I'm a 2nd Generation (Ex) Churchie who desperately needs advice.please help
(too old to reply)
2009-01-16 06:12:52 UTC
Hi everyone. This is my first post. After searching relentlessly for a
message board for ex-moonies, I finally came across this group. Thank

I'm a 23 year old 2nd gen, born and raised all brainwashed and what
not. My parents are active members, as well as some of my siblings,
but I consider myself to be an ex-moonie. I have a huge load of
emotional scars (i think most ex-moonies do), a big interesting story
to tell (especially from the BC stand point), but that isn't what I
want to discuss at the moment. I have a time sensitive dilemma.

My family doesn't know I'm an ex-moonie. None of my contacts and BC's
in the church know I'm an ex-moonie. I've been hiding it for 5 years.
I've always tried so hard to please them and stay true to myself, so
I've been hiding it steel tight within me, but I'm at this point where
I can not postpone any longer. i've dug myself in a tremendously large
hole. Now, due to circumstances which i will explain, i have come to
the point in my life that I have been dreading where I need to reveal
myself to my parents.

My parents are desperately trying to get me matched. ever since
reverend moon said the "ideal window" for the blessing is between
17-23, my parents have been pestering me since middle school. unlike
less active members of the church, my parents are very very strict to
the rules. To give you a sense of just how devoted they are, they were
so desperate to get me to go to STF that at the end of high school
they kidnapped me from an airport and drove me to the STF starting
workshop, pretended to be me in a letter that withdrew my acceptance
into college, and told me that all of my college funds would be
withheld if i didn't go. This is just one of many examples of simply
how they extreme they are to make sure i do what reverend moon says.

Thats one reason Ive been hiding it. My parents are so extreme. I dont
want them to kick me out of the family, use harsh tactics to try to
make my life too miserable without them, and even worse, I don't want
them to kidnap me again and send me somewhere.

Another reason is that my younger brother announced his disbelief in
the church. He was kicked out, and I see the way they treat him and
ostracize him, and I also see just how hurt my parents are, thinking
that he will rot in hell, trying to convince themselves there is still
something they can do to bring him back. Its all so terrible.

Back to the topic of the blessing. The reason why I must reveal my
true self to my parents very soon is because they are dead set on
getting me matched to a specific young man. My parents talked to the
parents of this young man and again, posing as me, told the family I
was interested and that I wanted to start communicating and to start
the process. I didn't find out about all this or the guy until about a
month ago, when my mother accidently forwarded me a chain of
correspondence emails, thinking it was just one email. What I used to
do is say silly things like "Ugh, he has a weird nose" or "I'm too
busy with school work to even think about guys now!" and too much time
elapses where my parents are waiting for my response and the guy's
family becomes disinterested. But they are pressuring me like never
before, they are pushing me in a little corner, and when i told my
mother I outright disliked the young man, she didnt flinch and kept
pressuring me to fill out these forms. She has set the deadline for
these forms to be done the 31st of January, the day after I take my
MCAT exam (which is my only saving cover right now).

I feel I am out of excuses, and there is no way to smart talk my way
out of this.

What's even worse, I have a boyfriend (of 2 years), which my parents
also don't know about.

