA0The foundation was leveled by flooding a gravel =
pit w=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
ith w=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
ater =3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
moving stones until level was achieved, =3D3D3DA0Today the 230 m=
eter =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
by 23=3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
0 met=3D3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(755-ft) foundation of the Great Pyramid is within 13mm (0.5") o=
f l=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
I can see you have already made up your mind
as to what you want to believe.
** =3D3DA0At my age, if I hadn't got a handle on some things by now=
I wa=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
paying attention. =3D3DA0
And how old is too old to learn something new?
Is there some magickal age where you already know
everything there is to know? If there is I haven't found
it yet, and I am old enough to know if there was such
an age.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
So be it. Far be it
from me to try and convince anybody of anything.
It can't be done anyway.
** =3D3DA0At this point it is not possible to convince me that ther=
e has=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"prophet" in the last 1500-years that did a reasonable job of keepi=
ng =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
trouser snake in his britches. =3D3DA0Example: =3D3DA0"Prophet" Jos=
eph Smi=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
th, Jr.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
faux-married 7 teenagers in 1843. =3D3DA0
Well ya know, if it were about snakes and trousers, you might
have a valid excuse. You might also try discerning the truth
instead of crediting the LIE's.
=3D80=3D80 =3DA0According to UCLA history prof. Fawn M, Brodie, the tr=
uth is th=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Smith married 7 teenage girls between April and September of 1843.
And that discredits the BoM, and the Mormon religion, how?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
My Momma always said "If you can't say anything good about
someone, don't say anything at all." Probably a good idea to
use for listening as well.
=3D80=3D80 =3DA0keeping quite about scams is not where I am. =3DA0
Do you know WHY there are so few healthy marriages, and healthy
relationships in the world today? Because there is NO edification
process built into them. Everybody is always tearing each other down
instead of building them up!
=3D80=3D80 =3DA0hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil was just fine=
with Pol=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
but it can lead to hiding from the awful truth.
Any Messiah that were to come wouldn't last a Day in today's world,
probably the reason why there hasn't been any.
=3D80=3D80 =3DA0Based on what I know about the teaching of the rabbi w=
ho called
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself the Son of man, I don't believe that there will ever be a worl=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
saviour. =3DA0
So in your mind, to hell with ALL religions,
** =A0I only know about Roman Catholicism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the
International Churches of Christ, Muhammadanism / Islam, and Mormonism. =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
your only purpose for
being here in these Newsgroups about religion is to get your jollies
kicking them around, Defacing them, and blaming them for all
your troubles?!?
** =A0no. =A0They discredit and marginalize themselves. =A0I am nothing m=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
than a mirror holder. The RCC's altar-boy scandal is the best example of =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
marginalizer in the last hundred years. =A0
If you got troubles, you best be taking responsibility yourself
rather than attempt to blame somebody else.
** =A0a vivid imagination.
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things worse
by complaining about them like you do!
** =A0I do not complain, I review unflattering actions by "holy men",
priests, and "saints".
What for?!?
€€ for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks from my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-25 11:20:21 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things worse
by complaining about them like you do!
** =A0I do not complain, I review unflattering actions by "holy men",
priests, and "saints".
What for?!?
€€  for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks from my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.

• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-25 19:40:23 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things worse
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering actions by "holy men"=
Post by bd4u.utah
priests, and "saints".
What for?!?
=80=80 =A0for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks from my furry=
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
** three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests during their
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-25 19:57:00 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things worse
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering actions by "holy men"=
Post by bd4u.utah
priests, and "saints".
What for?!?
=80=80 =A0for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks from my furry=
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
**  three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests during their
And so you blame ALL religions, and have
shut the door on them. That is your choice,
it does not mean it is the choice of every one

You have a right to question why you got burned.
Naturally you have the right to not get burned again.
But that is no reason to be afraid of fire. Or spread that
fear to others.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-26 01:59:55 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things worse
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3D3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering actions by "holy=
men" priests, and "saints".
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What for?!?
=....for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks from
my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
**.three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests during their
And so you blame ALL religions,
** they were Catholic.
and have
shut the door on them. That is your choice,
it does not mean it is the choice of every one
** I am not an advocate for any organization.
You have a right to question why you got burned.
** I did not get burned. At 13 I found out what Christian doctrine was
about and I walked away into the light of day.
Naturally you have the right to not get burned again.
But that is no reason to be afraid of fire. Or spread that
fear to others.
** I advocate stopping to smell the roses and thinking about doctrine.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-26 02:47:14 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things worse
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3D3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering actions by "holy=
men"  priests, and "saints".
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What for?!?
=....for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks from
my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
**.three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests during their
And so you blame ALL religions,
**  they were Catholic.
And so were you.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
and have
shut the door on them. That is your choice,
it does not mean it is the choice of every one
**  I am not an advocate for any organization.  
So you are anti-establishment?!?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You have a right to question why you got burned.
**  I did not get burned.  At 13 I found out what Christian doctrine was
about and I walked away into the light of day.  
You mean when you were "confirmed" you questioned
who was doing what to whom.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Naturally you have the right to not get burned again.
But that is no reason to be afraid of fire. Or spread that
fear to others.
**  I advocate stopping to smell the roses and thinking about doctrine.
You need to be honest with yourself, even if you
are not honest with the public.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, I understand where you are coming from, really I do!
But closing the door on the future, will not resolve the past.
That's really why you are here, cause it is all about YOU,
and has nothing to do with what Religion may or may not be.
You are frustrated, resentful, and hurting. It would not surprise
me if you were one with your 3 friends that was molested.
Which might explain your remark about "Snakes" and "Trousers".

Sorry if it hurts to expose it, but bottling it all up won't help
you to resolve it. Only by talking about it. Somewhere somehow
you have to learn forgiveness. Being raised Catholic I'm sure you
still remember the "Lords Prayer". In it it talks about forgiving
so that you might be forgiven. You may not know it, but you hold a lot
of guilt inside because of what that Priest did. You have to empty
that cup as bitter as it is in order to be whole again. You would be
wise not to hold onto it!

Bruce Daniel
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-26 04:39:35 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things worse
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3D3D3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering actions by =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
men" =A0priests, and "saints".
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What for?!?
=3D....for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks from
my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
**.three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests during thei=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
And so you blame ALL religions,
** =A0they were Catholic.
And so were you.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
and have
shut the door on them. That is your choice,
it does not mean it is the choice of every one
** =A0I am not an advocate for any organization. =A0
So you are anti-establishment?!?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You have a right to question why you got burned.
** =A0I did not get burned. =A0At 13 I found out what Christian doctrine =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
about and I walked away into the light of day. =A0
You mean when you were "confirmed" you questioned
who was doing what to whom.
** I was not cofirmed. I was told of Christian dogma and I walked.

