THERE IS NO SIN - Heung Jin Nim: The Purpose of Repentance is Freedom
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Gordon Muir
2012-10-01 22:01:25 UTC
Heung Jin Nim: The Purpose of Repentance is Freedom
I respect Heung Jin Nims good intentions to help people but there is
NO SUCH THING AS SIN,he has been brought up and misled by the
christian control mechanism which the ruling elites have saturated
throughout the world and he is unknowingly misleading others into a
world of fear,guilt,shame,there is only natural good and bad,right and
wrong in Gods world and the Yin and
Yang,positive,negative,night,day,male,female opposites,i have
experienced the bliss of God directly in 1985 and there was no SIN or
fear,guilt,shame,I WAS IN THE NATURAL STATE and at one with God,nature
and the spirit world who along with my dead relatives prepaired the
way for me to meet followers of Rev Moon so i know Rev Moon is some
kind of a messiah,leader of leaders,king of kings but why Rev Moon
wants to revive the ruling elites materialistic fear,guilt,shame
christian control mechanism gives me serious doubts because
The christian control mechanism was manufactured BY THE RULING ELITES
to control the masses as slaves for material power and wealth and to
keep people in ignorance of there true spiritual connection with God
by using psychology to manipulate,decieve,brainwash and control the
masses using fear,guilt and shame.
The ruling elites first demonised and attacked the spiritual people as
being WITCHES and the Vatican who are a creation by the elites were
massively behind the witch hunts to kill off all people connected to
God and the spirit world to dumb the masses down into the 5 sense
physical reality of materialistic consumer mass production turning the
masses into labourers for the elite so they could get wealthy and
build big mansions,palaces,hunting lodges.
The christian control mechanism programmes people to believe there is
SIN by starting a process of demonisation turning one opposite against
another which then makes the so called SIN materialise in peoples
psychology and become a reality SO NOW WE HAVE SIN but its being kept
alive by this psychological control mechanism and mass conformity.
AN EXAMPLE is dark colored and black people were treated as inferior
in the USA up until Martin Luther King,blacks were not allowed to mix
with whites and this was enforced in peoples psychology using fear so
everyone accepted this as normal,Albert Pike was a ruling elite and
was leader of the Free Masons and he formed the Ku Klux Klan to
inforce fear and seperation of blacks and whites,Albert Pike and the
architects of the New World Order.
On paragraph 3 Albert Pike was the leader of the Ku Klux Klan
HALFWAY down page,Illuminati and Albert Pike,a secret society whose
name means "Enlightened Ones,express aim of this Order became to
abolish Christianity,and overturn all civil government.
Nowadays interracial marraige is seen as normal and blacks are no
longer treated as inferior,so the root of the racism was all
psychological,it did not exist in the reality of Gods natural world.
ANOTHER EXAMPLE is if you walk down the road wearing swastikas people
will turn nasty against you because Hitler demonised this symbol but
the Nazis got it from the Theosophical Society symbol and they got it
from the Hindus and eastern asian beliefs who have used the swastika
for at least 4000 years.http://my.telegraph.co.uk/markulyseas/
markulyseas/961/hindu-swastika-confused-with-nazi-swastika/ --
All we have to do is destroy this christian control mechanism and all
demonisation of opposites will CEASE TO EXIST withing a few
generations and people will regain there nature psychological state
and wont want to SIN because the thrill of doing something your not
supposed to do will no longer exist,all SIN and immorality is
psychologicaly created by the existence of authoritative
fear,guilt,shame demonising by christianity and Islam throughout
society causing one opposite to be in an exagerated conflict with the
expensivestone churches in towns and cities worldwide,as symbols of
psycholgical control,THAT DO NOT CONNECT PEOPLE TO GOD.
AN EXAMPLE IS honour killings that psychologicaly brainwash people to
believe its allright to kill members of there own family because they
disagreed with an arranged marraige,this is sick,this is not
Lucifer's World

At 5mins the founder of the Jehovahs Witnesses Charles Taze Russell
was part of the Merovingian bloodline is buried under a small pyramid
in America,Joseph Smith founder of the Mormons is an illuminati front
and he is Merovidian bloodline and Bringham Young succesor to Joseph
Smith was Merovingian bloodline
Jehovah Witness's Gravesite of Charles Taze Russell

Taze Russell memorial Pyramid with a cross inside a crown engraved on
it and is in the grounds of the Free Masons temple building.