Any advice as to how I should proceed would be great. Resources as
well. Is there anything I can do to protect myself from being
kidnapped? They know where I live. Also, if anyone here is a 2nd gen
ex-BC, please please contact me.
2009-01-19 09:09:24 UTC
I would like to respond to your post from the perspective of a blessed
ex-member with 2nd generation children. Your situation probably isn't
unique in the fact that your parents want the best for you. They just
happen to believe that your eternal life depends on your participation
in the blessing. I would council you the same way that I do my own
daughter who's mother is also insistant upon her "choosing" the
blessing. You should respect and honor the wishes of your parents as
an expression of thier heart. Beyond that your choices as an adult are
your own and it isn't likely that they, Rev. Moon or anyone else will
be willing or able to bear responsibility for the consequences of your
choices. Go ahead and humor them and meet the guy. What harm could
come from it? He may turn out to be a terrific match. Nobody can force
you to marry someone you don't love or respect without your consent. I
get the sense that there isn't a lot of honesty in your relationship
with your parents and vice versa. This may be your best opportunity to
come clean about your boyfriend and clear up thier underhanded tactics
to get you to conform with the church. Perhaps you need to resolve
something in your relationship with your parents before you make any
further commitments. I always encourage my daughter to focus on her
education now while she is young because after marriage your life
tends to get very complicated with your obligations to others.
Husbands and children have a way of imposing thier priorities upon you
whether you are ready or not. Especially since you probably aren't
sitting on a huge trust fund like Moon's children. I was pleasantly
surprized to hear some extraordinary practical insights on the
blessing recently from none other than In Jin Moon. It seems that the
requirements for the blessing are becoming more accommodating for each
individual members situation. You may be able to have your cake and
eat it yet. Does that mean you and your prospective mate still have to
declare unquestioned fealty to Moon and his family? No. Marriage is
indeed a blessing and deserves to be idealized. The sanctity of your
love and union is ultimately between you and the almighty. There is
nothing that Moon with his numerous marriages can do to add or detract
from that reality. Keep you options open and trust that God wants us
to be happy. Oh yeah, and take care of your parents, thier all you've
got in this world.
Post by 2ndGeneration
Hi everyone. This is my first post. After searching relentlessly for a
message board for ex-moonies, I finally came across this group. Thank
I'm a 23 year old 2nd gen, born and raised all brainwashed and what
not. My parents are active members, as well as some of my siblings,
but I consider myself to be an ex-moonie. I have a huge load of
emotional scars (i think most ex-moonies do), a big interesting story
to tell (especially from the BC stand point), but that isn't what I
want to discuss at the moment. I have a time sensitive dilemma.
My family doesn't know I'm an ex-moonie. None of my contacts and BC's
in the church know I'm an ex-moonie. I've been hiding it for 5 years.
I've always tried so hard to please them and stay true to myself, so
I've been hiding it steel tight within me, but I'm at this point where
I can not postpone any longer. i've dug myself in a tremendously large
hole. Now, due to circumstances which i will explain, i have come to
the point in my life that I have been dreading where I need to reveal
myself to my parents.
My parents are desperately trying to get me matched. ever since
reverend moon said the "ideal window" for the blessing is between
17-23, my parents have been pestering me since middle school. unlike
less active members of the church, my parents are very very strict to
the rules. To give you a sense of just how devoted they are, they were
so desperate to get me to go to STF that at the end of high school
they kidnapped me from an airport and drove me to the STF starting
workshop, pretended to be me in a letter that withdrew my acceptance
into college, and told me that all of my college funds would be
withheld if i didn't go. This is just one of many examples of simply
how they extreme they are to make sure i do what reverend moon says.
Thats one reason Ive been hiding it. My parents are so extreme. I dont
want them to kick me out of the family, use harsh tactics to try to
make my life too miserable without them, and even worse, I don't want
them to kidnap me again and send me somewhere.
Another reason is that my younger brother announced his disbelief in
the church. He was kicked out, and I see the way they treat him and
ostracize him, and I also see just how hurt my parents are, thinking
that he will rot in hell, trying to convince themselves there is still
something they can do to bring him back. Its all so terrible.
Back to the topic of the blessing. The reason why I must reveal my
true self to my parents very soon is because they are dead set on
getting me matched to a specific young man. My parents talked to the
parents of this young man and again, posing as me, told the family I
was interested and that I wanted to start communicating and to start