"I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. Early in life I absented
myself from Christian assemblies."
- - Benjamin Franklin,
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Naturally you have the right to not get burned again.
But that is no reason to be afraid of fire. Or spread that
fear to others.
** =A0I advocate stopping to smell the roses and thinking about doctrine.
You need to be honest with yourself, even if you
are not honest with the public.
** Not honest about what ?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, I understand where you are coming from, really I do!
But closing the door on the future,
** I have not.
will not resolve the past.
That's really why you are here, cause it is all about YOU,
and has nothing to do with what Religion may or may not be.
You are frustrated, resentful, and hurting. It would not surprise
me if you were one with your 3 friends that was molested.
Which might explain your remark about "Snakes" and "Trousers".
** what does if you were one with these friends mean?
Sorry if it hurts to expose it, but bottling it all up won't help
you to resolve it.
** there is nothing to resolve. They had the misfortune of encountering
child diddler priests and the bailed. None of them sued "God's Holy
Church". .
Only by talking about it. Somewhere somehow
you have to learn forgiveness.
** I was not diddled by a priest or priests. My friends were.
Being raised Catholic
** I was Not raised Catholic Bruce.
I'm sure you
still remember the "Lords Prayer". In it it talks about forgiving
so that you might be forgiven. You may not know it, but you hold a lot
of guilt inside because of what that Priest did.
** There were two priests who did this to the three children.
You have to empty
out that cup as bitter as it is in order to be whole again. You would be
wise not to hold onto it!
** the lights are on but nobody is apparently home.
Bruce Daniel
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-26 05:22:50 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things worse
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3D3D3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering actions by =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
men" =A0priests, and "saints".
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What for?!?
=3D....for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks from
my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
**.three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests during thei=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
And so you blame ALL religions,
** =A0they were Catholic.
And so were you.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
and have
shut the door on them. That is your choice,
it does not mean it is the choice of every one
** =A0I am not an advocate for any organization. =A0
So you are anti-establishment?!?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You have a right to question why you got burned.
** =A0I did not get burned. =A0At 13 I found out what Christian doctrine =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
about and I walked away into the light of day. =A0
You mean when you were "confirmed" you questioned
who was doing what to whom.
**  I was not cofirmed.  I was told of Christian dogma and I walked.
"I have found Christian dogma unintelligible.  Early in life I absented
myself from Christian assemblies."
- - Benjamin Franklin,
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Naturally you have the right to not get burned again.
But that is no reason to be afraid of fire. Or spread that
fear to others.
** =A0I advocate stopping to smell the roses and thinking about doctrine.
You need to be honest with yourself, even if you
are not honest with the public.
**  Not honest about what ?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, I understand where you are coming from, really I do!
But closing the door on the future,
**  I have not.
will not resolve the past.
That's really why you are here, cause it is all about YOU,
and has nothing to do with what Religion may or may not be.
You are frustrated, resentful, and hurting. It would not surprise
me if you were one with your 3 friends that was molested.
Which might explain your remark about "Snakes" and "Trousers".
**  what does if you were one with these friends mean?
Sorry if it hurts to expose it, but bottling it all up won't help
you to resolve it.
**  there is nothing to resolve.  They had the misfortune of encountering
child diddler priests and the bailed.  None of them sued "God's Holy
Church".  .
Only by talking about it. Somewhere somehow
you have to learn forgiveness.
**  I was not diddled by a priest or priests.  My friends were.
Being raised Catholic
**  I was Not raised Catholic Bruce.  
I'm sure you
still remember the "Lords Prayer". In it it talks about forgiving
so that you might be forgiven. You may not know it, but you hold a lot
of guilt inside because of what that Priest did.
**  There were two priests who did this to the three children.
You have to empty
out that cup as bitter as it is in order to be whole again. You would be
wise not to hold onto it!
**  the lights are on but nobody is apparently home.
Sounds like a personal problem.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Bruce Daniel
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-26 17:23:01 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things wors=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3D3D3D3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering action=
s by =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
men" =3DA0priests, and "saints".
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What for?!?
=3D3D....for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks from
my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
**.three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests during t=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
And so you blame ALL religions,
** =3DA0they were Catholic.
And so were you.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
and have
shut the door on them. That is your choice,
it does not mean it is the choice of every one
** =3DA0I am not an advocate for any organization. =3DA0
So you are anti-establishment?!?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You have a right to question why you got burned.
** =3DA0I did not get burned. =3DA0At 13 I found out what Christian do=
ctrine =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
about and I walked away into the light of day. =3DA0
You mean when you were "confirmed" you questioned
who was doing what to whom.
** =A0I was not cofirmed. =A0I was told of Christian dogma and I walked.
"I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. =A0Early in life I absented
myself from Christian assemblies."
- - Benjamin Franklin,
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Naturally you have the right to not get burned again.
But that is no reason to be afraid of fire. Or spread that
fear to others.
** =3DA0I advocate stopping to smell the roses and thinking about doct=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You need to be honest with yourself, even if you
are not honest with the public.
** =A0Not honest about what ?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, I understand where you are coming from, really I do!
But closing the door on the future,
** =A0I have not.
will not resolve the past.
That's really why you are here, cause it is all about YOU,
and has nothing to do with what Religion may or may not be.
You are frustrated, resentful, and hurting. It would not surprise
me if you were one with your 3 friends that was molested.
Which might explain your remark about "Snakes" and "Trousers".
** =A0what does if you were one with these friends mean?
Sorry if it hurts to expose it, but bottling it all up won't help
you to resolve it.
** =A0there is nothing to resolve. =A0They had the misfortune of encounte=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
child diddler priests and the bailed. =A0None of them sued "God's Holy
Church". =A0.
Only by talking about it. Somewhere somehow
you have to learn forgiveness.
** =A0I was not diddled by a priest or priests. =A0My friends were.
Being raised Catholic
** ___I was Not raised Catholic Bruce.___
I'm sure you
still remember the "Lords Prayer". In it it talks about forgiving
so that you might be forgiven. You may not know it, but you hold a lot
of guilt inside because of what that Priest did.
** =A0There were two priests who did this to the three children.
You have to empty
out that cup as bitter as it is in order to be whole again. You would be
wise not to hold onto it!
** ......the lights are on but nobody is apparently home.
Sounds like a personal problem.
** What problem? The three have moved on. The 13-yr old girl who was
diddled is now in her 60s and she's retired. Both of the boys are closing
in on 30. None of them sued the RCC.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
As I see it those who get taken by the Unification Church know little
about the history of the man who calls himself "Messiah" and "Master".
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-26 22:00:52 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things wors=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3D3D3D3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering action=
s by =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
men" =3DA0priests, and "saints".
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What for?!?
=3D3D....for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks from
my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
**.three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests during t=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
And so you blame ALL religions,
** =3DA0they were Catholic.
And so were you.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
and have
shut the door on them. That is your choice,
it does not mean it is the choice of every one
** =3DA0I am not an advocate for any organization. =3DA0
So you are anti-establishment?!?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You have a right to question why you got burned.
** =3DA0I did not get burned. =3DA0At 13 I found out what Christian do=
ctrine =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
about and I walked away into the light of day. =3DA0
You mean when you were "confirmed" you questioned
who was doing what to whom.
** =A0I was not cofirmed. =A0I was told of Christian dogma and I walked.
"I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. =A0Early in life I absented
myself from Christian assemblies."
- - Benjamin Franklin,
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Naturally you have the right to not get burned again.
But that is no reason to be afraid of fire. Or spread that
fear to others.
** =3DA0I advocate stopping to smell the roses and thinking about doct=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You need to be honest with yourself, even if you
are not honest with the public.
** =A0Not honest about what ?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, I understand where you are coming from, really I do!
But closing the door on the future,
** =A0I have not.
will not resolve the past.
That's really why you are here, cause it is all about YOU,
and has nothing to do with what Religion may or may not be.
You are frustrated, resentful, and hurting. It would not surprise
me if you were one with your 3 friends that was molested.
Which might explain your remark about "Snakes" and "Trousers".
** =A0what does if you were one with these friends mean?
Sorry if it hurts to expose it, but bottling it all up won't help
you to resolve it.
** =A0there is nothing to resolve. =A0They had the misfortune of encounte=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
child diddler priests and the bailed. =A0None of them sued "God's Holy
Church". =A0.
Only by talking about it. Somewhere somehow
you have to learn forgiveness.
** =A0I was not diddled by a priest or priests. =A0My friends were.
Being raised Catholic
** ___I was Not raised Catholic Bruce.___
I'm sure you
still remember the "Lords Prayer". In it it talks about forgiving
so that you might be forgiven. You may not know it, but you hold a lot
of guilt inside because of what that Priest did.
** =A0There were two priests who did this to the three children.
You have to empty
out that cup as bitter as it is in order to be whole again. You would be
wise not to hold onto it!
** ......the lights are on but nobody is apparently home.
Sounds like a personal problem.
**  What problem?  The three have moved on.  The 13-yr old girl who was
diddled is now in her 60s and she's retired.  Both of the boys are closing
in on 30.  None of them sued the RCC.  
Your problem. They may have moved on but you never did!
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
As I see it those who get taken by the Unification Church know little
about the history of the man who calls himself "Messiah" and "Master".
You are a Detractor of ALL Religions, why
should anybody believe you on the subject
of Religion, ANY Religion?

