John Reed's Brief But Revealing History of the Schisms
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2015-03-15 07:27:49 UTC
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The schisms are more like a struggle for succession and authority within the Moon family and their in-laws, as well as influences from people around them that seek to benefit from the dysfunction. So in my view they are more about pride than theology. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pride

It all started in a galaxy far away, long ago....

Some udda brudda had just died (March 17, 2008) and four months later there was a near fatal helicopter crash on July 19, 2008 involving Moon snr.

Soon after that, in August 2008, In-jin took over the leadership of the American church by replacing several of the board members with her own people in a coup which was supported by her brothers Kook-jin and Hyung-jin. In February 2009 Hyun-jin made an unsuccessful attempt to take over the board of HSA-UWC USA by challenging In-jin's appointments.

In August 2009 Hyun-jin moved to take over the board of UCI (Unification Church International, the church's corporate holding company which controlled its major assets) and fired board members and replaced them with people from his own clan.

On March 8, 2010 there was a message 'from the spirit world' created by Peter Kim and others that named Hyung-jin as the successor instead of Hyun-jin at the Pine Ridge Golf Resort on Korea's east coast near a place called Sok-cho. The message was read to Moon by Chang Shik Yang - see link below - Moon asked him to read it when Hyo-nam Kim hid and refused to come forward. There is an audio recording of this meeting. So there you have the makings of a conspiracy of persons to place Hyung-jin in charge.

In mid-2010 Chung-hwan Kwak, Hyun-jin's father-in-law, allied himself with Hyun-jin and together they became known as the Kwak group.

There was a campaign to get the church members to be loyal to the Hyung-jin faction. The majority came on board, and Hyun-jin was demonized and cast out of the frame.

On May 31, 2010 Hyun-jin made a serious mistake by threatening and kicking a church leader in Brazil, South America, on camera, and a six minute clip was used to further discredit him and alienate him from the church community.

Then you could say that the schism became official on June 5, 2010 when there was the famous declaration of 'Heretic and Destroyer' from Moon, prompted by his wife and Hyung-jin. This was captured on a cell phone and given wide circulation. Moon's words were: "The representative and the inheritor is Moon, Hyung Jin. The others - who say they are inheritors - are the heretic and the destroyer. The content above is the proclamation of True Parents."

Hoon Dok Hae, November 18, 2010

After Moon's death on September 3, 2012, his widow, Hak Ja Han, moved quickly to consolidate her position as the sole authority.

Then at the beginning of 2015 Hyung-jin started challenging the church leadership by attempting to exert his authority as successor and firing all the leaders. The church reacted with a statement issued by three of the top American leaders that they only recognize the authority of the Mother (True Parents) and haven't complied.

Are you still awake? ;)

There is also another challenge of authority from Hyo-nam Kim who is seen to be influencing the Mother for her own self interest. So you have all this struggling over position, power, and wealth and jockeying for positions of authority in order to control everything.

Personally I think it is more about authority than theology, although Hyung-jin is using the desecration of his father's theology as an argument against his mother and those people of influence around her. So the same declaration he helped create is coming full circle and he now faces the same judgement as being a 'Heretic and Destroyer' - something he accuses the church leaders and his mother of doing as well.

Hyung-jin has a theological argument that his father is the absolute subject over the Mother. The Mother and her supporters claim that she has authority because she is an equal partner in the true parents. People around her encourage her to think she is God. Moon proclaimed that he and his wife were the substantial body of God in a shamanistic ceremony held on January 13, 2001 at Cheongpyeong. Moon later proclaimed 'Foundation Day' would be January 13, 2013, exactly twelve years following his own deification.

Sorry for the long winded explanation but there you have it as best as I can relate it. Just remember that it's a power struggle and the Christian concept of sinful pride, or hubris, is a surprising factor in the dynamics of it all. There is so much more but basically there have been two events of schism within the Moon family - Hyun-jin from his father and now Hyung-jin, with his brother Kook-jin, from their mother. First in 2010 and now in 2015.

Moon: "they are trying to betray me, they want a total takeover."
Rev. Yong An Kwon gave a report from Hoon Dok Hae, November 18, 2010 at 5:00 a.m., at the Cheongpyeong Palace (Cheon Jeong Goong).

Consequences of the false spirit world message

Did Peter Kim and Dr. Yang present a fake spirit world message to True Father?

The Coronation Ceremony of the Kingship of God (January 2001)

Moon as San shin, the shaman mountain god

Hyung Jin Moon's Sanctuary Church:
https://www.facebook.com Newfoundland Sanctuary Church
2015-03-15 08:29:08 UTC
try again

first time he called himself God was 1989.