the process. I didn't find out about all this or the guy until about a
month ago, when my mother accidently forwarded me a chain of
correspondence emails, thinking it was just one email. What I used to
do is say silly things like "Ugh, he has a weird nose" or "I'm too
busy with school work to even think about guys now!" and too much time
elapses where my parents are waiting for my response and the guy's
family becomes disinterested. But they are pressuring me like never
before, they are pushing me in a little corner, and when i told my
mother I outright disliked the young man, she didnt flinch and kept
pressuring me to fill out these forms. She has set the deadline for
these forms to be done the 31st of January, the day after I take my
MCAT exam (which is my only saving cover right now).
I feel I am out of excuses, and there is no way to smart talk my way
out of this.
What's even worse, I have a boyfriend (of 2 years), which my parents
also don't know about.
Any advice as to how I should proceed would be great. Resources as
well. Is there anything I can do to protect myself from being
kidnapped? They know where I live. Also, if anyone here is a 2nd gen
ex-BC, please please contact me.
2012-06-17 17:53:55 UTC
I was wondering if this post was still active.
I'm very interested in what happened to the original poster because I'm currently in a situation where my boyfriend is going through the exact same thing. I am not a moonie and never heard of it until I met him.
If someone would be able to respond back, I'd greatly appreciate it!
2014-01-15 05:28:35 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
I was wondering if this post was still active.
I'm very interested in what happened to the original poster because I'm currently in a situation where my boyfriend is going through the exact same thing. I am not a moonie and never heard of it until I met him.
If someone would be able to respond back, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Looks like no one has responded to this thread in a while, I have no idea what happened to the original poster but I hope everything worked out well with your boyfriend. just happened to come across this blog so I thought I might as well post, having also grown up in the UC.
2015-10-31 02:20:34 UTC
Hello, I am a 2nd gen ex-moonie who is seeking other ex-moonies to talk with and communicate experiences with. I recently left the church and it is hard to find anyone who is an actual ex-member (meaning they are completely cut off from the church) and is somewhat sane about their cult experience. I am sending out this message in hopes to find someone, because there is no clear way to communicate to other ex-members. Most of them seem to be hidden. Please respond if you are interested, thank you.
Post by Frank
I would like to respond to your post from the perspective of a blessed
ex-member with 2nd generation children. Your situation probably isn't
unique in the fact that your parents want the best for you. They just
happen to believe that your eternal life depends on your participation
in the blessing. I would council you the same way that I do my own
daughter who's mother is also insistant upon her "choosing" the
blessing. You should respect and honor the wishes of your parents as
an expression of thier heart. Beyond that your choices as an adult are
your own and it isn't likely that they, Rev. Moon or anyone else will
be willing or able to bear responsibility for the consequences of your
choices. Go ahead and humor them and meet the guy. What harm could
come from it? He may turn out to be a terrific match. Nobody can force
you to marry someone you don't love or respect without your consent. I
get the sense that there isn't a lot of honesty in your relationship
with your parents and vice versa. This may be your best opportunity to
come clean about your boyfriend and clear up thier underhanded tactics
to get you to conform with the church. Perhaps you need to resolve
something in your relationship with your parents before you make any
further commitments. I always encourage my daughter to focus on her
education now while she is young because after marriage your life
tends to get very complicated with your obligations to others.
Husbands and children have a way of imposing thier priorities upon you
whether you are ready or not. Especially since you probably aren't
sitting on a huge trust fund like Moon's children. I was pleasantly
surprized to hear some extraordinary practical insights on the
blessing recently from none other than In Jin Moon. It seems that the
requirements for the blessing are becoming more accommodating for each
individual members situation. You may be able to have your cake and
eat it yet. Does that mean you and your prospective mate still have to
declare unquestioned fealty to Moon and his family? No. Marriage is
indeed a blessing and deserves to be idealized. The sanctity of your
love and union is ultimately between you and the almighty. There is
nothing that Moon with his numerous marriages can do to add or detract
from that reality. Keep you options open and trust that God wants us
to be happy. Oh yeah, and take care of your parents, thier all you've
got in this world.
Post by 2ndGeneration
Hi everyone. This is my first post. After searching relentlessly for a
message board for ex-moonies, I finally came across this group. Thank