Oh, oh, I know.. ..because in today's world it is
more popular to put somebody down than it is to
lift them up! Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!

• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-27 00:22:54 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
.) wrot=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things w=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3D3D3D3D3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering a=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
s by =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
men" =3D3DA0priests, and "saints".
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What for?!?
=3D3D3D....for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3D3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
**.three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests durin=
g t=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
And so you blame ALL religions,
** =3D3DA0they were Catholic.
And so were you.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
and have
shut the door on them. That is your choice,
it does not mean it is the choice of every one
** =3D3DA0I am not an advocate for any organization. =3D3DA0
So you are anti-establishment?!?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You have a right to question why you got burned.
** =3D3DA0I did not get burned. =3D3DA0At 13 I found out what Chris=
tian do=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
ctrine =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
about and I walked away into the light of day. =3D3DA0
You mean when you were "confirmed" you questioned
who was doing what to whom.
** =3DA0I was not cofirmed. =3DA0I was told of Christian dogma and I w=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. =3DA0Early in life I abs=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
myself from Christian assemblies."
- - Benjamin Franklin,
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Naturally you have the right to not get burned again.
But that is no reason to be afraid of fire. Or spread that
fear to others.
** =3D3DA0I advocate stopping to smell the roses and thinking about=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You need to be honest with yourself, even if you
are not honest with the public.
** =3DA0Not honest about what ?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, I understand where you are coming from, really I do!
But closing the door on the future,
** =3DA0I have not.
will not resolve the past.
That's really why you are here, cause it is all about YOU,
and has nothing to do with what Religion may or may not be.
You are frustrated, resentful, and hurting. It would not surprise
me if you were one with your 3 friends that was molested.
Which might explain your remark about "Snakes" and "Trousers".
** =3DA0what does if you were one with these friends mean?
Sorry if it hurts to expose it, but bottling it all up won't help
you to resolve it.
** =3DA0there is nothing to resolve. =3DA0They had the misfortune of e=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
child diddler priests and the bailed. =3DA0None of them sued "God's Ho=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Church". =3DA0.
Only by talking about it. Somewhere somehow
you have to learn forgiveness.
** =3DA0I was not diddled by a priest or priests. =3DA0My friends were=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Being raised Catholic
** ___I was Not raised Catholic Bruce.___
I'm sure you
still remember the "Lords Prayer". In it it talks about forgiving
so that you might be forgiven. You may not know it, but you hold a lo=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
of guilt inside because of what that Priest did.
** =3DA0There were two priests who did this to the three children.
You have to empty
out that cup as bitter as it is in order to be whole again. You would=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
wise not to hold onto it!
** ......the lights are on but nobody is apparently home.
Sounds like a personal problem.
** =A0What problem? =A0The three have moved on. =A0The 13-yr old girl who=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
diddled is now in her 60s and she's retired. =A0Both of the boys are clos=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
in on 30. =A0None of them sued the RCC. =A0
Your problem. They may have moved on but you never did!
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
As I see it those who get taken by the Unification Church know little
about the history of the man who calls himself "Messiah" and "Master".
You are a Detractor of ALL Religions,
** Am I a detractor of Zen ?
should anybody believe you on the subject
of Religion, ANY Religion?
** because I don't endorse any salvation business ?.
Oh, oh, I know.. ..because in today's world it is
more popular to put somebody down than it is to
lift them up!
** How can one lift up a person who claims to be the "Messiah" and who
had almost as many women in his youth as J. Smith, Jr. did ?


Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-27 01:34:01 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
.) wrot=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things w=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3D3D3D3D3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering a=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
s by =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
men" =3D3DA0priests, and "saints".
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What for?!?
=3D3D3D....for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3D3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
**.three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests durin=
g t=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
And so you blame ALL religions,
** =3D3DA0they were Catholic.
And so were you.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
and have
shut the door on them. That is your choice,
it does not mean it is the choice of every one
** =3D3DA0I am not an advocate for any organization. =3D3DA0
So you are anti-establishment?!?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You have a right to question why you got burned.
** =3D3DA0I did not get burned. =3D3DA0At 13 I found out what Chris=
tian do=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
ctrine =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
about and I walked away into the light of day. =3D3DA0
You mean when you were "confirmed" you questioned
who was doing what to whom.
** =3DA0I was not cofirmed. =3DA0I was told of Christian dogma and I w=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. =3DA0Early in life I abs=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
myself from Christian assemblies."
- - Benjamin Franklin,
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Naturally you have the right to not get burned again.
But that is no reason to be afraid of fire. Or spread that
fear to others.
** =3D3DA0I advocate stopping to smell the roses and thinking about=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You need to be honest with yourself, even if you
are not honest with the public.
** =3DA0Not honest about what ?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, I understand where you are coming from, really I do!
But closing the door on the future,
** =3DA0I have not.
will not resolve the past.
That's really why you are here, cause it is all about YOU,
and has nothing to do with what Religion may or may not be.
You are frustrated, resentful, and hurting. It would not surprise
me if you were one with your 3 friends that was molested.
Which might explain your remark about "Snakes" and "Trousers".
** =3DA0what does if you were one with these friends mean?
Sorry if it hurts to expose it, but bottling it all up won't help
you to resolve it.
** =3DA0there is nothing to resolve. =3DA0They had the misfortune of e=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
child diddler priests and the bailed. =3DA0None of them sued "God's Ho=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Church". =3DA0.
Only by talking about it. Somewhere somehow
you have to learn forgiveness.
** =3DA0I was not diddled by a priest or priests. =3DA0My friends were=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Being raised Catholic
** ___I was Not raised Catholic Bruce.___
I'm sure you
still remember the "Lords Prayer". In it it talks about forgiving
so that you might be forgiven. You may not know it, but you hold a lo=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
of guilt inside because of what that Priest did.
** =3DA0There were two priests who did this to the three children.
You have to empty
out that cup as bitter as it is in order to be whole again. You would=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
wise not to hold onto it!
** ......the lights are on but nobody is apparently home.
Sounds like a personal problem.
** =A0What problem? =A0The three have moved on. =A0The 13-yr old girl who=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
diddled is now in her 60s and she's retired. =A0Both of the boys are clos=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
in on 30. =A0None of them sued the RCC. =A0
Your problem. They may have moved on but you never did!
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
As I see it those who get taken by the Unification Church know little
about the history of the man who calls himself "Messiah" and "Master".
You are a Detractor of ALL Religions,
**  Am I a detractor of Zen ?
should anybody believe you on the subject
of Religion, ANY Religion?
**  because I don't endorse any salvation business ?.
Oh, oh, I know.. ..because in today's world it is
more popular to put somebody down than it is to
lift them up!        
**  How can one lift up a person who claims to be the "Messiah" and who
had almost as many women in his youth as J. Smith, Jr.  did ?
     Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.


• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-27 15:26:25 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=A0 =A0 =A0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as hard
as defending "prophet" Smith's.

"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.

"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)

"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)

"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)

"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
John Manning
2011-09-27 15:58:45 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=A0 =A0 =A0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as hard
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
2011-09-27 22:50:17 UTC
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=A0 =A0 =A0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
**  Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as hard
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.

Get an education, why don't you?!?

• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-28 16:16:45 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
** can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-28 17:30:23 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org-
I guess Moon figured if it worked for Joseph Smith, why not?
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-30 02:49:36 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =3DA0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn nea=
r as =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With th=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamen=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Su=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that g=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastical=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon =
is =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Mast=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is prou=
d o=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 y=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout his=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
** =A0can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org-
I guess Moon figured if it worked for Joseph Smith, why not?
** well it sort of worked but he got shot out of the saddle.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-28 22:06:49 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!

2011-09-28 23:27:37 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon! ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
2011-09-29 03:12:06 UTC
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.

2011-09-29 17:23:39 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts. Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith? Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
Post by bd4u.utah
2011-09-29 19:00:38 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."

I don't write the rules, I just follow them.

2011-09-29 21:06:40 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh? Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step? What is it that is due God? What
makes you think anything is due God?
2011-09-30 01:42:45 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If I don't answer you, it is not because I
don't care. Rather it is because whatever
you said is of little consequence.

2011-09-30 03:09:47 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If I don't answer you, it is not because I
don't care. Rather it is because whatever
you said is of little consequence.
Ah, at last, an honest answer. Thanks.
2011-09-30 01:50:04 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Your faith is lacking. The fact that you
question God's authority is evidence of

You need to find reason to believe
before I could ever help you!

Bruce Daniel
2011-09-30 03:12:18 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Your faith is lacking.
Very true.

The fact that you
Post by bd4u.utah
question God's authority is evidence of
Again, very true.
Post by bd4u.utah
You need to find reason to believe
before I could ever help you!
So one has to believe God before one understands God?
Post by bd4u.utah
Bruce Daniel-
2011-10-02 13:05:59 UTC
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Your faith is lacking.
Very true.
 The fact that you
Post by bd4u.utah
question God's authority is evidence of
Again, very true.
Post by bd4u.utah
You need to find reason to believe
before I could ever help you!
So one has to believe God before one understands God?
You are most certainly not going to understand
something if you doubt it's very existence.

You need to have something to base your
understanding on. Understanding does not
exist by itself. First you have to have knowledge
and before you can have knowledge you have
to have faith. Faith that it even exists.

Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Bruce Daniel-
2011-10-02 17:15:20 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Your faith is lacking.
Very true.
 The fact that you
Post by bd4u.utah
question God's authority is evidence of
Again, very true.
Post by bd4u.utah
You need to find reason to believe
before I could ever help you!
So one has to believe God before one understands God?
You are most certainly not going to understand
something if you doubt it's very existence.
You need to have something to base your
understanding on. Understanding does not
exist by itself. First you have to have knowledge
and before you can have knowledge you have
to have faith. Faith that it even exists.
I agree with you. The claim is: Jesus Christ visited both Smith,
(when he was about 12), and visited Moon when he was 15, which one
should I have faith in, and why?
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Bruce Daniel--
2011-10-02 21:01:52 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Your faith is lacking.
Very true.
 The fact that you
Post by bd4u.utah
question God's authority is evidence of
Again, very true.
Post by bd4u.utah
You need to find reason to believe
before I could ever help you!
So one has to believe God before one understands God?
You are most certainly not going to understand
something if you doubt it's very existence.
You need to have something to base your
understanding on. Understanding does not
exist by itself. First you have to have knowledge
and before you can have knowledge you have
to have faith. Faith that it even exists.
I agree with you.  The claim is: Jesus Christ visited both Smith,
(when he was about 12), and visited Moon when he was 15, which one
should I have faith in, and why?
Dude, put your faith in God. A man
may lead you astray, God never will.

See that's where you go wrong. You put
your faith in your own failed reasoning.

"Vaya Con Dios" (Go with God)

2011-10-02 22:08:39 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Your faith is lacking.
Very true.
 The fact that you
Post by bd4u.utah
question God's authority is evidence of
Again, very true.
Post by bd4u.utah
You need to find reason to believe
before I could ever help you!
So one has to believe God before one understands God?
You are most certainly not going to understand
something if you doubt it's very existence.
You need to have something to base your
understanding on. Understanding does not
exist by itself. First you have to have knowledge
and before you can have knowledge you have
to have faith. Faith that it even exists.
I agree with you.  The claim is: Jesus Christ visited both Smith,
(when he was about 12), and visited Moon when he was 15, which one
should I have faith in, and why?
Dude, put your faith in God. A man
may lead you astray, God never will.
See that's where you go wrong. You put
your faith in your own failed reasoning.
"Vaya Con Dios" (Go with God)
It is not my faith I am concerned with, I have no faith in organized
religion. I'm trying to understand why others do. Then based on your
above comment, you have no faith in either Smith or Moon?
2011-10-02 23:00:48 UTC
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Your faith is lacking.
Very true.
 The fact that you
Post by bd4u.utah
question God's authority is evidence of
Again, very true.
Post by bd4u.utah
You need to find reason to believe
before I could ever help you!
So one has to believe God before one understands God?
You are most certainly not going to understand
something if you doubt it's very existence.
You need to have something to base your
understanding on. Understanding does not
exist by itself. First you have to have knowledge
and before you can have knowledge you have
to have faith. Faith that it even exists.
I agree with you.  The claim is: Jesus Christ visited both Smith,
(when he was about 12), and visited Moon when he was 15, which one
should I have faith in, and why?
Dude, put your faith in God. A man
may lead you astray, God never will.
See that's where you go wrong. You put
your faith in your own failed reasoning.
"Vaya Con Dios" (Go with God)
It is not my faith I am concerned with, I have no faith in organized
religion.  I'm trying to understand why others do.  Then based on your
above comment, you have no faith in either Smith or Moon?
Don't worry about what others do, worry about what
YOU DO! And just because people may belong to
one religion or another, does not mean they do not
put God before Religion.

In fact it says very clearly in the first Commandment.

"Though shalt have no other God's before me".

The keyword here being "before".

There are many God's, but there is only
one that is worthy of worship. Though he be
called by many names. And the name "Jesus"
is NOT one of them.

2011-10-03 02:25:51 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Your faith is lacking.
Very true.
 The fact that you
Post by bd4u.utah
question God's authority is evidence of
Again, very true.
Post by bd4u.utah
You need to find reason to believe
before I could ever help you!
So one has to believe God before one understands God?
You are most certainly not going to understand
something if you doubt it's very existence.
You need to have something to base your
understanding on. Understanding does not
exist by itself. First you have to have knowledge
and before you can have knowledge you have
to have faith. Faith that it even exists.
I agree with you.  The claim is: Jesus Christ visited both Smith,
(when he was about 12), and visited Moon when he was 15, which one
should I have faith in, and why?
Dude, put your faith in God. A man
may lead you astray, God never will.
See that's where you go wrong. You put
your faith in your own failed reasoning.
"Vaya Con Dios" (Go with God)
It is not my faith I am concerned with, I have no faith in organized
religion.  I'm trying to understand why others do.  Then based on your
above comment, you have no faith in either Smith or Moon?
Don't worry about what others do, worry about what
YOU DO! And just because people may belong to
one religion or another, does not mean they do not
put God before Religion.
In fact it says very clearly in the first Commandment.
"Though shalt have no other God's before me".
The keyword here being "before".
There are many God's, but there is only
one that is worthy of worship. Though he be
called by many names. And the name "Jesus"
is NOT one of them.
Now you are confusing me. What God do you worship and why?
2011-10-03 03:46:40 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Your faith is lacking.
Very true.
 The fact that you
Post by bd4u.utah
question God's authority is evidence of
Again, very true.
Post by bd4u.utah
You need to find reason to believe
before I could ever help you!
So one has to believe God before one understands God?
You are most certainly not going to understand
something if you doubt it's very existence.
You need to have something to base your
understanding on. Understanding does not
exist by itself. First you have to have knowledge
and before you can have knowledge you have
to have faith. Faith that it even exists.
I agree with you.  The claim is: Jesus Christ visited both Smith,
(when he was about 12), and visited Moon when he was 15, which one
should I have faith in, and why?
Dude, put your faith in God. A man
may lead you astray, God never will.
See that's where you go wrong. You put
your faith in your own failed reasoning.
"Vaya Con Dios" (Go with God)
It is not my faith I am concerned with, I have no faith in organized
religion.  I'm trying to understand why others do.  Then based on your
above comment, you have no faith in either Smith or Moon?
Don't worry about what others do, worry about what
YOU DO! And just because people may belong to
one religion or another, does not mean they do not
put God before Religion.
In fact it says very clearly in the first Commandment.
"Though shalt have no other God's before me".
The keyword here being "before".
There are many God's, but there is only
one that is worthy of worship. Though he be
called by many names. And the name "Jesus"
is NOT one of them.
Now you are confusing me.  What God do you worship and why?
Why do I worship the God of Abraham? Because he is the
meat on my bone, the sun on my horizon, the breath in my
lungs. He leads me not into temptation, but rather unto
righteousness for his names sake. And then you ask me
WHY? Silly question..