This Jewish Rabbi is WRONG,the Free Masons bible is the original
european bible translated from the Egyptian pyramids before other
religions re-interpreted and EDITED it for there own
purposes to control the masses,constantine in year 312 and ruling
elites during the industrial revolution heavily edited the bible which
is basicaly ancient Egyptian history turned into a religion.
The ruling elites are all living it up in the good life while the
masses live in fear,guilt,shame,poverty,constant struggle and the
elites are in the process of destroying all religion and expanding WW3
from the middle east around the world then like the militarisation
during WW2 they will be able to kill millions of people because they
say the number one world problem is OVER POPULATION and they plan to
reduce world population to 500 million people by year 2030 which
involves killing 5 billion people over the next 18 years
using,war,poverty,unemployment,swine flu vaccines to sterilise people
and starvation and Monsanto controling all GMO food and seeds THEN
SLOWLY reducing supply so that people have no way of growing there own
crops this is what Stalin did he was one of the very same ruling
elites,COMMUNISM AND CHISTIANITY are both manufactured by the ruling
elites as mass control mechanisms who created the cold war which was a
GIANT SCAM to create competition between opposites and give Stalin the
excuse to kill millions to reduce population.
The New World Order is to be a high technologicaly scientificaly
controled world with NO RELIGION existing after year 2030,George Bush
senior who Rev Moon was friends with is behind this NWO and i am
hoping Rev Moon persuaded th ruling elites to follow a better more
humane plan for a NWO.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL us!

At 2:20mins elite plan to use neutron bomb on Israel to start WWIII
with Iran,order out of chaos is there motto,New World Order.
George Green is a banker and was a friend with the CIA and world
political leaders says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from 1982-1986
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it through.

Lord Monckton says Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a
communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.
Bruce Daniel
2012-10-02 04:33:32 UTC
You are right Gordon, the term "sin" is a "control" mechanism used by
the elites. Go figure.. ..who is using it and how it is being used.
SMM never taught about "sin".

That should not take away from the fact that "repentance" is important
for forgiveness. Mostly it's an admission of guilt, and helps clear
the conscience. You might say it's the first step towards redemption.

Keep talking Gordon, you are starting to make sense.