I'm a 23 year old 2nd gen, born and raised all brainwashed and what
not. My parents are active members, as well as some of my siblings,
but I consider myself to be an ex-moonie. I have a huge load of
emotional scars (i think most ex-moonies do), a big interesting story
to tell (especially from the BC stand point), but that isn't what I
want to discuss at the moment. I have a time sensitive dilemma.
My family doesn't know I'm an ex-moonie. None of my contacts and BC's
in the church know I'm an ex-moonie. I've been hiding it for 5 years.
I've always tried so hard to please them and stay true to myself, so
I've been hiding it steel tight within me, but I'm at this point where
I can not postpone any longer. i've dug myself in a tremendously large
hole. Now, due to circumstances which i will explain, i have come to
the point in my life that I have been dreading where I need to reveal
myself to my parents.
My parents are desperately trying to get me matched. ever since
reverend moon said the "ideal window" for the blessing is between
17-23, my parents have been pestering me since middle school. unlike
less active members of the church, my parents are very very strict to
the rules. To give you a sense of just how devoted they are, they were
so desperate to get me to go to STF that at the end of high school
they kidnapped me from an airport and drove me to the STF starting
workshop, pretended to be me in a letter that withdrew my acceptance
into college, and told me that all of my college funds would be
withheld if i didn't go. This is just one of many examples of simply
how they extreme they are to make sure i do what reverend moon says.
Thats one reason Ive been hiding it. My parents are so extreme. I dont
want them to kick me out of the family, use harsh tactics to try to
make my life too miserable without them, and even worse, I don't want
them to kidnap me again and send me somewhere.
Another reason is that my younger brother announced his disbelief in
the church. He was kicked out, and I see the way they treat him and
ostracize him, and I also see just how hurt my parents are, thinking
that he will rot in hell, trying to convince themselves there is still
something they can do to bring him back. Its all so terrible.
Back to the topic of the blessing. The reason why I must reveal my
true self to my parents very soon is because they are dead set on
getting me matched to a specific young man. My parents talked to the
parents of this young man and again, posing as me, told the family I
was interested and that I wanted to start communicating and to start
the process. I didn't find out about all this or the guy until about a
month ago, when my mother accidently forwarded me a chain of
correspondence emails, thinking it was just one email. What I used to
do is say silly things like "Ugh, he has a weird nose" or "I'm too
busy with school work to even think about guys now!" and too much time
elapses where my parents are waiting for my response and the guy's
family becomes disinterested. But they are pressuring me like never
before, they are pushing me in a little corner, and when i told my
mother I outright disliked the young man, she didnt flinch and kept
pressuring me to fill out these forms. She has set the deadline for
these forms to be done the 31st of January, the day after I take my
MCAT exam (which is my only saving cover right now).
I feel I am out of excuses, and there is no way to smart talk my way
out of this.
What's even worse, I have a boyfriend (of 2 years), which my parents
also don't know about.
Any advice as to how I should proceed would be great. Resources as
well. Is there anything I can do to protect myself from being
kidnapped? They know where I live. Also, if anyone here is a 2nd gen
ex-BC, please please contact me.
2016-04-21 15:40:46 UTC
Post by displayname
Hello, I am a 2nd gen ex-moonie who is seeking other ex-moonies to talk with and communicate experiences with. I recently left the church and it is hard to find anyone who is an actual ex-member (meaning they are completely cut off from the church) and is somewhat sane about their cult experience. I am sending out this message in hopes to find someone, because there is no clear way to communicate to other ex-members. Most of them seem to be hidden. Please respond if you are interested, thank you.
Post by Frank
I would like to respond to your post from the perspective of a blessed
ex-member with 2nd generation children. Your situation probably isn't
unique in the fact that your parents want the best for you. They just
happen to believe that your eternal life depends on your participation
in the blessing. I would council you the same way that I do my own
daughter who's mother is also insistant upon her "choosing" the
blessing. You should respect and honor the wishes of your parents as
an expression of thier heart. Beyond that your choices as an adult are
your own and it isn't likely that they, Rev. Moon or anyone else will
be willing or able to bear responsibility for the consequences of your
choices. Go ahead and humor them and meet the guy. What harm could
come from it? He may turn out to be a terrific match. Nobody can force
you to marry someone you don't love or respect without your consent. I
get the sense that there isn't a lot of honesty in your relationship
with your parents and vice versa. This may be your best opportunity to
come clean about your boyfriend and clear up thier underhanded tactics