Bruce Daniel
2011-10-03 17:04:44 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Your faith is lacking.
Very true.
 The fact that you
Post by bd4u.utah
question God's authority is evidence of
Again, very true.
Post by bd4u.utah
You need to find reason to believe
before I could ever help you!
So one has to believe God before one understands God?
You are most certainly not going to understand
something if you doubt it's very existence.
You need to have something to base your
understanding on. Understanding does not
exist by itself. First you have to have knowledge
and before you can have knowledge you have
to have faith. Faith that it even exists.
I agree with you.  The claim is: Jesus Christ visited both Smith,
(when he was about 12), and visited Moon when he was 15, which one
should I have faith in, and why?
Dude, put your faith in God. A man
may lead you astray, God never will.
See that's where you go wrong. You put
your faith in your own failed reasoning.
"Vaya Con Dios" (Go with God)
It is not my faith I am concerned with, I have no faith in organized
religion.  I'm trying to understand why others do.  Then based on your
above comment, you have no faith in either Smith or Moon?
Don't worry about what others do, worry about what
YOU DO! And just because people may belong to
one religion or another, does not mean they do not
put God before Religion.
In fact it says very clearly in the first Commandment.
"Though shalt have no other God's before me".
The keyword here being "before".
There are many God's, but there is only
one that is worthy of worship. Though he be
called by many names. And the name "Jesus"
is NOT one of them.
Now you are confusing me.  What God do you worship and why?
Why do I worship the God of Abraham? Because he is the
meat on my bone, the sun on my horizon, the breath in my
lungs. He leads me not into temptation, but rather unto
righteousness for his names sake. And then you ask me
WHY? Silly question..
Bruce Daniel-
;-))) God is meat, sun, and breath? Weird. The God of Abraham is
nothing more than ink on paper.
2011-10-03 03:41:27 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Your faith is lacking.
Very true.
 The fact that you
Post by bd4u.utah
question God's authority is evidence of
Again, very true.
Post by bd4u.utah
You need to find reason to believe
before I could ever help you!
So one has to believe God before one understands God?
You are most certainly not going to understand
something if you doubt it's very existence.
You need to have something to base your
understanding on. Understanding does not
exist by itself. First you have to have knowledge
and before you can have knowledge you have
to have faith. Faith that it even exists.
I agree with you.  The claim is: Jesus Christ visited both Smith,
(when he was about 12), and visited Moon when he was 15, which one
should I have faith in, and why?
Dude, put your faith in God. A man
may lead you astray, God never will.
See that's where you go wrong. You put
your faith in your own failed reasoning.
"Vaya Con Dios" (Go with God)
It is not my faith I am concerned with, I have no faith in organized
religion.  I'm trying to understand why others do.  Then based on your
above comment, you have no faith in either Smith or Moon?
Don't worry about what others do, worry about what
YOU DO! And just because people may belong to
one religion or another, does not mean they do not
put God before Religion.
In fact it says very clearly in the first Commandment.
"Though shalt have no other God's before me".
The keyword here being "before".
There are many God's, but there is only
one that is worthy of worship. Though he be
called by many names. And the name "Jesus"
is NOT one of them.
Now you are confusing me.  What God do you worship and why?
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. What other God
is worthy of Worship? What other God is the God of ALL
other God's?

Remember Moses before The Pharaoh? The staff of Moses
consumed the Staves of the Pharaohs priests, showing clearly
The One True God's authority over ALL the others.

2011-10-03 17:06:50 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is =
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wil=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud o=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 year=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histor=
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
**  can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon!  ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
Gee ya gotta be an idiot, to confuse the issues.
But hey, people believe what they want to.
I noticed that in your posts.  Instead of judging, get to the point,
why do you think there is a difference between Jeffs and Smith?  Try
answering this without all the kid coments.
"Give unto Caesar that which is due Caesar, give unto God
that which is due God."
I don't write the rules, I just follow them.
Couldn't answer, eh?  Do you think about the rules before you follow
them or just blindly march in step?  What is it that is due God?  What
makes you think anything is due God?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Your faith is lacking.
Very true.
 The fact that you
Post by bd4u.utah
question God's authority is evidence of
Again, very true.
Post by bd4u.utah
You need to find reason to believe
before I could ever help you!
So one has to believe God before one understands God?
You are most certainly not going to understand
something if you doubt it's very existence.
You need to have something to base your
understanding on. Understanding does not
exist by itself. First you have to have knowledge
and before you can have knowledge you have
to have faith. Faith that it even exists.
I agree with you.  The claim is: Jesus Christ visited both Smith,
(when he was about 12), and visited Moon when he was 15, which one
should I have faith in, and why?
Dude, put your faith in God. A man
may lead you astray, God never will.
See that's where you go wrong. You put
your faith in your own failed reasoning.
"Vaya Con Dios" (Go with God)
It is not my faith I am concerned with, I have no faith in organized
religion.  I'm trying to understand why others do.  Then based on your
above comment, you have no faith in either Smith or Moon?
Don't worry about what others do, worry about what
YOU DO! And just because people may belong to
one religion or another, does not mean they do not
put God before Religion.
In fact it says very clearly in the first Commandment.
"Though shalt have no other God's before me".
The keyword here being "before".
There are many God's, but there is only
one that is worthy of worship. Though he be
called by many names. And the name "Jesus"
is NOT one of them.
Now you are confusing me.  What God do you worship and why?
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. What other God
is worthy of Worship? What other God is the God of ALL
other God's?
Remember Moses before The Pharaoh? The staff of Moses
consumed the Staves of the Pharaohs priests, showing clearly
The One True God's authority over ALL the others.
bd4u.utah- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Well, I guess if believing that makes you feel good. I'm on my way to
my home in
France, will post from there.

• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-30 02:53:57 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodie=
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =3DA0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn n=
ear as =3D
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a n=
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With =
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundam=
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--=
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that=
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastic=
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate t=
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moo=
n is =3D
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, H=
e wil=3D
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Ma=
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is pr=
oud o=3D
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000=
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74=
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage o=
f a
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is n=
ot a
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout h=
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
** =A0can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
Gee, and people hate Warren Jeffs and love Joseph Smith for doing the
same thing as Moon! ;-))))) Ya gotta love religious people !
** wolves in sheep costumes.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-30 02:51:48 UTC
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by John Manning
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
You would be one to know, and everybody knows you
on alt.religion.mormon as a detractor.
** =A0can you say anything good about a guy who is polyandrous with 11
married women, who married 7 teenagers in 1843 ?
YEAH! He was "married" to them!
** well the girls thought they were married but none of the marriages
were legal ones.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-28 16:13:18 UTC
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=A0 =A0 =A0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as hard
as defending "prophet" Smith's.
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Psychopathic babble, for sure.
** maybe it's genetic since one of his sons does some really crazy shit .
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-28 01:14:25 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=A0 =A0 =A0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
**  Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as hard
as defending "prophet" Smith's.  
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org-
One might wish to check out: http://www.rotten.com/library/bio/religion/cult/sun-myung-moon/
2011-09-28 01:34:16 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=A0 =A0 =A0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
**  Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as hard
as defending "prophet" Smith's.  
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org-
One might wish to check out:http://www.rotten.com/library/bio/religion/cult/sun-myung-moon/
Yeah, just more accusations, and detractors. The world is
full of people reliving the "Tom and Jerry" theme.