Love ya, Bro

Post by Gordon Muir
Heung Jin Nim: The Purpose of Repentance is Freedom
I respect Heung Jin Nims good intentions to help people but there is
NO SUCH THING AS SIN,he has been brought up and misled by the
christian control mechanism which the ruling elites have saturated
throughout the world and he is unknowingly misleading others into a
world of fear,guilt,shame,there is only natural good and bad,right and
wrong in Gods world and the Yin and
Yang,positive,negative,night,day,male,female opposites,i have
experienced the bliss of God directly in 1985 and there was no SIN or
fear,guilt,shame,I WAS IN THE NATURAL STATE and at one with God,nature
and the spirit world who along with my dead relatives prepaired the
way for me to meet followers of Rev Moon so i know Rev Moon is some
kind of a messiah,leader of leaders,king of kings but why Rev Moon
wants to revive the ruling elites materialistic fear,guilt,shame
christian control mechanism gives me serious doubts because
The christian control mechanism was manufactured BY THE RULING ELITES
to control the masses as slaves for material power and wealth and to
keep people in ignorance of there true spiritual connection with God
by using psychology to manipulate,decieve,brainwash and control the
masses using fear,guilt and shame.
The ruling elites first demonised and attacked the spiritual people as
being WITCHES and the Vatican who are a creation by the elites were
massively behind the witch hunts to kill off all people connected to
God and the spirit world to dumb the masses down into the 5 sense
physical reality of materialistic consumer mass production turning the
masses into labourers for the elite so they could get wealthy and
build big mansions,palaces,hunting lodges.
The christian control mechanism programmes people to believe there is
SIN by starting a process of demonisation turning one opposite against
another which then makes the so called SIN materialise in peoples
psychology and become a reality SO NOW WE HAVE SIN but its being kept
alive by this psychological control mechanism and mass conformity.
AN EXAMPLE is dark colored and black people were treated as inferior
in the USA up until Martin Luther King,blacks were not allowed to mix
with whites and this was enforced in peoples psychology using fear so
everyone accepted this as normal,Albert Pike was a ruling elite and
was leader of the Free Masons and he formed the Ku Klux Klan to
inforce fear and seperation of blacks and whites,Albert Pike and the
architects of the New World Order.
On paragraph 3 Albert Pike was the leader of the Ku Klux Klan
HALFWAY down page,Illuminati and Albert Pike,a secret society whose
name means "Enlightened Ones,express aim of this Order became to
abolish Christianity,and overturn all civil government.
Nowadays interracial marraige is seen as normal and blacks are no
longer treated as inferior,so the root of the racism was all
psychological,it did not exist in the reality of Gods natural world.
ANOTHER EXAMPLE is if you walk down the road wearing swastikas people
will turn nasty against you because Hitler demonised this symbol but
the Nazis got it from the Theosophical Society symbol and they got it
from the Hindus and eastern asian beliefs who have used the swastika
for at least 4000 years.http://my.telegraph.co.uk/markulyseas/
markulyseas/961/hindu-swastika-confused-with-nazi-swastika/ --
All we have to do is destroy this christian control mechanism and all
demonisation of opposites will CEASE TO EXIST withing a few
generations and people will regain there nature psychological state
and wont want to SIN because the thrill of doing something your not
supposed to do will no longer exist,all SIN and immorality is
psychologicaly created by the existence of authoritative
fear,guilt,shame demonising by christianity and Islam throughout
society causing one opposite to be in an exagerated conflict with the
expensivestone churches in towns and cities worldwide,as symbols of
psycholgical control,THAT DO NOT CONNECT PEOPLE TO GOD.
AN EXAMPLE IS honour killings that psychologicaly brainwash people to
believe its allright to kill members of there own family because they
disagreed with an arranged marraige,this is sick,this is not
Lucifer's World
At 5mins the founder of the Jehovahs Witnesses Charles Taze Russell
was part of the Merovingian bloodline is buried under a small pyramid
in America,Joseph Smith founder of the Mormons is an illuminati front
and he is Merovidian bloodline and Bringham Young succesor to Joseph
Smith was Merovingian bloodline
Jehovah Witness's Gravesite of Charles Taze Russell
Taze Russell memorial Pyramid with a cross inside a crown engraved on
it and is in the grounds of the Free Masons temple building.
This Jewish Rabbi is WRONG,the Free Masons bible is the original
european bible translated from the Egyptian pyramids before other
religions re-interpreted and EDITED it for there own
purposes to control the masses,constantine in year 312 and ruling
elites during the industrial revolution heavily edited the bible which
is basicaly ancient Egyptian history turned into a religion.
The ruling elites are all living it up in the good life while the
masses live in fear,guilt,shame,poverty,constant struggle and the
elites are in the process of destroying all religion and expanding WW3
from the middle east around the world then like the militarisation
during WW2 they will be able to kill millions of people because they
say the number one world problem is OVER POPULATION and they plan to
reduce world population to 500 million people by year 2030 which
involves killing 5 billion people over the next 18 years
using,war,poverty,unemployment,swine flu vaccines to sterilise people
and starvation and Monsanto controling all GMO food and seeds THEN
SLOWLY reducing supply so that people have no way of growing there own
crops this is what Stalin did he was one of the very same ruling
elites,COMMUNISM AND CHISTIANITY are both manufactured by the ruling
elites as mass control mechanisms who created the cold war which was a
GIANT SCAM to create competition between opposites and give Stalin the
excuse to kill millions to reduce population.
The New World Order is to be a high technologicaly scientificaly
controled world with NO RELIGION existing after year 2030,George Bush
senior who Rev Moon was friends with is behind this NWO and i am
hoping Rev Moon persuaded th ruling elites to follow a better more
humane plan for a NWO.
Georgia Guidestones,standing stones engraved by the global elite
saying they want to depopulate the world population to 500,000.000
George Green Interview - Elites World Depopulation Plans -This is how
they will KILL us!
At 2:20mins elite plan to use neutron bomb on Israel to start WWIII
with Iran,order out of chaos is there motto,New World Order.
George Green is a banker and was a friend with the CIA and world
political leaders says China is presently acquiring all the USA and
Canadian assets and China will be given these countries and USA
citizens will be put in concentration camps then executed just like
the Jews in WWII and Stalins USSR.
Lord Monckton served under Margaret Thatcher from 1982-1986
Obama the NWO criminal is willing to betray all American people was
prevented from signing this evil Copenhagen treaty in 2009 the NWO
elite will try stealth to push it through.
Lord Monckton says Obama is prepaired to sign a treaty to allow a
communist state
dictatorship to take over the USA and will be the start of a communist
military police state One World Government.