to get you to conform with the church. Perhaps you need to resolve
something in your relationship with your parents before you make any
further commitments. I always encourage my daughter to focus on her
education now while she is young because after marriage your life
tends to get very complicated with your obligations to others.
Husbands and children have a way of imposing thier priorities upon you
whether you are ready or not. Especially since you probably aren't
sitting on a huge trust fund like Moon's children. I was pleasantly
surprized to hear some extraordinary practical insights on the
blessing recently from none other than In Jin Moon. It seems that the
requirements for the blessing are becoming more accommodating for each
individual members situation. You may be able to have your cake and
eat it yet. Does that mean you and your prospective mate still have to
declare unquestioned fealty to Moon and his family? No. Marriage is
indeed a blessing and deserves to be idealized. The sanctity of your
love and union is ultimately between you and the almighty. There is
nothing that Moon with his numerous marriages can do to add or detract
from that reality. Keep you options open and trust that God wants us
to be happy. Oh yeah, and take care of your parents, thier all you've
got in this world.
Post by 2ndGeneration
Hi everyone. This is my first post. After searching relentlessly for a
message board for ex-moonies, I finally came across this group. Thank
I'm a 23 year old 2nd gen, born and raised all brainwashed and what
not. My parents are active members, as well as some of my siblings,
but I consider myself to be an ex-moonie. I have a huge load of
emotional scars (i think most ex-moonies do), a big interesting story
to tell (especially from the BC stand point), but that isn't what I
want to discuss at the moment. I have a time sensitive dilemma.
My family doesn't know I'm an ex-moonie. None of my contacts and BC's
in the church know I'm an ex-moonie. I've been hiding it for 5 years.
I've always tried so hard to please them and stay true to myself, so
I've been hiding it steel tight within me, but I'm at this point where
I can not postpone any longer. i've dug myself in a tremendously large
hole. Now, due to circumstances which i will explain, i have come to
the point in my life that I have been dreading where I need to reveal
myself to my parents.
My parents are desperately trying to get me matched. ever since
reverend moon said the "ideal window" for the blessing is between
17-23, my parents have been pestering me since middle school. unlike
less active members of the church, my parents are very very strict to
the rules. To give you a sense of just how devoted they are, they were
so desperate to get me to go to STF that at the end of high school
they kidnapped me from an airport and drove me to the STF starting
workshop, pretended to be me in a letter that withdrew my acceptance
into college, and told me that all of my college funds would be
withheld if i didn't go. This is just one of many examples of simply
how they extreme they are to make sure i do what reverend moon says.
Thats one reason Ive been hiding it. My parents are so extreme. I dont
want them to kick me out of the family, use harsh tactics to try to
make my life too miserable without them, and even worse, I don't want
them to kidnap me again and send me somewhere.
Another reason is that my younger brother announced his disbelief in
the church. He was kicked out, and I see the way they treat him and
ostracize him, and I also see just how hurt my parents are, thinking
that he will rot in hell, trying to convince themselves there is still
something they can do to bring him back. Its all so terrible.
Back to the topic of the blessing. The reason why I must reveal my
true self to my parents very soon is because they are dead set on
getting me matched to a specific young man. My parents talked to the
parents of this young man and again, posing as me, told the family I
was interested and that I wanted to start communicating and to start
the process. I didn't find out about all this or the guy until about a
month ago, when my mother accidently forwarded me a chain of
correspondence emails, thinking it was just one email. What I used to
do is say silly things like "Ugh, he has a weird nose" or "I'm too
busy with school work to even think about guys now!" and too much time
elapses where my parents are waiting for my response and the guy's
family becomes disinterested. But they are pressuring me like never
before, they are pushing me in a little corner, and when i told my
mother I outright disliked the young man, she didnt flinch and kept
pressuring me to fill out these forms. She has set the deadline for
these forms to be done the 31st of January, the day after I take my
MCAT exam (which is my only saving cover right now).
I feel I am out of excuses, and there is no way to smart talk my way
out of this.
What's even worse, I have a boyfriend (of 2 years), which my parents
also don't know about.
Any advice as to how I should proceed would be great. Resources as
well. Is there anything I can do to protect myself from being
kidnapped? They know where I live. Also, if anyone here is a 2nd gen
ex-BC, please please contact me.
You can find me on facebook. Hye Sung is my name.

2009-01-21 18:12:55 UTC
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