Bash, bash, bash, AAAAAAHHHHHH, run, run run.

So where is the building up? Why hasn't it begun?
Hehh, go figure..

2011-09-28 17:28:52 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=A0 =A0 =A0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
**  Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as hard
as defending "prophet" Smith's.  
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org-
One might wish to check out:http://www.rotten.com/library/bio/religion/cult/sun-myung-moon/
Yeah, just more accusations, and detractors. The world is
full of people reliving the "Tom and Jerry" theme.
Perhaps the accusations are true! I have heard Moon claim to be
Christ, do you think that is true?
Post by bd4u.utah
Bash, bash, bash, AAAAAAHHHHHH, run, run run.
Moon does a lot of bash, bash, bash, AAAAAAHHHHHH,run, run run
himself, read his comments.
Post by bd4u.utah
So where is the building up? Why hasn't it begun?
Hehh, go figure..
2011-09-28 20:24:21 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=A0 =A0 =A0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
**  Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as hard
as defending "prophet" Smith's.  
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org-
One might wish to check out:http://www.rotten.com/library/bio/religion/cult/sun-myung-moon/
Yeah, just more accusations, and detractors. The world is
full of people reliving the "Tom and Jerry" theme.
Perhaps the accusations are true!  I have heard Moon claim to be
Christ, do you think that is true?
I never heard him say it, and yet calling anybody
"Christ" is mere semantics anyways. It is not
the official name for Jesus, but look how many
people him it. Like it means something, when
it really doesn't.

Go ahead, ask a Jew if they believe Jesus is Christ, and they
will deny any knowledge of such, and rightfully so.
Post by bd4u.utah
Bash, bash, bash, AAAAAAHHHHHH, run, run run.
Moon does a lot of bash, bash, bash, AAAAAAHHHHHH,run, run run
himself, read his comments.
What about his comments? They are not bashing anybody,
not like his critics are trying to do. The world has been glued to
the TV set for so long, people are actually starting to
act just like a slapstick cartoon! They don't know how to
be civil towards each other anymore. Child abuse, Spousal
abuse, you name it is going on. All because their role models
on TV did it. Laurel and hardy, Archie Bunker, the Three Stooges,
Lucy and Ricky, Tom and Jerry, Bug's Bunny and Elmer Fudd,
Coyote and Road Runner. The list goes on and on.

Kinda sad if you ask me. Instead of a Mom and Dad as role models,
most kids instead had a TV. They haven't a clue what it takes to
"build" a relationship. Then you wonder why so many marriages
end in a Divorce, and Homosexuality is spreading like wildfire.
Simply because, so few relationships are building the other person
up. Instead they are tearing people down. Just like detractors do
to people of religious belief. Or politicians do to each other.

The problems in our political process, are not the problems
of the process. The problems go much deeper than that, it's
a breakdown of communication, between two opposing views.
Exactly like the opposing views between, parent and child,
husband and wife. A relationship doesn't simply exist because
you want it to. There are dynamics to it, in order for it to
actually work.

2011-09-28 21:56:25 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=A0 =A0 =A0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
**  Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as hard
as defending "prophet" Smith's.  
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is far
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history."
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org-
One might wish to check out:http://www.rotten.com/library/bio/religion/cult/sun-myung-moon/
Yeah, just more accusations, and detractors. The world is
full of people reliving the "Tom and Jerry" theme.
Perhaps the accusations are true!  I have heard Moon claim to be
Christ, do you think that is true?
I never heard him say it, and yet calling anybody
"Christ" is mere semantics anyways. It is not
the official name for Jesus, but look how many
people him it. Like it means something, when
it really doesn't.
I think Moon, based on his comments, is an egomaniac. Consider his
words: Why would anybody (who isn't brainwashed or getting paid) sit
through an entire speech by this screwball? Ever since 1954, Moon has
made no secret of his nutball theology:

Eve bumped uglies with Satan and thereby consigned humanity to the
Kingdom of Hell.
Jesus ruined his chance to purify mankind when he neglected to get
married and father children.
Sun Myung Moon is succeeding where Jesus failed.
Worshipping Moon is now mankind's last chance for redemption.
Being the world's savior, Moon preaches that no one can enter Heaven
without his explicit blessing. But he is only willing to bless married
couples. Which is where those Guinness Book mass weddings come in.

Anyway, that's how Moon described it in his full-page newspaper ad,
which ran in papers all across the U.S. (including the Los Angeles
Times). It was a $720,000 print run, but it was worth every penny.
Finally middle America would get the word and rally behind their
messiah. Except it was a bit of a reach. Moon's captive congregation
is accustomed to his indefatigable hubris, but the general public who
have yet to send their mind through the laundry just find it repugnant
Post by bd4u.utah
Go ahead, ask a Jew if they believe Jesus is Christ, and they
will deny any knowledge of such, and rightfully so.
That is their right, I don't have a problem with it. It is Moon's
right to make stupid claims too, as long as he pays his taxes, which
he forgets sometimes! It is also my right to disagree with him.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Bash, bash, bash, AAAAAAHHHHHH, run, run run.
Moon does a lot of bash, bash, bash, AAAAAAHHHHHH,run, run run
himself, read his comments.
What about his comments? They are not bashing anybody,
not like his critics are trying to do. The world has been glued to
the TV set for so long, people are actually starting to
act just like a slapstick cartoon! They don't know how to
be civil towards each other anymore. Child abuse, Spousal
abuse, you name it is going on. All because their role models
on TV did it. Laurel and hardy, Archie Bunker, the Three Stooges,
Lucy and Ricky, Tom and Jerry, Bug's Bunny and Elmer Fudd,
Coyote and Road Runner. The list goes on and on.
I kinda agree with you about the world don't know how to be ivil
towards each other anymore. But when you diss Bugs Bunny, that is a
little too much. Bugs has class.
Post by bd4u.utah
Kinda sad if you ask me. Instead of a Mom and Dad as role models,
most kids instead had a TV. They haven't a clue what it takes to
"build" a relationship. Then you wonder why so many marriages
end in a Divorce, and Homosexuality is spreading like wildfire.
Simply because, so few relationships are building the other person
up. Instead they are tearing people down. Just like detractors do
to people of religious belief. Or politicians do to each other.
I agree with you, but what does this have to do with moon,...he is
constantly turning people off.
Post by bd4u.utah
The problems in our political process, are not the problems
of the process. The problems go much deeper than that, it's
a breakdown of communication, between two opposing views.
Exactly like the opposing views between, parent and child,
husband and wife. A relationship doesn't simply exist because
you want it to. There are dynamics to it, in order for it to
actually work.
Very true. Well said!
Post by bd4u.utah
bd4u.utah- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-28 16:18:50 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as ha=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's. =A0
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is fa=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history.=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org-
One might wish to check out: http://www.rotten.com/library/bio/religion/cul=
** "Not Found

The requested URL /library/bio/religion/cul=>t/sun-myung-moon was not
found on this server."
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
John Manning
2011-09-28 17:29:39 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as ha=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's. =A0
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is fa=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history.=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org-
One might wish to check out: http://www.rotten.com/library/bio/religion/cul=
** "Not Found
The requested URL /library/bio/religion/cul=>t/sun-myung-moon was not
found on this server."
There's some very revealing stuff at that site.

