Bruce Daniel
2012-09-21 19:32:02 UTC
Jealousy among the rank and file of the Unification Church is actually
what impeded SMM and others including myself from getting anything
accomplished in providence. Certain members were so Jealous that they would
not only impede the success of others, but would seek to destroy or
eliminate the works of others. SMM with his good intentions could not
muster the strength to oppose the combined force of those fallen members
that held power within the Church. Then you wonder why SMM officially
disbanded the Church, and let the members take it over, even ruin it
as a tool for God's providence here on earth.
Of course SMM being a True Parent wouldn't do anything to stop them even
though he knew what they were doing was improper. It's the Heart of a True
Parent to allow his children to find their own way, even if it killed them
in the process. Including his own biological children. Which for two of
his own children it did kill them. Literally.. must be the hardest
thing a Parent can do is to watch their own children on a path of self
Destruction. Then you wonder why God does not intervene in our lives,
it's because he Loves us, just as a True Father would and should. Your
children gain absolutely NOTHING if you do everything for them. No
lessons are learned, and no Character is built by imposing your will
upon them.
Bruce Daniel
what impeded SMM and others including myself from getting anything
accomplished in providence. Certain members were so Jealous that they would
not only impede the success of others, but would seek to destroy or
eliminate the works of others. SMM with his good intentions could not
muster the strength to oppose the combined force of those fallen members
that held power within the Church. Then you wonder why SMM officially
disbanded the Church, and let the members take it over, even ruin it
as a tool for God's providence here on earth.
Of course SMM being a True Parent wouldn't do anything to stop them even
though he knew what they were doing was improper. It's the Heart of a True
Parent to allow his children to find their own way, even if it killed them
in the process. Including his own biological children. Which for two of
his own children it did kill them. Literally.. must be the hardest
thing a Parent can do is to watch their own children on a path of self
Destruction. Then you wonder why God does not intervene in our lives,
it's because he Loves us, just as a True Father would and should. Your
children gain absolutely NOTHING if you do everything for them. No
lessons are learned, and no Character is built by imposing your will
upon them.
Bruce Daniel