Try this link:
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-30 02:45:39 UTC
Post by John Manning
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as ha=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's. =A0
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is fa=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history.=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org-
One might wish to check out: http://www.rotten.com/library/bio/religion/cul=
** "Not Found
The requested URL /library/bio/religion/cul=>t/sun-myung-moon was not
found on this server."
There's some very revealing stuff at that site.
** The rattlesnake looking for a hole sermon was a laugher John. No
wonder people walked out. thanks for the laughs.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-28 17:33:47 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =A0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near as ha=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's. =A0
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamental
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goes
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is fa=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He will
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud of
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 years
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout history.=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =A0805-386-3734,www.somis.org-
One might wish to check out:http://www.rotten.com/library/bio/religion/cul=t/sun-myung-moon/
**  "Not Found
Sorry, it worked for me. I know you know how to do a search on
Post by • R. L. Measures.
The requested URL /library/bio/religion/cul=>t/sun-myung-moon was not
found on this server."
Richard L. Measures. AG6K,  805-386-3734,www.somis.org- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-30 02:47:34 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
=3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0Sheeeeeiiiiiit, that doesn't take
Post by • R. L. Measures.
talent OR knowledge, just a BIG MOUTH!
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, dude. If you are expecting me to defend Sun Myung Moon
well forget about it. Your accusations are not worthy of anybodies
attention. Cause that is all they are is accusations, without any
understanding or knowledge of the truth.
** =3DA0Defending young Moon's early womanizing is probably damn near =
as ha=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
as defending "prophet" Smith's. =3DA0
"God is now throwing Christianity away and is now establishing a new
religion, and this new religion is the Unification Church... With the
fullness of time, God has sent his messenger to resolve the fundamenta=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
questions of life and the universe. His name is Sun Myung Moon."--Sun
Myung Moon in Divine Principle.
"So from this time of peak every people or every organization that goe=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
against the Unification Church will gradually come down or drastically
come down and die. Many people will die those who do against our
movement." (Master Speaks 2/14/74)
"The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the
world." (Master Speaks 5/17/73)
"Then in one sense, Father, Heavenly Father will say "Reverend Moon is=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
better than me, the Heavenly Father". In a short period of time, He wi=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
synthesize, He will crush the enemy and let them surrender. Our Master
senses this kind of feeling of the Heavenly Father. Also, he is proud =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
himself and appreciates that Jesus Christ's unfinished job of 6000 yea=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
has been completed by him in his lifetime." (Master Speaks 7/31/74)
"So telling a lie becomes a sin if you tell it to take advantage of a
person, but if you tell a lie to do a good thing for him that is not a
sin. Even God tells lies very often; you can see this throughout histo=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
(Master Speaks 3/16/72)
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org-
One might wish to check out:http://www.rotten.com/library/bio/religion/c=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
** =A0"Not Found
Sorry, it worked for me. I know you know how to do a search on
** Here's an interesting one:
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2011-09-26 22:24:23 UTC
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things wors=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3D3D3D3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering action=
s by =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
men" =3DA0priests, and "saints".
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What for?!?
=3D3D....for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks from
my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
**.three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests during t=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
And so you blame ALL religions,
** =3DA0they were Catholic.
And so were you.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
and have
shut the door on them. That is your choice,
it does not mean it is the choice of every one
** =3DA0I am not an advocate for any organization. =3DA0
So you are anti-establishment?!?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You have a right to question why you got burned.
** =3DA0I did not get burned. =3DA0At 13 I found out what Christian do=
ctrine =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
about and I walked away into the light of day. =3DA0
You mean when you were "confirmed" you questioned
who was doing what to whom.
** =A0I was not cofirmed. =A0I was told of Christian dogma and I walked.
"I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. =A0Early in life I absented
myself from Christian assemblies."
- - Benjamin Franklin,
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Naturally you have the right to not get burned again.
But that is no reason to be afraid of fire. Or spread that
fear to others.
** =3DA0I advocate stopping to smell the roses and thinking about doct=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You need to be honest with yourself, even if you
are not honest with the public.
** =A0Not honest about what ?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, I understand where you are coming from, really I do!
But closing the door on the future,
** =A0I have not.
will not resolve the past.
That's really why you are here, cause it is all about YOU,
and has nothing to do with what Religion may or may not be.
You are frustrated, resentful, and hurting. It would not surprise
me if you were one with your 3 friends that was molested.
Which might explain your remark about "Snakes" and "Trousers".
** =A0what does if you were one with these friends mean?
Sorry if it hurts to expose it, but bottling it all up won't help
you to resolve it.
** =A0there is nothing to resolve. =A0They had the misfortune of encounte=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
child diddler priests and the bailed. =A0None of them sued "God's Holy
Church". =A0.
Only by talking about it. Somewhere somehow
you have to learn forgiveness.
** =A0I was not diddled by a priest or priests. =A0My friends were.
Being raised Catholic
** ___I was Not raised Catholic Bruce.___
I'm sure you
still remember the "Lords Prayer". In it it talks about forgiving
so that you might be forgiven. You may not know it, but you hold a lot
of guilt inside because of what that Priest did.
** =A0There were two priests who did this to the three children.
You have to empty
out that cup as bitter as it is in order to be whole again. You would be
wise not to hold onto it!
** ......the lights are on but nobody is apparently home.
Sounds like a personal problem.
**  What problem?  The three have moved on.  The 13-yr old girl who was
diddled is now in her 60s and she's retired.  Both of the boys are closing
in on 30.  None of them sued the RCC.  
Post by • R. L. Measures.
As I see it those who get taken by the Unification Church know little
about the history of the man who calls himself "Messiah" and "Master".
BTW: As far as I am aware, Sun Myung Moon, NEVER called himself
either "Messiah", OR "Master". Other people did that!

I know for a fact that he is NOT a Messiah, he comes from the Right
and NOT the Middle. So he can't be a Messiah, a Messiah can ONLY
come from the Middle Pillar according to the Kabbalah. That however,
does not mean that he is not here on a Messianic Mission. A lot of
people pave the way for a Messiah to come, and I happen to firmly
believe that the Mormon Church is making great strides in contributing
to that foundation upon which to receive a Messiah. Sun Myung Moon
has also contributed to that foundation.

I think I can say in all honesty and sincerity any person that follows
closely where the Holy Ghost (Shekhinah, Tao) leads them, is also
contributing to that foundation to receive a Messiah.

2011-09-26 22:54:34 UTC
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things wors=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3D3D3D3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering action=
s by =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
men" =3DA0priests, and "saints".
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What for?!?
=3D3D....for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks from
my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
**.three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests during t=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
And so you blame ALL religions,
** =3DA0they were Catholic.
And so were you.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
and have
shut the door on them. That is your choice,
it does not mean it is the choice of every one
** =3DA0I am not an advocate for any organization. =3DA0
So you are anti-establishment?!?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You have a right to question why you got burned.
** =3DA0I did not get burned. =3DA0At 13 I found out what Christian do=
ctrine =3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
about and I walked away into the light of day. =3DA0
You mean when you were "confirmed" you questioned
who was doing what to whom.
** =A0I was not cofirmed. =A0I was told of Christian dogma and I walked.
"I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. =A0Early in life I absented
myself from Christian assemblies."
- - Benjamin Franklin,
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Naturally you have the right to not get burned again.
But that is no reason to be afraid of fire. Or spread that
fear to others.
** =3DA0I advocate stopping to smell the roses and thinking about doct=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You need to be honest with yourself, even if you
are not honest with the public.
** =A0Not honest about what ?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, I understand where you are coming from, really I do!
But closing the door on the future,
** =A0I have not.
will not resolve the past.
That's really why you are here, cause it is all about YOU,
and has nothing to do with what Religion may or may not be.
You are frustrated, resentful, and hurting. It would not surprise
me if you were one with your 3 friends that was molested.
Which might explain your remark about "Snakes" and "Trousers".
** =A0what does if you were one with these friends mean?
Sorry if it hurts to expose it, but bottling it all up won't help
you to resolve it.
** =A0there is nothing to resolve. =A0They had the misfortune of encounte=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
child diddler priests and the bailed. =A0None of them sued "God's Holy
Church". =A0.
Only by talking about it. Somewhere somehow
you have to learn forgiveness.
** =A0I was not diddled by a priest or priests. =A0My friends were.
Being raised Catholic
** ___I was Not raised Catholic Bruce.___
I'm sure you
still remember the "Lords Prayer". In it it talks about forgiving
so that you might be forgiven. You may not know it, but you hold a lot
of guilt inside because of what that Priest did.
** =A0There were two priests who did this to the three children.
You have to empty
out that cup as bitter as it is in order to be whole again. You would be
wise not to hold onto it!
** ......the lights are on but nobody is apparently home.
Sounds like a personal problem.
**  What problem?  The three have moved on.  The 13-yr old girl who was
diddled is now in her 60s and she's retired.  Both of the boys are closing
in on 30.  None of them sued the RCC.  
Post by • R. L. Measures.
As I see it those who get taken by the Unification Church know little
about the history of the man who calls himself "Messiah" and "Master".
BTW: As far as I am aware, Sun Myung Moon, NEVER called himself
either "Messiah", OR "Master". Other people did that!
I know for a fact that he is NOT a Messiah, he comes from  the Right
and NOT the Middle.  So he can't be a Messiah, a Messiah can ONLY
come from the Middle Pillar according to the Kabbalah. That however,
does not mean that he is not here on a Messianic Mission. A lot of
people pave the way for a Messiah to come, and I happen to firmly
believe that the Mormon Church is making great strides in contributing
to that foundation upon which to receive a Messiah. Sun Myung Moon
has also contributed to that foundation.
I think I can say in all honesty and sincerity any person that follows
closely where the Holy Ghost (Shekhinah, Tao) leads them, is also
contributing to that foundation to receive a Messiah.
Sun Myung Moon, being from the Right Pillar, and being a World
Leader stands in a unique position to raise up a Messiah. The
mere fact that he is aware of his position, and has set in motion
the foundation of raising up (edifying) a Messiah. According to
the Kabbalah, a Messiah must be supported from below, and raised
up among the leaders of the world.

AND, that is precisely why the Jews refuse to recognize Jesus
as a Messiah, simply because he never fullfilled or completed
the requirements and prophecies surrounding it's revelation.

Oh, sure Jesus might have come close, but as they say
"close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.".
Without becoming a World Class Leader, he NEVER
"completed his mission" (Divine Principle).

Why didn't he "complete his mission", because he was
NEVER elevated (lifted up, edified) by the Leadership.
So we have the same problem today, simply because of
Jealousy. Those in power want to keep their power and
are not willing to share it. Except maybe Sun Myung
Moon, who did not do all he did for himself, he did it for
an heir to his Throne. An heir to his Empire, that never
came for the reasons outlined previously. Even his own
members and family fought out of Jealousy for the Power
they gained from Sun Myung Moon. The greed took the
lives of two of his own sons in the process. So he looked
elsewhere for an heir, but because of greed and jealousy
He still could not find one.

Such is the state of the World, and why NO Messiah
comes. Simply because, who is there to receive him?

• R. L. Measures.
2011-09-27 00:25:22 UTC
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
.) wrot=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
In article
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Your troubles
won't disappear by themselves, and it only makes things w=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
by complaining about them like you do!
** =3D3D3D3D3DA0I do not complain, I review unflattering a=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
s by =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
men" =3D3DA0priests, and "saints".
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
Post by bd4u.utah
What for?!?
=3D3D3D....for the same reason that I remove fleas and ticks =
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
my furry friends.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3D3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by bd4u.utah
That's not a reason, it's a distraction. Deep down you
know why you do it, and are too ashamed to tell the
real reason why you do it. I don't know a single detractor
that didn't do it for personal reasons. Which makes you
personally involved. It has nothing to do with what is right.
It's really all about YOU in the end.
**.three of my friends had sexual experiences with priests durin=
g t=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
And so you blame ALL religions,
** =3D3DA0they were Catholic.
And so were you.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
and have
shut the door on them. That is your choice,
it does not mean it is the choice of every one
** =3D3DA0I am not an advocate for any organization. =3D3DA0
So you are anti-establishment?!?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You have a right to question why you got burned.
** =3D3DA0I did not get burned. =3D3DA0At 13 I found out what Chris=
tian do=3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
ctrine =3D3D
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
about and I walked away into the light of day. =3D3DA0
You mean when you were "confirmed" you questioned
who was doing what to whom.
** =3DA0I was not cofirmed. =3DA0I was told of Christian dogma and I w=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
"I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. =3DA0Early in life I abs=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
myself from Christian assemblies."
- - Benjamin Franklin,
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Naturally you have the right to not get burned again.
But that is no reason to be afraid of fire. Or spread that
fear to others.
** =3D3DA0I advocate stopping to smell the roses and thinking about=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
You need to be honest with yourself, even if you
are not honest with the public.
** =3DA0Not honest about what ?
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, =3D3DA0805-386-3734,www.somis.org
Look, I understand where you are coming from, really I do!
But closing the door on the future,
** =3DA0I have not.
will not resolve the past.
That's really why you are here, cause it is all about YOU,
and has nothing to do with what Religion may or may not be.
You are frustrated, resentful, and hurting. It would not surprise
me if you were one with your 3 friends that was molested.
Which might explain your remark about "Snakes" and "Trousers".
** =3DA0what does if you were one with these friends mean?
Sorry if it hurts to expose it, but bottling it all up won't help
you to resolve it.
** =3DA0there is nothing to resolve. =3DA0They had the misfortune of e=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
child diddler priests and the bailed. =3DA0None of them sued "God's Ho=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Church". =3DA0.
Only by talking about it. Somewhere somehow
you have to learn forgiveness.
** =3DA0I was not diddled by a priest or priests. =3DA0My friends were=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Being raised Catholic
** ___I was Not raised Catholic Bruce.___
I'm sure you
still remember the "Lords Prayer". In it it talks about forgiving
so that you might be forgiven. You may not know it, but you hold a lo=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
of guilt inside because of what that Priest did.
** =3DA0There were two priests who did this to the three children.
You have to empty
out that cup as bitter as it is in order to be whole again. You would=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
Post by • R. L. Measures.
wise not to hold onto it!
** ......the lights are on but nobody is apparently home.
Sounds like a personal problem.
** =A0What problem? =A0The three have moved on. =A0The 13-yr old girl who=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
diddled is now in her 60s and she's retired. =A0Both of the boys are clos=
Post by • R. L. Measures.
in on 30. =A0None of them sued the RCC. =A0
Post by • R. L. Measures.
As I see it those who get taken by the Unification Church know little
about the history of the man who calls himself "Messiah" and "Master".
BTW: As far as I am aware, Sun Myung Moon, NEVER called himself
either "Messiah", OR "Master". Other people did that!
** "The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth".
-- George Orwell, *1984*
I know for a fact that he is NOT a Messiah, he comes from the Right
and NOT the Middle. So he can't be a Messiah, a Messiah can ONLY
come from the Middle Pillar according to the Kabbalah. That however,
does not mean that he is not here on a Messianic Mission. A lot of
people pave the way for a Messiah to come, and I happen to firmly
believe that the Mormon Church is making great strides in contributing
to that foundation upon which to receive a Messiah. Sun Myung Moon
has also contributed to that foundation.
I think I can say in all honesty and sincerity any person that follows
closely where the Holy Ghost (Shekhinah, Tao) leads them, is also
contributing to that foundation to receive a Messiah.
Richard L. Measures. AG6K, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org